Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing Quality of life of Women with Cervical Cancer After Treatment]

KOZMANN Krisztina1, JÁNOSNÉ PÁNKI Roxána2, FERENCZY Mónika1, KOMLÓSI Kálmánné3, KARÁCSONY Ilona1

MARCH 31, 2022

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2022;35(1)


Journal Article

Szöveg nagyítása:


[To assess sexual function, functionality and quality of life in women with cervical cancer. Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, non-random, purposive sampling of women (N=91) with FIGO stage I/II/III cervical cancer, more than 5 months after last treatment. The study used standard questionnaires with self-designed questions. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel, descriptive and mathematical statistics (p<0.05). Completers who received radiotherapy scored significantly higher in functional status (p<0.05) and emotional function than those who did not receive radiotherapy (p<0.05). Completers with lower levels of emotional well-being were significantly more likely to have lower levels of sexual function and higher levels of gynaecological problems (p<0.05). Women affected by cervical cancer often experience somatic and psychological disturbances that reflect on quality of life associated with the disease and treatment.]


  1. Pécsi Tudományegyetem ETK, Ápolástudományi, Alapozó Egészségtudományi és Védőnői Intézet, Pécs
  2. Pécsi Tudományegyetem KK Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Intézet, Pécs
  3. Pécsi Tudományegyetem ETK, Sürgősségi Ellátási és Egészségpedagógiai Intézet, Szülésznői és Klinikai Koordinációs Tanszék, Szombathely



Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Correlations Between Burnout and Socio-demographic and Workplace Related Factors Among Health-care Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemics]


[The present study aimed to assess the level of burn-out among health-care workers in 2020 and its correlations with socio-demographic and workplace related factors. The cross-sectional study was conducted by the means of a self-constructed online survey in the beginning of 2021. The responses of 1965 people were analysed with the help of SPSS 23.0. Descriptive statistics, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis probes were run (p<0.05). Severe burnout was present in 46.7% of the responders. Age, marital status, type of health-care provided and years spent in the health-care system didn’t show any correlation with burnout. Unsure vision, opinion about salary raise and uncertainty at the workplace influenced the level of burnout significantly (p<0.000). The mental health of health-care workers is in continuous decline, in which the COVID-19 pandemic might play a big role. People with worse mental health feel more uncertain regarding their future and job; this might make providing health-care more and more difficult.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Operational Efficiency Investigation from APN Perioperative Perspective]


[In the healthcare system operating theatres have to put great emphasis on quality work, patient safety and efficiency as well, and to achieve this, optimal utilization of theatres is extremely important. The results of researches in this topic in Hungarian and international literature draw attention to a lot of aspects. The study of perioperative periods, and the evaluation of the analysed processes show that theatres could be operated more effectively. As a result of this, more operations could be carried out and waiting time would also reduce. In order to increase the efficiency of the processes, APNs can play a prominent role at several points. According to the experience, the number of people using health care and the number of people waiting for surgery is increasing, which is further increased by the development of the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic. Thereby, patients are not satisfied with the service. The work of APNs would also help increasing the contentment of patients during the operation procedures. Taking advantage of the multifunctional role of the nurse due to her knowledge and training, she actively participates in the operation, in the smooth running of the scheduled daily surgical program and contributes to the reduction of the number of missed, planned surgeries.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Hungarian Nurses Day]


[On February 19, 2022 We celebrate the 205th anniversary of the birth of the first national matronage (head nurse), Zsuzsanna Kossuth. Zsuzsanna Kossuth was characterized by a high degree of empathy, self-sacrifice, exemplary behaviour, and professionalism. She laid the foundation for the processes of nursing and patient care and performed outstanding professional work throughout his life. She made no distinction between man and man, she only saw the suffering patient, in every soldier and injured. She sacrificed his life for his profession. The Hungarian Nursing Association founded the Zsuzsanna Kossuth commemorative medal in 1998, the year of the 150th anniversary of the War of Independence, which is donated every year on February 19.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing Nurses’ Knowledge of Surgical Wound Care, Complications and Knowledge of Bandages]


[Aim of our research was to assess the knowledge of nurses working in surgical departments about surgical wound treatment, phases of wound healing, its complications, and intelligent bandages. Our quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive examination was carried out in a hospital in Transdanubia with non-random, expert sampling and a self-made questionnaire. Our target group was nurses working in the surgical departments of the hospital (N=85). During the data analysis, the descriptive statistical methods of MS Office Excel 2016 software were calculated: mean, standard deviation, frequency. A χ2-test was used to examine the relationship between variables (p <0.05). Knowledge of bandages was not affected by educational attainment (p>0.05). Those who perform wound care in their daily work have more knowledge about the wound treatment sequence of the wounds that are primarily healing, as well as about intelligent dressings (p<0.1). For the classes, there was a significance for the recognition of complicated wounds, knowledge of the benefit of the absorbable suture and the use of analgesic procedures (p<0.001). In the interests of patient safety, nurses’ knowledge of wound treatment needs to be continuously improved. It is necessary to provide an accessible source of information and further training.]

All articles in the issue

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Analysis of the Quality of Life Patients With Huntington’s Disease and Their Families In Hungary]

SZALAI Klára Szilvia, MOLNÁR Mária Judit, MOLNÁR Viktor, ÁCS Andrea

[The aim of the research study was to get a better picture of the patient’s quality of life with Huntington’s disease and their caretaker’s. One of the main topics of the investigation was the family, because taking care of a Huntington’s patient can have a big impact on their lives. Our further concern was to introduce the concept for the families and test their open mindedness, if they would take assistance from nurse graduates to make the patient’s medical journey shorter and help with their everyday life challenges. 

The cross-sectional research was done by validated tests, as well as, self-made tests which contained socio-demographic data and questions regarding the disease. The trial took place at Semmelweis University, at the Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders in collaboration with the patients and their families. 

According to the patients, their life quality is affected more physically than their mental health. The experiment showed that the disease has a big impact on the quality of life of the family members. The family members would be more open in regards to accepting help from advanced practice nurses. 

Huntington’s disease has a negative impact on the quality of life of the patients and their families. It would be adequate to study if the provided help of advanced practice nurses could improve their quality of life. ]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Examining the Impact of Smoking on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among Young Adults]


[The purpose of the study is to investigate the quality of life of young adults in relation to oral health and how smoking affects this. The aim is to explore the differences in oral health-related quality of life between smokers, non-smokers, and quitters in a given age group.

The survey was conducted using a self-designed online questionnaire that included the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire. The survey was conducted from May 01 to June 30, 2023, using a nonrandom sampling method that relied on easily accessible subjects. Data were processed and analysed using IBM SPSS 20.0 statistical software, descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman’s rank correlation analysis (p<0.05). 

Based on the 317 assessable responses, smokers had a higher average OHIP-14 total score than non-smokers and quitters, but there were no significant differences in oral health-related quality of life between the groups (p=0.540). Four self-reported questions were added to the OHIP-14 questionnaire: dissatisfied with the colour of their teeth; afraid of communicating with others without seeing their teeth being seen; afraid of having a serious oral problem; afraid of losing their teeth. These issues are highly correlated with the OHIP-14 questionnaire and fear of oral lesions appears to be present among smokers.

Young adults do not yet show a significant deterioration in oral quality of life due to smoking, but additional questions are worth considering to assess the quality of life in smokers.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessment of Life and Sleep Quality and Adherence among Individuals Living with Hypertension]

VARGA Bernadett, STROMAJER-RÁCZ Tímea , LAKI Szimonetta, PUSZTAFALVI Henriette , CSIMA Melinda

[The high blood pressure disease is one of the primary risk factors for the development of other cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present study was to assess the medication habits, sleep quality, and quality of life of patients aged 45 and older living with hypertension.

Our study was a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted in 2022 in the form of an online questionnaire among patients aged 45 and older suffering from hypertension (n=143). The data collection tools included the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (8 items), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, EQ-5D-5L, and a self-designed questionnaire.

Lower age was associated with higher levels of medication adherence (R=-0.36; p=0.024). Patients who regularly visited their general practitioner showed more consistent medication intake (p=0.048). Adequate sleep quality positively influenced the quality of life (p<0.001).

Regular visits to the general practitioner not only facilitate medication adherence but also provide an excellent opportunity for patient education and health promotion. Therefore, it has paramount importance to draw the attention of hypertensive patients to the role of regular check-ups with their general practitioner, which can contribute to the prevention of complications arising from hypertension.]

Clinical Neuroscience

[Importance of personality disorders in epilepsy]

KISS Rita-Judit, ORBÁN-KIS Károly, SZILÁGYI Tibor

[Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. Therapeutic success shows high variability between patients, at least 20-30% of the cases are drug-resistant. It can highly affect the social status, interpersonal relationships, mental health and the overall quality of life of those affected.
Although several studies can be found on the psychiatric diseases associated with epilepsy, only a few researches focus on the occurrence of personality disorders accompanying the latter. The aim of this review is to help clinicians to recognize the signs of personality disorders and to investigate their connection and interaction with epilepsy in the light of current experiences.
The researches reviewed in this study confirm that personality disorders and pathological personality traits are common in certain types of epilepsy and they affect many areas of patients’ lives. These studies draw attention to the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to this neurological disorder and to provide suggestions about the available help options. Considering the high frequency of epilepsy-related pathological personality traits that can have a great impact on the therapeutic cooperation and on the patients’ quality of life, it important that the neurologist recognizes early the signs of the patient’s psychological impairment. Thus they can get involved in organizing the support of both the patient and their environment by including psychiatrists, psychologists, social and self-help associations.
As interdisciplinary studies show, epilepsy is a complex disease and besides trying to treat the seizures, it is also important to manage the patient’s psychological and social situation. Cooperation, treatment response and quality of life altogether can be significantly improved if our focus is on guiding the patient through the possibilities of assistance by seeing the complexity and the difficulties of their situation.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Dietetic Aspects of Hospice-palliative Care]

TÓDOR Annamária

[Patients in hospice-palliative care are treated with the help of a multidisciplinary team, which includes dietittian too, as a member. The tasks of the dietitian are complex, they participate in the malnutrition screening, maintaining and reaching the patients’ appropriate nutritional status, exploring and solving different nutritional problems, shaping the diet according to individual needs, recommending clinical formula, if needed.]