Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

A case report of a large intra abdominal schwannoma

NENAD Koruga1, ALEN Rončević1, ANAMARIJA Soldo Koruga1, VJENCESLAV Vrtarić1

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

Szöveg nagyítása:


Introduction: Schwannomas (Sch) are benign masses that rarely occur intra abdominally and rarely reach larger diameters. When present they occur as rare solitary nerve sheath tumors of peri-neural Schwann cells. Schwannoma mostly affects the nerves of the extremities, trunk, or the head and neck region. They are more common in female patients, mostly among patients between the third and fifth decade. They occur spontaneously but could also be found in association with a group of genetic autosomal dominant disorders called neurofibromatosis 1 and 2. When present intra abdominally schwannomas grow slowly without significant clinical signs and symptoms. Clinical importance is presented in cases of occupying intra abdominal space and impingement of surrounding structures which causes intermittent pain. Only 0.5-5% of all retroperitoneal tumors are Schwannomas and their malignant transformation is very rare.

Case report: Authors present a case of a large intra abdominal schwannoma in a 70-years-old female patient. She underwent CT scanning due to refractory left-sided subcostal pain which revealed a large tumor mass in the left-sided hemiabdomen. Preoperative cytologic biopsy confirmed Sch. The patient underwent an MRI scan upon admission to our Department which revealed the origin of the tumor at the left-sided L3 level and intra abdominal tumor spreading with a largest diameter of 25 centimeters. The patient underwent multidisciplinary surgical excision; confirmed by MRI scan in a period of three months postoperatively.

Conclusion: Its rare presentation leads to the necessity to adequately evaluate such patients, especially to avoid any hidden diagnosis which might lead to further complications. The goal of multidisciplinary approach should be emphasized as maintaining a good postsurgical condition without neurological deficits.


  1. UHC Osijek

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