Lege Artis Medicinae - 1991;1(03)

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[The role of computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in organic neurological diagnosis]

KENÉZ József

[In the last two decades, neuroimaging became the basic investigative method in the diagnostics of organic neurology due to the rapid development of medical electronics. In the nineties called the "Decade of the Brain", the importance of these methods could hardly bee overestimated. The two outstanding investigations of neuroimaging are computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR). Surely in the near future the application of these investigations will be incorporated in the Hungarian healthcare system as well. In this review all the points of view are collected on the basis of neurologic clinical symptomatology to help clinicians to decide, which method and when has to be chosen to gain the most valuable and detailed information on the quickest way, with less risk, and for the least amount of money ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Awareness of hypoglycaemia in diabetes mellitus: Prospective clinical-epidemiological investigations]


[In order to survey the frequency of hypoglycaemia and its awareness we investigated 91 insulin- treated diabetic women (48 pregnant and 43 non-pregnant) consecutively using 9 to 15 blood glucose measurements. Subjective hypoglycaemic symptoms of patients were registered by using a structured questionnaire. Biochemically proved hypoglycaemia has been found in two third of patients (62/91). One third of the patients had a loss of awareness, 23 had partial awareness and 19 were aware of hypoglycaemia. No significant difference were found according to age, diabetes duration, daily insulin dose/kg body weight, glycated haemoglobin levels and frequency of diabetic complications. Five standard cardiovascular autonomic reflex-tests were performed in 31 patients. Age, diabetes duration, frequency of diabetic complications of patients with evidence of autonomic neuropathy significantly surpassed that of having normal cardiovascular reflex-tests. Our results confirm from clinical-epidemiological aspect that hypoglycaemia unawareness is not invariably associated with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Five cases of operated atrial tumors]


[Between November 1986. and June 1989. five patients underwent excision of an atrial tumour. Two of the patients had previous peripheral embolization, two had cardiac symptoms and one was symptomless. All the tumours were demonstrated by means of echocardiography and in four cases by angiocardiography as well. Four of them were left atrial tumors and one in the right atrium. The tumors were succesfully removed in all patients: in three cases by shaving them from the endocardium, in one case by excising a portion of atrial septum and in one case with a margin of normal atrial wall. Histological examination showed thrombus in one case. All patients survived operation and left hospital in good conditions. During the follow up there were no cardiac complication or local recurrence.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Hypothesis of natural birth]


[It's supposed by the author that there exists a natural birth. According to his assumption in every woman's subconscionsness there is the code of the natural birth's behaviour (CODE), which can be spontaneously mobilized in the gravid woman. Putting into practice whichever way for the preparation of the birth, this mobilization can be advanced and in this way the child-bearing women's behaving repertory during their birth is increasing and it's drawing near to the equivalent of its own code. This may be the explication of the success and result of the alternative obstetrics end the preparing programs for the different births. The psychological explanation of the theory is given on the basis of C. G. Jung's activity.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Report on gastroenterological endoscopic activity in Hungary in 1989]

NAGY György, JUHÁSZ László

[The Endoscopic Section of the Hungarian Gastroenterological Society, under the leadership of Professor Wittmann, published an annual report on the status and development of endoscopy of the digestive organs in Hungary from 1975. In 1976, the report reported 27453 examinations performed at 75 endoscopic workplaces with 163 instruments. The 1987 survey already included 139496 examinations (36623 in Budapest, 102873 in the countryside) performed at 117 workplaces (37 in Budapest, 80 in the countryside) with 565 instruments (219 in Budapest, 346 in the countryside). In a statistical summary of 13 years, 968090 endoscopic examinations resulted in 389 (0.4 per thousand) complications, of which 71 (7 per 100,000) were fatal. The collection of study data was interrupted with the death of Professor Wittmann. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Brief News]

[High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of skull base vascular lesions summary study; PET, CT and MR in the differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric diseases today's applications; Infectious diseases of the brain]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991


[Local treatment of endobronchial tumours with cytostatic drugs; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Which hospital I would like to work in]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Can the health sector be transformed?]

GIDAI Erzsébet

[The health sector has been a stepchild of the budget for decades and, as our economic situation deteriorates, it is one of the most disadvantaged sectors, as is the human sector as a whole. The 1991 budget also creates a worse basis than in previous years, as the Social Insurance Fund (SIF), which has financed health since 1990, creates a deficit for the sector in the new year. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Public life in medicine]


[The MOTESZ General Assembly of 15 December 1990 was not only a success in comparison with the previous ones, but also in relation to itself and the goals it set. According to cynics, the survival of the organisation is an unexpected achievement, but it is much more than that. Perhaps it was only before the event that the prominent figures of the various professions had really given some honest thought to the need for this structure. The well-prepared event was a success thanks to their largely positive views and the activism of their colleagues of different generations with a public-spirited approach, especially in the debate on the statutes.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[The count, the count drowned, or the debate on the social security budget in the Parliamentary Committee]


[It is a peculiar, but familiar journalistic task for newspapers "condemned to a long print run" to report on the preparatory work of events - in this case, turnovers - in such a way that the interested public can already know the outcome from the daily papers: the miracle or mouse that the mountains were in labour before the eyes of the correspondent. Perhaps it is not uninteresting to learn about the debates, the ideas and the institutional, political and personal conflicts - often more important than the final outcome - that emerge and which will determine not only the decisions taken now, but also the foreseeable future.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Scientific meeting in the City Hall]


[The Phlebology Section of the Hungarian Society of Angiology held its scientific meeting on 30 November 1990 at the Department of Vascular and Cardiac Surgery of the Hungarian Society of Angiology. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[MOTESZ General Assembly]


[The Federation of Hungarian Medical Societies and Associations (MOTESZ) held its renewal meeting of delegates on 15 December 1990, a new departure from the regular annual and even quinquennial meetings of delegates, and a renewal of this long-standing association.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[The "Hippocratic" oath]

BALLÉR Piroska

[Hippocrates - the oldest embodiment of the medical ideal, the ideal doctor: last year we commemorated the 2450th anniversary of his birth. Already Plato mentions him several times as a famous and respected physician (1); and as the centuries have passed, Hippocrates has become first an absolute authority, then a great ancestor and symbol. As time went by, less and less is known of him - and the medical writings bearing his name proliferated.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Galienus and Ipocras]


[On the front cover: as indicated by the inscriptions above their heads, "Galienus" and "Ipocras", and the different shapes of the medicinal vessels, are the "images" of two of the greatest figures of ancient medicine, Hippocrates and Galenos. The double 'portrait', which adorns the altarpiece of the medieval cathedral of Anagni, a small Italian town near Rome, was painted around 1250 and, in keeping with the style of painting and iconographic tradition of the time, depicts the Greek physicians as elderly sages with generalised features. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 09, 1991

[Old hose]

NEMES Balázs

[Oh, gentle reader, who turns these pages of the "Immature medicus", perhaps you are one of those who are not yet dead from TEMPUS. Not many are familiar with the word, except in the compound "tempora mutantur". But TEMPUS is not catchy, although it is fleeting: it is a five-year programme to support the transformation of higher education. ]