Clinical Neuroscience - 1967;20(02)

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1967

Die Bedeutung der Kinderneuropsychiatrie für die Kindererziehung

GERHARD Göllnitz

Nach einem Überblick über die neuropsychiatrischen Probleme von Kindern mit verschiedenen genetischen Ursprüngen und Bildungsdefiziten hebt der Autor die besondere Bedeutung der Früherkennung hervor. Neben der Prophylaxe sind die frühzeitige Erkennung von Entwicklungsstörungen und eine frühzeitige Therapie die einzige Möglichkeit, eine wirksame medizinische Intervention zu gewährleisten. Der Autor stellt ein in Rostock entwickeltes Verfahren zur Früherkennung vor. Diese Regelung sollte auf Kinder im Alter von 6, 15 Monaten und 3 Jahren angewendet werden.

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1967

[Sarcoidosis of the skeletal muscle ]


[From the material of our clinic, 2 cases of muscle sarcoidosis confirmed by muscle biopsy are described, the first of which can be classified as a typical, so-called myopathic form, the second as an asymptomatic form (found as a sub-symptom of general sarcoidosis). We have discussed the clinical, laboratory, electromyographic and pathological aspects of muscular sarcoidosis.]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1967

[Alcoholism as a social psychiatric and health policy problem]


[Alcohol consumption is also on the rise in Hungary, with wine consumption up by 3% and beer and spirits by 30% in the last four years. The village's consumption of pálinka is higher than the national average, at 3.8 litres per capita per year instead of 5.9 litres per capita per year, due to insufficient supplies of wine and beer. Alcoholism is not the same as alcohol consumption. The social origins of alcoholism are: liberal attitudes towards excessive alcohol consumption, insufficient health education, frequent neurotic conditions, cynical - nihilistic world view and the social 'sub-depression' that goes with it, and shortcomings in child-rearing. The study points out, by discussing certain aspects, that only a broadly organised health policy can be effective in the fight against alcoholism. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1967

[Angiospasm and hypothalamic laesio associated with rupture and surgery of cerebral aneurysms]


[Our work is based on the observations of 190 patients with verified carotid aneurysms. The aim of our study was to investigate angiospasm and hypothalamic damage associated with aneurysmal rupture. Clinical data and angiograms of 144 patients were processed for angiospasm. We found that the vasospasm associated with aneurysm rupture is not always accompanied by rupture, decreases proportionally with time since the haemorrhage and usually the degree of spasm, although not always, parallels the clinical picture. The spasm detected on angiography is in the majority of cases not only proximal to the aneurysm, but also circumscribed, if not often more extensive, and even detected in the contralateral vessels. The presence of spasm may be perceived as an aggravating factor for operability. Analysing the deaths of patients with aneurysms who died with or without surgery in our institute, we found that in 23 cases the cause of death was hypothalamic damage. We analyse in detail the specific clinical picture, which we call acute hypothalamic lesion, which differs from the symptoms of chronic hypothalamic laesio known from the literature. We support our clinical observations with pathological material (not detailed in this communication). The clinical picture of acute hypothalamic lacrosis after aneurysm rupture, associated with spasm on angiography, almost invariably implies a lethal prognosis, whether the patient is operated or treated conservatively.]