Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

Microscope assistated minimally invasive anterior submandibular retropharyngeal keyhole approach for C1 C2 pathologies a new technic

VIOLA Árpád1, SÜVEGH Dávid2

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

Szöveg nagyítása:


BackgroundOur objective was to develop a new, minimally invasive surgical technique for the resolution of craniovertebral junction pathologies, which can eliminate the complications of the previous methods, like liquor-leakage, velopharyngeal insufficiency and wound-dehiscence associated with the transoral or lateral approaches.

MethodsDuring the first stage of the operation, three patients underwent occipito-cervical dorsal fusion, while the fourth patient received C1-C2 fusion according to Harms. C1-C2 decompressive laminectomy was performed in all four cases. Ventral C1-C2 decompression with microscope assisted minimally invasive anterior submandibular retropharyngeal key-hole approach (MIS ASR) method was performed in the second stage. The MIS ASR similarly to the traditional anterior retropharyngeal surgery – preserves the hard and soft palates, yet can be performed through a 25 mm wide incision with the use of only one retractor.

Results: The MIS ASR approach was a success in all four cases, there were no intraand postoperative complications. This method, compared to the transoral approach, provided on average 23% (4.56 cm2 / 6.05 cm2) smaller dural decompression area; nonetheless, the entire pathology could be removed in all cases. After the surgery, all patients have shown significant neurological improvement.

ConclusionBased on the outcome of these four cases we think that the MIS ASR approach is a safe alternative to the traditional methods while improving patient safety by reducing the risks of complications.


  1. Department of Neurotraumatology, Semmelweis Univer sity
  2. Department of Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology

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