Clinical Neuroscience - 2022;75(11-12)

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

[Triple combination of levodopa, carbidopa and entacapone by intrajejunal pump in advanced Parkinson’s disease]

GYÖRFI Bertalan, BALÓ Botond, BOTZ Krisztina, JOST H. Wolfgang

[In advanced Parkinson’s disease, oral medication can often no longer achieve sufficient therapeutic success. As one of the device aided therapies, the intrajejunal levo­dopa administration has been established as valuable treatment option. A modern form of the well-known intestinal levodopa pump offers the opportunity to continue the oral triple combination of levodopa, carbidopa and entacapone that many patients already use. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Surgical technique management of microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia

YANG Lixiang , CHENG Huilin

Trigeminal neuralgia is a severe neuropathic disorder, affecting the distribution area of the trigeminal nerve and often impairs the quality of life of patients. More and more scholars agree that one of the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia is due to the demyelinating lesion caused by vascular compression or arachnoid bundle wrapping on the root exit zone of trigeminal nerve.

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

[Follow up examination of multiple sclerosis patients treated with alemtuzumab in Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Szeged ]

FÜVESI Judit, KINCSES Zsigmond Tamás, LÉGRÁDI Dóra, VÉCSEI László, KLIVÉNYI Péter, BENCSIK Krisztina, FRICSKA-NAGY Zsanett

[Therapeutic strategy of relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis has changed signifi- cantly during the past decade. While earlier escalating therapy was widely applied, recently, in case of high dis- ease activity, induction therapy has become available.]

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Investigation of oxidative stress in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy

PATZKÓ Ágnes , DELI Gabriella , CSEH Tamás , BELEZNAY Zsuzsanna , NAGY Lajos , KÉKI Sándor, MIKE Andrea , PÁL Endre , KOMOLY Sámuel , ILLES Zsolt , CSONGOR Alexandra , PFUND Zoltán

Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is a rare, immune-mediated illness attacking ex- clusively motor nerves. It is known that oxidative stress is present in peripheral neuropathies, but it has not been investigated MMN.

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

[Investigation of reading abilities of ischemic stroke patients with aphasia]

KIS Orsolya , STEKLÁCS János, JAKAB Katalin, KLIVÉNYI Péter

[ Reading is a part of the language processes; a strong interaction can be found between them so the damage of the one has a strong impact on the other. It is worth to put emphasis on the exploration of reading disorders which occur with aphasia to have a better outcome of the rehabilitation process. The aim of our study is to explore the main characteristics of aqcuired reading disorders to have a more specialized and individualized language therapy.]

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Does pandemic change the ocrelizumab therapy approach? Yes. – Single center ocrelizumab experience

TEZER Çetinkaya Damla , DOGAN Gungor Ipek , ATMACA Colak Melek , ATMACA Mert Murat , DEMIR Serkan

We know that treatment algorithms have changed in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) prac- tice during the pandemic. In this study, we aimed to inves- tigate whether there was a change in the patient popula- tion for ocrelizumab (OCR) treatment during the pandemic period, the treatment compliance of the patients, and the course of the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) disease in the patients who received OCR.

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Are more nerve injections in the same session more effective in migraine treatment? 3-month follow-up results

ÜSTÜN İsmet , PAK TANTIK Aygul , SENGUL Yildizhan

Peripheral nerve blockade techniques have been developed for both acute and pro- phylactic treatment of migraine. Our aim was to compare pain parameters between the groups of patients who only had greater occipital nerve blockade (GON), and those who also had blockade to the supraorbital nerve (SON) and infraorbital nerve (ION) together with greater occipital nerve blockade, in order to reduce pain more effectively in migraine patients.

Clinical Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Proximal sciatic neuropathy secondary to hamstring tendon avulsion

KOC Ismail , SHAFIYEV Javid , OZTURK Bilgin , ODABASI Zeki

We herein present the exceptional case of a patient, who injured a sciatic nerve due to avulsion of proximal ham- string tendon in a motorcycle accident. The 63-year-old man was diagnosed firstly with an incomplete fracture of distal femur. A foot drop on the right side was observed when the full-length cast was removed two months later. The patient was referred to the neurology clinic and was diagnosed with a sciatic nerve lesion at the proximal level of the biceps femoris. Magnetic resonance imaging of the thigh showed a proximal avulsion of hamstring muscles tendon. The patient did not improve by short-term physio- therapy and neurosurgical intervention. Sciatic nerve injury can be a result of proximal hamstring avulsion in events such as motorcycle accidents even in the absence of complete or major femur fracture.