Clinical Neuroscience - 1967;20(03)

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[Data on the surgical management of posterior-scalene meningiomas ]

ZOLTÁN László, FÉNYES István

[Authors have tried to provide some data on the surgical management of infratentorial meningiomas based on data from 41 of their own patients and literature reviews. Their experience, together with the available literature data, suggests that the greatest possible radicality should be carried through in the surgical resolution of posterior-scalene meningiomas. They are aware that the neurosurgeon has always tried to perform complete excision of any tumour, but especially extracerebral tumours, within the limits of possibility. However, the assessment of the possibility of radicality is not an absolute concept. It depends, first and foremost, on the use of one's own experience and that of the literature in a given situation to determine the mortality rate and the manner and quality of recovery from similar operations carried out up to that point. When considering the surgical solution of posterior meningiomas in the future, they recommend their modest experience: in evaluating the surgical situation, the chosen method should preferably be radical extirpation, even if this seems to be too high a risk in the given situation. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[The role of succinimides in the treatment of childhood epilepsy]

KISZELY Katalin, MÁTTYUS Adorján

[We report on 42 children with epilepsy treated with Zarontin (Suxinutin) and Celontin, who had defied all therapies until then. 9 of 11 "classic" petit mal (3 c/s spike-wave) were seizure-free, 2 improved greatly. 7 of 13 children with petit mal varians EEG became seizure-free, 4 improved greatly. Of 9 cases with "other generalised" EEG (clinically mostly mixed GM and PM), 4 had no seizures, 1 had a severe seizure disorder. Of 8 focal epilepsies, 1 improved moderately, 2 greatly. Side effects were unpleasant, but no bone marrow, liver or kidney lesions occurred. Based on therapeutic results, succinimides are considered to be very effective and relatively non-toxic compounds, provided that they are administered under constant supervision and on the basis of an appropriate indication.]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[Acute necrotizing encephalitic herpes virus encephalitis of childhood ]


[The author describes the histopathological picture of a fatal encephalitis of a 3 and a half year old girl child, which has 4 features: 1. extensive meningocortical massive infiltration, 2. diffuse coagulative necrosis of the cortex, 3. reactive glial-mesenchymal proliferation, 4. inclusion bodies. On the basis of a combined consideration of the clinical and pathological picture, his diagnosis is herpes virus encephalitis.]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[About Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome ]


[The authors describe 5 patients with Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. No neurological symptoms other than the classic symptom triad were observed. The clinical features and histological changes of the disease are reviewed, and questions of aetiology and therapy are addressed. We would like to thank Dr. György Czappán, Adjunct Professor, for kindly allowing us to present case 5. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[Alcoholism and endogenous psychoses]


[Chronic alcoholism is not a nosological category, but a clinical umbrella term: it encompasses different syndromes of habitual drunkenness and of real and symptomatic alcoholism, which are built up by a combination of co-pathogenic factors. Authors have studied cases of symptomatic alcoholism where daily or periodic alcohol abuse is associated with other psychiatric pathologies. They report on their studies of coincidences of endogenous psychoses and alcoholism. On the basis of the literature and 23 cases they observed, they identified five possibilities for typical forms of pathoplastic interactions between schizophrenia and alcoholism, which they described and illustrated with an example. On the basis of a psychopathological analysis of their cases, they have shown, on the one hand, how the clinical picture of atypical alcoholic psychosis is modified by latent schizophrenia and, on the other hand, how the organic psychosyndrome of chronic alcohol intoxication, leading to a specific emotional incontinence and personality changes, masks or prevents in some cases the more severe emotional blunting, the deepening of autism and the extinction of social contacts. Therefore, the prognosis of "alcoholic" schizophrenics seems to be more favourable than that of untreated schizophrenics. The frequency of coincidences between cyclothymia and alcoholism was approached from the cyclothymia perspective, in contrast to previous data. They found alcohol abuse in 19 of their 100 non-selected cases of manic-depressive patients, and in eight of these cases there was an interaction between the two disorders that led to alcohol habituation, i.e. habitual drinking. They observed a close pathogenetic relationship between cyclothymia and dipsomaniac syndrome in their patients and noted that the particular forms of abuse and intoxication associated with the immune phase, resembling manic or depressive exaltation, are important signs for the correct diagnosis and timely treatment of patients. It has been pointed out that, unlike the coincidences of schizophrenia and alcoholism, where in some cases pathoplastic interactions are found that modify the prognosis of the dual illness, but presumably only pathoplastic interactions are found, endogenous and endoreactive disturbances of emotional life are also involved in the pathogenesis of alcoholism syndromes, especially in women.]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[Study of diencephalon function in elderly (involutional) depression]

LÁNG Sándor, HAITS Géza

[The authors report their studies in involutional depression with appropriate controls and verified by mathematical-statistical calculations. In elderly depressive states, biochemical changes can be detected in patients in the body. These changes are mainly manifested in the abnormal running of sugar curves following carbohydrate loading and reduced reactivity of adrenal cortex function. After recovery, most of the abnormal symptoms disappear.]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[„Ballancement psychosomatique”]


[Authors are dealing with a particular phenomenon called "Ballancement psychosomatique", where psychiatric and somatic illnesses alternate with a certain regularity. In addition to the work of the eponymous French authors, they discuss the data available in the world literature on this subject. Finally, the authors themselves attempt to point out the pathomechanism of the phenomenon. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[Diabetes patient attempts suicide by skipping insulin]

KUN Miklós

[I described the suicide attempt of a 25-year-old male diabetic patient with insulin deprivation and tried to point out the psychological background of the suicide attempt. The interesting aspect of the case is that the above-mentioned suicide was previously unknown in the medical literature. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

MARCH 01, 1967

[CONTRIBUTIONS to the World Psychiatric Association, 5-11 September 1966 held in Madrid from 5 to 11-11 May 1997]

A. L., J. P.

[The author reports on the IV Congress of the World Psychiatric Association held in Madrid, September 5-11, 1966.]