Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing Nurses’ Knowledge of Surgical Wound Care, Complications and Knowledge of Bandages]

FERENCZY Mónika1, BÁLINT Beáta2, KOMLÓSI Kálmánné3, KARÁCSONY Ilona1

MARCH 31, 2022

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2022;35(1)


Journal Article

Szöveg nagyítása:


[Aim of our research was to assess the knowledge of nurses working in surgical departments about surgical wound treatment, phases of wound healing, its complications, and intelligent bandages. Our quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive examination was carried out in a hospital in Transdanubia with non-random, expert sampling and a self-made questionnaire. Our target group was nurses working in the surgical departments of the hospital (N=85). During the data analysis, the descriptive statistical methods of MS Office Excel 2016 software were calculated: mean, standard deviation, frequency. A χ2-test was used to examine the relationship between variables (p <0.05). Knowledge of bandages was not affected by educational attainment (p>0.05). Those who perform wound care in their daily work have more knowledge about the wound treatment sequence of the wounds that are primarily healing, as well as about intelligent dressings (p<0.1). For the classes, there was a significance for the recognition of complicated wounds, knowledge of the benefit of the absorbable suture and the use of analgesic procedures (p<0.001). In the interests of patient safety, nurses’ knowledge of wound treatment needs to be continuously improved. It is necessary to provide an accessible source of information and further training.]


  1. Pécsi Tudományegyetem ETK, Szombathelyi Képzési Központ, Ápolástudományi, Alapozó Egészségtudományi és Védőnői Intézet
  2. Kanizsai Dorottya Kórház, Sebészeti Osztály
  3. Pécsi Tudományegyetem ETK, Szombathelyi Képzési Központ, Sürgősségi Ellátási és Egészségpedagógiai Intézet, Szülésznői és Klinikai Koordinációs Tanszék



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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

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