Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

Improvement of intraoperative care through technological progress in neurosurgery

VESNA Svirčević1

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

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Intraoperative care for the patient is carried out from the moment the patient is admitted to the operating room until the transfer of the patient after the operation to the recovery room. The methods and procedures that are today in daily use for the implementation of intraoperative care are extremely complex and require operating nurses to have the knowledge of special clinical skills and the highly sophisticated computerized devices used in neurosurgery.

Neurosurgical treatment and its results are increasingly based on high technology and the philosophy of “minimally invasive neurosurgery”. It made it possible to carry out the surgical treatments in a much faster and safer way for the patients. The main task and the activity of the nurse is to take care of the patient’s safety in the operating room environment, so that the surgical procedure can take place safely and without complications. This security has certainly been improved by the integrated operating room, which is characterized by numerous functionalities, from the most technologically advanced devices to the system for storing documentation related to the data of the patients, such as image and video materials of the operation itself, while respecting high standards of the data protection.

Technological changes and progress in the medicine demands from the nurses lifelong learning as the only way to keep up with the changes.


  1. Department of Neurosurgery, UHC Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia

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