Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Hungarian Nurses Day]

TISÓCZKI Evelin1,2, BALOGH Zoltán3,4

MARCH 31, 2022

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2022;35(1)


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[On February 19, 2022 We celebrate the 205th anniversary of the birth of the first national matronage (head nurse), Zsuzsanna Kossuth. Zsuzsanna Kossuth was characterized by a high degree of empathy, self-sacrifice, exemplary behaviour, and professionalism. She laid the foundation for the processes of nursing and patient care and performed outstanding professional work throughout his life. She made no distinction between man and man, she only saw the suffering patient, in every soldier and injured. She sacrificed his life for his profession. The Hungarian Nursing Association founded the Zsuzsanna Kossuth commemorative medal in 1998, the year of the 150th anniversary of the War of Independence, which is donated every year on February 19.]


  1. Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola
  2. Pest Megyei Flór Ferenc Kórház
  3. Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségtudományi Kar
  4. Magyar Egészségügyi Szakdolgozói Kamara



Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Correlations Between Burnout and Socio-demographic and Workplace Related Factors Among Health-care Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemics]


[The present study aimed to assess the level of burn-out among health-care workers in 2020 and its correlations with socio-demographic and workplace related factors. The cross-sectional study was conducted by the means of a self-constructed online survey in the beginning of 2021. The responses of 1965 people were analysed with the help of SPSS 23.0. Descriptive statistics, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis probes were run (p<0.05). Severe burnout was present in 46.7% of the responders. Age, marital status, type of health-care provided and years spent in the health-care system didn’t show any correlation with burnout. Unsure vision, opinion about salary raise and uncertainty at the workplace influenced the level of burnout significantly (p<0.000). The mental health of health-care workers is in continuous decline, in which the COVID-19 pandemic might play a big role. People with worse mental health feel more uncertain regarding their future and job; this might make providing health-care more and more difficult.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Operational Efficiency Investigation from APN Perioperative Perspective]


[In the healthcare system operating theatres have to put great emphasis on quality work, patient safety and efficiency as well, and to achieve this, optimal utilization of theatres is extremely important. The results of researches in this topic in Hungarian and international literature draw attention to a lot of aspects. The study of perioperative periods, and the evaluation of the analysed processes show that theatres could be operated more effectively. As a result of this, more operations could be carried out and waiting time would also reduce. In order to increase the efficiency of the processes, APNs can play a prominent role at several points. According to the experience, the number of people using health care and the number of people waiting for surgery is increasing, which is further increased by the development of the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic. Thereby, patients are not satisfied with the service. The work of APNs would also help increasing the contentment of patients during the operation procedures. Taking advantage of the multifunctional role of the nurse due to her knowledge and training, she actively participates in the operation, in the smooth running of the scheduled daily surgical program and contributes to the reduction of the number of missed, planned surgeries.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing Quality of life of Women with Cervical Cancer After Treatment]


[To assess sexual function, functionality and quality of life in women with cervical cancer. Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, non-random, purposive sampling of women (N=91) with FIGO stage I/II/III cervical cancer, more than 5 months after last treatment. The study used standard questionnaires with self-designed questions. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel, descriptive and mathematical statistics (p<0.05). Completers who received radiotherapy scored significantly higher in functional status (p<0.05) and emotional function than those who did not receive radiotherapy (p<0.05). Completers with lower levels of emotional well-being were significantly more likely to have lower levels of sexual function and higher levels of gynaecological problems (p<0.05). Women affected by cervical cancer often experience somatic and psychological disturbances that reflect on quality of life associated with the disease and treatment.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing Nurses’ Knowledge of Surgical Wound Care, Complications and Knowledge of Bandages]


[Aim of our research was to assess the knowledge of nurses working in surgical departments about surgical wound treatment, phases of wound healing, its complications, and intelligent bandages. Our quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive examination was carried out in a hospital in Transdanubia with non-random, expert sampling and a self-made questionnaire. Our target group was nurses working in the surgical departments of the hospital (N=85). During the data analysis, the descriptive statistical methods of MS Office Excel 2016 software were calculated: mean, standard deviation, frequency. A χ2-test was used to examine the relationship between variables (p <0.05). Knowledge of bandages was not affected by educational attainment (p>0.05). Those who perform wound care in their daily work have more knowledge about the wound treatment sequence of the wounds that are primarily healing, as well as about intelligent dressings (p<0.1). For the classes, there was a significance for the recognition of complicated wounds, knowledge of the benefit of the absorbable suture and the use of analgesic procedures (p<0.001). In the interests of patient safety, nurses’ knowledge of wound treatment needs to be continuously improved. It is necessary to provide an accessible source of information and further training.]

All articles in the issue

Related contents

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Simulation in the Practical Training of Nurses]


[The field of healthcare is constantly developing, and the role of nurses is of paramount importance in the optimal care and treatment of patients. Practical education for nurses is essential to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to provide complex health care to patients. However, traditional hands-on teaching methods are time-consuming and sometimes offer limited opportunities to practice in varied and critical clinical situations.
This article reviews the place and benefits of simulation in the practical education of nurses. The simulation gives nurses the opportunity to practice handling different cases in a realistic, controlled environment, thus improving their decision-making skills and communication skills. After a brief historical overview, it will be presented what types of simulation tools and methods are available for the practical education of nurses and how they support the students’ knowledge acquisition and development.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Legacy of Juan de Dios at the Dawn of Modern Nursing]

HEGYI Viola Katalin

[The aim of this paper is to provide information on the history and cultural context of the work of Saint John of God, who became the patron saint of nurses and health workers. Sixteenth-century Spain served as a cradle for the innovations of Saint John and his followers, who established hospitals and provided care for the sick and the poor at a time when the Church was immersed in theological debates and thus seemed to forget one of its main missions: humanitarian and charitable aid to those most in need. The development of the Hospitaller Order’s nursing and health care practices, far ahead of its time, including the implementation of rules and regulations for hospitals and the extraordinary training of health professionals, is analysed. The continued work of the Religious of St. John of God, who operate health care and social service institutions in more than 50 countries today, is highlighted. Overall, we wish to provide a historical and cultural overview of the role of nursing and health care in society in the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. For this purpose, an analysis of the corresponding medieval and contemporary historical literature has been carried out beforehand.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Special Nursing Issues of Long-term Central Venous Cannula (port-a-cath) in Pediatric Care]

STREHÓ Virgínia

[Approximately 250-300 new paediatric cancer patients are diagnosed in Hungary every year. Due to the long-term treatment and to avoid frequent piercing of peripheral veins, long-term venous access (port-a-cath) is needed. These catheters are used in chemotherapy, cytostatic dilution therapy and palliative situations. Port-a-cath improves quality of life. The purpose of the study is to promote safe patient care by developing uniform guidelines.

I primarily used publications and guidelines published between 2018-2023, searching for uniform procedures and protocols related to the provision of port-a-cath.

The examination revealed that in modern care there are discrepancies and deficiencies in the care and management of these devices, which can lead to the development of catheter-related complications (e.g. CLABSI).

To provide safe patient care and to avoid complications, nurses need to be aware of important definitions and the correct procedure, which requires uniform guidelines.]