Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Special Nursing Issues of Long-term Central Venous Cannula (port-a-cath) in Pediatric Care]

STREHÓ Virgínia1

JULY 01, 2024

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2024;37(03)


Journal Article

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[Approximately 250-300 new paediatric cancer patients are diagnosed in Hungary every year. Due to the long-term treatment and to avoid frequent piercing of peripheral veins, long-term venous access (port-a-cath) is needed. These catheters are used in chemotherapy, cytostatic dilution therapy and palliative situations. Port-a-cath improves quality of life. The purpose of the study is to promote safe patient care by developing uniform guidelines.

I primarily used publications and guidelines published between 2018-2023, searching for uniform procedures and protocols related to the provision of port-a-cath.

The examination revealed that in modern care there are discrepancies and deficiencies in the care and management of these devices, which can lead to the development of catheter-related complications (e.g. CLABSI).

To provide safe patient care and to avoid complications, nurses need to be aware of important definitions and the correct procedure, which requires uniform guidelines.]


  1. Heim Pál Országos Gyermekgyógyászati Intézet központi műtő, SE-INK Gyermekosztály

Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Breastfeeding Support in Postpartum care Units]


[Assess the quality and effectiveness of breastfeeding support in hospitals, and mothers’ satisfaction with the support they receive. Examine the relationship between the support provided by healthcare professionals and the success of breastfeeding and formula feeding. 

The study was conducted using an internet-based, self-completed survey. 264 mothers took part in the research, who had given birth in Hungarian hospitals, from different parts of the country.

Based on the mothers’ experiences, the quality of breastfeeding support provided in hospitals is often inadequate and many cases mothers receive no help at all or not receive inadequate support to initiate breastfeeding. This can have a number of negative consequences, as insufficient support can contribute to premature cessation of breastfeeding and to the use of infant formula.

Providing appropriate professional support in the postpartum period is essential for the healthy development of children, therefore improvements and changes are needed in the field of hospital breastfeeding support.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Recognition of Sepsis Presenting with Atypical Symptoms, in Hemodynamically Stable Patients]

MÁTÉ-PÓHR Kitti, HANESS János, PRUGBERGER József, KÖCSE Tamás, KOVÁCS István, PAKAI Annamária

[The prevalence of asymptomatic, haemodynamically stable, septic, elderly patients in oxyological care is considerable. Our aim was to describe the prevalence, sociodemographic cha­rac­teristics, triage category, disposition, and lactate level of these patients.


Our research method was a quanitative, retrospective document analysis. Our sample group consisted of patients treated for sepsis between 01/01/2024 and 29/02/2024, aged 65 years or older, with atypical symptoms (n=103).


Septicaemia BNO-code, 44.23% of patients diagnosed with septicaemia had elderly, cardiorespiratory stable, asymptomatic sepsis. The study found that residents of social institutions had a significantly higher proportion of deaths from sepsis (p=0.004). We found that the group of triage categories that were re-generated based on NEWS scores was significantly lower (p=0.000).

Asymptomatic sepsis in old age is a major disease process with a high mortality rate. The development of a standardised care protocol could be useful.


Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[From Sister to Nurse – Etymology of the Word ’Nővér’ in Hungarian]


[This article discusses the etymology of the Hungarian word ‘nővér’ (sister, nurse). This word means a female sibling (‘woman+blood’), and its meaning later expanded to mean a sister (nun) in a religious order (from the Latin soror). Its usage to denote a woman tending to the sick derives from the fact that this job was done by nuns. In modern usage, members of the nursing personnel continue to be addressed as “nővér” (sister), although men have also appeared in their ranks in large numbers, but in the official job description they are referred to as “ápoló” (nurse).]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[A brief Introduction to the Concepts related to Telemedicina and a Review of International Experience in the Practical Application of Telephysiotherapy]

BACSKAI Katalin, NAGY Helga, LÁM Judit

[The events of the SARS-COV-19 pandemic have highlighted the need to focus on a number of tools and methods to improve the delivery of healthcare. Telemedicine can help in this innovation. The use of telemedicine during the Covid-19 pandemic was new in our country, but has long been used abroad. International experience, as well as that we gained during the covid pandemic, shows that the methodology is worth using in the domestic health care system in the future.  The primary aim of this paper is to introduce the concepts related to telehealth. A sub-objective is to briefly review international practice. With our study we want to help to increase the knowledge of health professionals about telemedicine.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Work-life Balance among Healthcare Professionals]

HIRDI László Roland, BALOGH Zoltán

[The aim of the research was to examine how well healthcare professionals can balance their work and personal life. The study also looked into the current health status, overall well-being, and satisfaction with life and work of the professionals.

The cross-sectional study was conducted among Hungarian healthcare professionals between February 18 and March 10, 2024, using simple random sampling technique. Data collection was done through a web-based anonymous, self-administered questionnaire application. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 25.0 statistical software with the application of the Chi-square test. The significance level was set at p≤0.05.

A total of 224 individuals completed the survey. Their average age was 49.99 (±9.49) years and 93.8% of them were female. In the work-family conflict scale, respondents scored an average of 10.96 (±3.04) points on the ’Work-to-Family Conflict’ subscale, while they scored an average of 5.9 (±2.2) points on the ’Family-to-Work Conflict’ subscale. On average, the healthcare professionalss rated their health status as 3.48, and 59.4% of them have chronic illnesses.

The results point to the importance for healthcare organizations to address the work-life balance of healthcare professionals. The compatibility of work and family life (flexible working hours, part-time positions) is a critical factor in attracting and retaining new talents, as well as in retaining skilled workforce.]

All articles in the issue

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