Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

Transnasal endoscopic surgery of skull base diseaes from scrub nurse point of view

SZENTESI Anett1, NAGY Gábor1

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

Szöveg nagyítása:


Introduction: At our Depratment the skull base tumours were operated on via paraseptal, transnasal route with microscope. To introduce the endoscopic technique a different viewpoint and intsruments, such as the endoscop itselt, micro-Doppler, special endoscopic instruments, shaever, curved microsurgical drill, etc. were needed. For us scrub nurses the challenge is not the endoscopic technique but the transnasal route which could lead to complications. During the intervention the steril intracranial compartment is reached through a non-sterile route. This could be minimised with the profilactic and postoperative antiobiotics. To prevent the nasal liquorrhoe the skull base defect is covered by multiple layers. Depending on the size of the defect the covering is either Tachosil® only or fat in combination with nasoseptal or pericranial flap.

Method: Patient operated on endoscopic transnasal or endoscopic transnasal transcranial route between 1st July 2021 and 30th April 2024 were enrolled. Data were collected from our HOSPITALY database. Ninety-seven patients were operated on, age of the patients was from 3 months to 85 years (average 52.4years), among them 7 were children. There were 51 (52.6%) male and 46 (47.4%) female. Endoscopic transnasal operations were performed in 90 patients (92.8%) and combined in 7 (7.2%). Results and complications were examined prospectively.

Results: Fifty-two patients sufferd from pituitary adenoma (53.7%), benign tumour 17 (17.5%), malignant tumour 19 (19.5%), encephalocele 7 (7.2%) and chronic inflammation 2 (2.1%). The most frequent complication was nasal liquorrhoe in 16 (16.4%) and meningitis in 8 cases (8.2%). Reoperation was performed in 9 patients (9.2%), death occured in 4 cases. There were no complications among pediatric patients.

Conclusion: Our results and complications are in good correlation with the data of the literature.


  1. Institute of Neurosurgery and Neurointervention, Sem- melweis University

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