Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Identifying osteoporosis in a primary care setting with quantitative ultrasound]

HIRDI Henriett Éva1,2, SZOBOTA Lívia 3

APRIL 30, 2022

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2022;35(2)


Journal Article

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[Osteoporosis is one of the most under-diagnosed and under-treated health conditions. In recent decades, several risk indices have been developed to identify women at risk for low bone mineral density (BMD) who require a BMD test. This study aimed to demonstrate that quantitative ultrasound bone density measurement can indeed be performed simply by nurses working in primary care, which can significantly facilitate early detection of osteopenic and osteoporotic conditions. Method: The medical records of all patients who had an ultrasound of the left heel using the quantitative heel ultrasound machine between March 2021 through December 2021 were reviewed retrospectively. The subjects were 20-64-year-old adults (N=1032). Calcaneal quantitative ultra­sound parameters were registered with Sonost-2000 bone densitometer. The body composition was measured using a multi-frequency segmental body composition analyzer. The measurement results were evaluated with SPSS 22.0 statistical program and descriptive statistics. The mean age of the population studied was 43.12±9.6 years; 29.7% were men and 70.3% were women. Of the women in our study, 2.4% were osteoporotic (T ≤ −2.5), and 49.86% were classified as osteopenic according to the WHO operational definition. Osteopenic values were measured in 32.35% of men. A total of 273 subjects (26.45%) in the study sample were in the 50-64 age group (223 women and 50 men). 4% of women over the age of 50 had osteoporosis and 63.7% had osteopenia. Rating of the OST score no one was placed in the high-risk group. Of the 9 women with osteoporosis, 8 were classified as low-risk and 1 as medium based on OST. Nurses in primary care are able to identify key risk factors for osteoporosis, examine the measurement with quantitative ultrasound, and identify individuals with the disease. ]


  1. Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségtudományi Kar, Ápolástan Tanszék, Budapest
  2. Foglalkozás-egészségügyi Ápolók Európai Szövetsége (FOHNEU)
  3. Foglalkozás-egészségügyi Ápolók Európai Szövetsége (FOHNEU)



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