Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Importance of Oral Prevention and Dental Treatments during Pregnancy]

MOLNÁR Petra1, LÁZÁR Jázmin1, NÉMETH Anikó1,2

MAY 03, 2023

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2023;36(2)



Szöveg nagyítása:


[In addition to the joyful nature of pregnancy, this condition uses a great drain to the organization of women, and the oral cavity and teeth are no exceptions. Neglected teething poses several dangers not only to the mother, but to the embryo as well. The mother may develop bleeding gums, inflammation, tooth decay among other problems, and in the foetus may have dental malformations, infection, premature birth or even miscarriage. Researches have shown that pregnant women who are more often attended to dental screening brought a newborn baby into the world with higher weight and the chances of the perinatal complications were on a lower level than those women who were rarely or not tested at all. For this reason, it is an important issue to acutely look after the dental check during pregnancy, not only in dental care but all levels of health care and by almost all professionals with whom the pregnant one meets during that nine months.]


  1. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi és Szociális Képzési Kar
  2. MESZK Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Területi Szervezet

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[From Dietary Nurse to a Certified Dietition Specialist Degree – Chapters from the History of Dietetic Training ]


[Last year we celebrated the beginning of the dietary nurse education, which began in 1922 under the leadership of Professor Aladár Soós (1890–1967) at the Faculty of Medicine of Pázmány Péter University. The concept of „dietary” was only known in the United States at that time, so training was the first in Europe.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Who is the Person called Lector or the Value of Intellectual Work?]


[To dispell the general misconception that professional proofreading is a pretence activity necessarily associated with institutional accreditation only. This clarification is urgently needed as the scientific assessment of professional materials is a reviewer’s competence, but the evaluation process is currently not regulated. 

The structured interview method was adopted in the empirical research using a descriptive statistical approach. Data were collected via phone, the proofreading fee were determined using the remuneration nomenclatures compiled by publishers and translation agencies. A written and a project worksheet were adopted as data processing instruments. 

The fee for proofreading without editing was HUF 106,658.4 using a multiplier of HUF 0.8/character. This reward raised to HUF 133,323 if a multiplier of HUF 1.0/character was adopted. These fees are in sharp contrast with HUF 10,000 currently offered to the author. 

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[History of the Founding of the World Health Organization]


[On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization, it is time to examine the circumstances of its creation. Based on sources from contemporary articles, the events present the story of the merger of several smaller national health organizations into one, which formed the World Health Organization known and operating today, the WHO.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Occupational Health Nurses from Europe visited CERN]

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Role of Nurses in the Prevention, Early Recognition and Treatment of Nosocomial Sepsis]


[The aim of my research was to assess the knowledge of nurses on the subject of sepsis.

I conducted my research among nurses working in Hungary through an online questionnaire. The respondents were required to answer 31 electronic questions, covering the topics of prevention, recognition, and treatment. A total of 121 respondents participated in the study (N=121). The obtained results were analyzed using statistical methods to describe them.

Based on the answers to the questions on prevention, recognition, and treatment, it was evident that the respondents’ knowledge on the subject was inadequate. Only 12% of the respondents were able to correctly distinguish between the conditions of SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. The depth of knowledge was not influenced by work experience or workplace profile.

The results indicated that the nurses who filled out the questionnaire do not always follow professional protocols and, in some cases, have incomplete knowledge on the subject. Based on the research findings, I formulated recommendations, mainly focusing on the necessity of further education for nurses and the utilization of modern technology to promote prevention, recognition, and treatment.]

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Examination of the Nutrition Status of Pregnant Pregnancy Before and After Pregnancy]

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[In the course of our research, we compared the pre-pregnancy test mass index of Hungarian women with the results of the National Nutrition and Nutritional Status Examinations.

Our cross-sectional study was conducted between 01.01.2020 and 01.08.2020. During the nonrandom, targeted, expert sample selection, the target group included pregnant women or mothers raising at least one minor child (N=1423). Exclusion criteria include the omission of mandatory questions. Our survey was done online, with a self-filled questionnaire, anonymously. In the questionnaire, we used sociodemographic, anthropometric, pregnancy and nutrition-related questions. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical software, descriptive statistics and tables.

The normal BMI was typical only for those under 20 years of age (21 kg/m2). The largest proportion of people over 20 years of age were overweight (>25 kg/m2). Every fourth pregnant woman (43.4%) and every third mother (33%) reported that excess body weight does not bother them at all.

Based on the body mass index, Hungarian women are already overweight before pregnancy, which entails an increased health and financial burden.]