Hypertension and nephrology - 2021;25(02)

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[At the doorstep of an attitude change: our novel knowledge on renal fibrosis in chronic kidney disease]


[In spite of the diverse etiology, chronic kidney disease is finally leading to end-stage renal disease uniformly by the fibrotic transformation of the kidneys. In recent years – mainly due to experimental data – the explanation of this transformation changed profoundly: it has been revealed, that renal fibrosis is a dynamic, actively ongoing process involving many keyfactors. Influencing these factors, give us hope to prevent the progression of chronic kidney disease. This review summarizes the connection of renal fibrosis and chronic kidney disease, the results of the widely used different methods and the recently discovered mechanisms, which caused paradigm change in this topic]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[When should antihypertensive be taken: in the morning and/or evening? Chronopharmacotherapy of hypertension in practice]


[The circadian (24-hour) variability of blood pressure (BP) is influenced by constant and variable (external and internal) factors. With this in mind and by determining the type of hypertension with a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), individual chronopharmacological (chronopharmacotherapy) treatment can be planned. There are significant differences in the chronokinetics of antihypertensive drugs administered at different times. Their therapeutic range and efficacy depend significantly on their circadian timing. Although the most modern antihypertensives have a 24-hour effect, they are not able to lower blood pressure at all times. Morning intake of ACE inhibitors, ARB-s, alpha-blockers mainly affect the afternoon and early evening rise, while evening intake reduces nocturnal and morning rise. Calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers (except carvedilol and labetolol), do not affect the circadian blood pressure profile. Therefore, in nondipper hypertension or in the case of morning rise, the twice daily morning and evening administration is more effective than the single morning administration. (Usually a lower dose is sufficient in the evening.) Adequate control of nocturnal or morning blood pressure elevations can be achieved with medication taken in the evening. According to the relevant studies the conclusion is that there is no convincing evidence that the administration of BP-lowering drugs in the evening provides any significant advantage in terms of quality of BP control, prevention of target organ damage or reduction of cardiovascular events, so evening intake only is not recommended. In particular the administration of antihypertensive drugs at bedtime, especially in the case of elderly patients may cause excessive BP fall at night with increased risk of silent cerebral infarct and the myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Current evidence on the accuracy and precision of non-invasive cardiac output monitoring]

VÉGH Anna, REUSZ S György

[Purpose of review: Assessing cardiac output (CO) is an important part of monitoring the hemodynamically unstable patients. Different non-invasive CO measurement devices are currently available, that can be useful in various clinical situations. The purpose of this article is to review current literature on commonly employed methods especially regarding their accuracy and precision. Results: Most of the devices, especially the non-invasive ones have the disadvantage of questionable accuracy and precision. Generally speaking, the more a method is based on assumptions and mathematical models, the less precise it will be. There is also significant heterogeneity between individual studies. Clinically it is important to consider the purpose of the measurement before choosing a method. In terms of accuracy the most reliable ones are, the ones that are based on simple physical principles and minimal assumptions, for example transthoracic echocardiography, and thermodilution. Conclusions: To have better comparability between individual studies it would be imperative to have standardized study protocols regarding the number of cardiac cycles assessed, the used method, the clinical environment, the age and clinical condition of the study population.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Independent risk factors for fatal cases of the Covid-19 pandemic]


[Already at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was known to be severe and critical mortality rates (crude fatality rate (CFR) is a major and crucial factor in this age on the other hand, men have a higher incidence of fatalities. Another known fact is that comorbidities (coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, COPD) are more common in severe or fatal cases. However, for these the causal role of diseases has not been clarified for a long time, then it turned out that the occurrence corresponded to that age observed population age ratios (1, 2).]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Medical letters about Covid-19. II. part]


[In March 2020, the coronavirus epidemic reached Hungary as well, which had and has had a multifaceted effect on society as a whole, to the medical community and, to a greater extent, to patients. In the second letter, seek medical help, a I deal with the role and significance of patient symptoms, stress, and physical activity.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Primary aldosteronism, the mysterious object of desire – in the context of a study]


[The aldosterone-producing adenoma, aldosteronoma, the actual Conn syndrome, is a relatively well-defined entity, while the separability of idiopathic hyperaldosteronism and low-renin primary hypertension appears to be inherently uncertain according to our current knowledge. In this way, the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism (PA) is in fact more or less probabilistic and this also contributes fundamentally to the uncertainty of prevalence data. These are confirmed by a recent study in which PA was evaluated in the form of 24- hour urinary aldosterone excretion measured with oral salt loading instead of the standard technique. The paper has contributed to the change of paradigm by which the chair of the most widely accepted PA guideline, renewed in 2016, called to be jettisoned much of it.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[A turning point in the approach to primary aldosteronism?]


[In László Bajnok 's warning summary statement a secondary hypertension with the most common endocrine disease, the primary related to aldosteronism, recently published two important studies (1, 2) show that it is a paradigm shift began in the assessment of the disease, and so far professional guidelines (3, 4) have been questioned]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Covid-19 and peripheral arterial disease]

FARKAS Katalin

[Patients with peripheral vascular disease (PAD) are negatively affected by the coronavirus epidemic in several ways. Fewer-than-usual doctor-patient encounters make it more difficult to detect disease or disease progression. Outbreaks due to the epidemic reinforce a sedentary lifestyle that can mask the symptoms of PAD through lack of exercise. Another risk is that patients with cardiovascular disease are at risk for severe Covid-19 disease, and have a significantly increased risk of mortality. In the case of home treatment of Covid-19 infection in a patient with PAD, close observation is required to make a timely decision on the need for hospitalization. Vaccination, which is gradually available to all PAD patients, could be the solution to prevent the disease.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Case report of supine hypertension and extreme reverse dipping phenomenon decades after kidney transplantation]

BATTA Dóra, KŐRÖSI Zita Beáta, NEMCSIK János

[Supine hypertension, a consequence of autonomic neuropathy, is a rarely recognized pathological condition. Reported diseases in the background are pure autonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and different autoimmune disorders. In our case report we present a case of supine hypertension which developed in a patient decades after kidney transplantation. The patient was followed for 25 months and we demonstrate the effect of the modification of antihypertensive medications. At the time of the diagnosis supine hypertension appeared immediately after laying down (office sitting blood pressure (BP): 143/101 mmHg; office supine BP: 171/113 mmHg) and on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) extreme reverse dipping was registered (daytime BP: 130/86 mmHg, nighttime BP: 175/114 mmHg). After the modification of the antihypertensive medications in multiple times, both office supine BP (office sitting BP: 127/92 mmHg; office supine BP: 138/100 mmHg) and on ABPM nighttime BP improved markedly (daytime BP: 135/92 mmHg, nighttime BP: 134/90 mmHg). In conclusions, our case report points out that autonomic neuropathy-caused supine hypertension and extreme reverse dipping can develop in chronic kidney disease, after kidney transplantation. The modification of the antihypertensive medications can slowly restore this pathological condition.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021

[Pyelonephritis acuta]

[Primarily bacterial infections (E. coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella, Enterococcus), tubules, interstitium, acute inflammatory condition of the renal calves and pelvic pelvis. Most often as a result of ascending urinary tract infection less frequently due to haematogenic variance. Risk factors for the development of diabetes are immunosuppressive condition, obstructive in maintaining urinary retention uropathies (kidney stones, tumors, or congenital urotra or acquired dysfunction and / or anatomical abnormalities), and instrumental interventions on the urinary tract and pregnancy.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 29, 2021


[Dear Reader! By completing the test, 20 accreditation points can be earned. Submit responses electronically (e-mail: [email protected]) by providing the data required for registration (name, place of work, medical stamp number). In the e-mail sent, after the registration data, the 21HNAT mark, the question number and the correct solution letter must be to indicate. Acceptance period: 1 April to 15 May 2021]