

Lege Artis Medicinae

APRIL 30, 2024

[Female aspects of dementia ]


[Dementia is a new epidemic of the 21st century in all aging societies. Besides old age, female sex is one of the non-modifiable risk factors of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for two thirds of all dementia cases, two thirds of which are female patients. This female excess is not seen in other degenerative (such as Lewy body or frontotemporal dementia) conditions or vascular dementias. In the background of this additional risk there are primarily hormonal differences suspected. The later developing menopause decreases the risk of dementia. Albeit, the beneficial role of oestrogen seemed to be verified by animal tests and human data, the hormone replacement therapy has not justified the expectations: its outcomes were clearly without benefits in preventing dementia, thus its administration is not recommended in the clinical practice. These contradictory outcomes may be explained by the time window of hormone replacement therapy, which should be explored by further research programs. This study summarises all aspects of female dementia by narrative review of the concerning literature. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

APRIL 30, 2024

[Menorrhagia associated with anticoagulant treatment  of young thromboembolic  female patients ]


[Venous thromboembolism can occur also at young age and needs long-term anticoagulant treatment in specific cases. How­ever, young women on anticoagulant therapy face special problems. One of the most common ones is an increasing and often heavy menstrual bleeding, which may re­sult in anaemia. All anticoagulants can provoke menorrhagia and according to the available evidence, it is mostly associated with administration of activated factor X-in­hibitors. Its management requires cooperation of gynaecologists and haematologists. Most cases are well controlled by adjusting the anticoagulant therapy, using hormonal therapy orally or via intrauterine device or administration of antifibrinolytic agents. However, some cases require surgical treatment. While caring for these pa­tients, it is essential to explore the problem by taking accurate history and adequate la­boratory tests, to modify the treatment and supplement the loss of iron alleviating this way the symptoms and improving the pa­tient’s quality of life as well. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 30, 2024

Personalized analysis of pain–weather associations: a pilot study

TUBOLY Gábor , HORVÁTH Gyöngyi , NAGY Kamilla , NAGY Edit

It is a wellknown belief that weather can influence human health, including pain sensation. However, the current data are controversial, which might be due to the wide range of interindividual differences. The present study aimed to characterize the individual pain–weather associations during chronic pain by utilizing several data analytical methods.

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 30, 2024

Neuropathic pain and mood disorders in earthquake survivors with peripheral nerve injuries


Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, frequently result in mood disorders among affected individuals. It is established that neuropathic pain arising from traumatic neuropathies is also linked to mood disorders. This study investigates the influence of neuropathic pain on the development of mood disorders in earthquake survivors with peripheral nerve injuries, following the earthquake centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023.

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 30, 2024

The effect of anesthetic blockade of greater occipital nerve during the withdrawal period of the medication overuse headache treatment


Discontinuation of medication still remains a key element in the treatment of medication overuse headache (MOH), but there is no consensus on the withdrawal procedure. We aimed to share the promising results of anesthetic blockade of greater occipital nerve (GON), which can be an alternative to existing treatments during the early withdrawal period of MOH treatment.

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 30, 2024

Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale

CELIK Buket , BILIK Ozlem, KOÇBILEK Deveci Zeynep , DAMAR Turhan Hale , ÖZ Didem , DENIZMEN Zeynep

Delirium is a common complication developing in el­derly patients. Therefore, it is important to diagnose delirium earlier. Family caregivers play an active role in early diagnosis of de­lirium and build a bridge between health professionals and patients. The purpose of this research was to achieve the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale (I­AGeD).