Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

Vestibular schwannoma - Retrospective study in Re- public of Moldova

GRIGORE Zapuhlih1

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

Szöveg nagyítása:


IntroductionVestibular schwannomabenign intracranial tumor of the vestibulocochlear nerve. It rise from Schwann cells sheathof the vestibular portion of vestibulocochlear nerve. Most frequently form the inferior vestibular nerve. In less than 5% of cases it starts growing from cochlear nerve.

Aim of studyTo establish the incidence of acoustic neuroma development, and to establish the tactics and intraoperative approach.

Methods and materialsRetrospective study was conducted that included 65 patients with acoustic neuroma who were treated surgically, through the retrosigmoid approach, in two departments of Neurosurgery in the Republic of Moldova..

ResultsThe study included a group of 65 patients, who were analyzed according to different criteria. One of the basic objectives was the presence of the neurinoma according to sexthus it was found that women are more prone to develop acoustic neurinoma compared to men.Another research criterion was the living environment of the patients, thus it was found that people from the urban environment have a higher risk of developing this pathology.

Analyzing the study, we also proposed an objective to analyze the average prevalence of neurinomas, so people between 51-60 years of age constituted the largest part of the group.Another aim of the research was to analyze the presence of pain in these patients and what were the most frequent complaints, so headache is the main symptom, followed bysensorineural hearing, cofosis and tinnitus,followed by paralysis of the facial nerve, vertigo and cerebellar ataxia.After evaluating the preoperative aspects, we also analyzed the post-operative condition of the patientsthus, most of the group of patients presented paralysis of the facial nerve, followed by cerebellar syndrome and bulbar syndrome.

ConclusionMostly unilateral sensorineural hearing loss and cophosis were the first complaints of the patients.All patients with unclear, alternating unilateral sensorineural hearing loss that does not respond to specific conservative treatment are suspected to have an acoustic neuroma that can be definitely diagnosed only by the MR with contrast.

Surgical treatment approach depends on tumor size, localization and extent of the tumor and its symptomatology.


  1. Medical university of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

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