Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Correlations of Sarcopenia, Frailty, Falls and Social Isolation – A Literature Review in the Light of Swedish Statistics]


OCTOBER 30, 2023

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2023;36(5)



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[The purpose of the study is to find correlations between sarcopenia, falls, falls and social isolation in the elderly population.

This study chose a genre of literature review, in which seven articles were analyzed.

Weakness, falls and social isolation are closely related, which is also supported by statistical calculations.

The results of the literature review will help all professionals working in the care of the elderly to understand how different geriatric complex conditions are related to each other.]


  1. Semmelweis Egyetem, Egészségtudományi Kar, Ápolástan Tanszék, Budapest

Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Importance of the Dental Hygiene of the Elderly, and the Involvement of Nurses in Oral Prevention ]

GÁLL Evelin Liza, GYÖNGYÖSI Fanni Nikolett, NÉMETH Anikó

[The dental hygiene of the elderly is showing a devastating picture worldwide. Among the reasons we can find: behavioural factors, medicines, different illnesses. The bad dental hygiene, which is called paradontitis, can be the reason of so many different illnesses. Tooth loss in old age and bad mouth hygiene is not a basic thing and it is not a natural occurence. By sustaining the appropriate dental hygiene and visiting the dentist frequently one can avoid these problems or can be managed in time. In this announcement, the reasons of the bad dental hygiene of the elderly, the possibilites of prevention and the steps of dental counseling are listed.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Simulation in the Practical Training of Nurses]


[The field of healthcare is constantly developing, and the role of nurses is of paramount importance in the optimal care and treatment of patients. Practical education for nurses is essential to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to provide complex health care to patients. However, traditional hands-on teaching methods are time-consuming and sometimes offer limited opportunities to practice in varied and critical clinical situations.
This article reviews the place and benefits of simulation in the practical education of nurses. The simulation gives nurses the opportunity to practice handling different cases in a realistic, controlled environment, thus improving their decision-making skills and communication skills. After a brief historical overview, it will be presented what types of simulation tools and methods are available for the practical education of nurses and how they support the students’ knowledge acquisition and development.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[White Paper: Introducing Dansac TRE™ Seal Technology]


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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Circadian Rhythm Disruption Disorder among Nurses working at Saint George Hospital in Fejér County]


[The aim of this study is to map the psychiatric and somatic disorders in nurses that may be caused by an overnight biological shift due to night shifts. 

The study was conducted among the staff of Fejér County Szent György University Teaching Hospital. During this process, the occupational health documentation of 268 nurses was processed, and questionnaire data (n=108) was also collected. Sleep disorders were assessed using the Epwort Scale, while anxiety was assessed using the Beck Anxiety Scale. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency and mean calculations, Chi2-test, and t-test.

The BMI value of nurses working in multiple shifts is higher, but there is no significant. The average score on the ESS sleep scale of nurses working multiple shifts was slightly higher than that of nurses working one shift. When examining Beck’s Anxiety Scale, there was no significant difference between the two shift schedules either.

In our opinion, due to the low number of items there is a difference everywhere but it is not significant.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice


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NRS has showed greater correlation with PROMIS domain T-scores than VAS scale. This may prove that NRS has greater connection to another health domains, thus it correlated more to health-related quality of life than visual scale. We recommend NRS to use in further clinical studies conducted among patients with low-back pain.]


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