Lege Artis Medicinae

[Quo vadis? – Hungary, anno Carnival 2024]


FEBRUARY 20, 2024

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2024;34(1-2)

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Analysis of the Quality of Life Patients With Huntington’s Disease and Their Families In Hungary]

SZALAI Klára Szilvia, MOLNÁR Mária Judit, MOLNÁR Viktor, ÁCS Andrea

[The aim of the research study was to get a better picture of the patient’s quality of life with Huntington’s disease and their caretaker’s. One of the main topics of the investigation was the family, because taking care of a Huntington’s patient can have a big impact on their lives. Our further concern was to introduce the concept for the families and test their open mindedness, if they would take assistance from nurse graduates to make the patient’s medical journey shorter and help with their everyday life challenges. 

The cross-sectional research was done by validated tests, as well as, self-made tests which contained socio-demographic data and questions regarding the disease. The trial took place at Semmelweis University, at the Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders in collaboration with the patients and their families. 

According to the patients, their life quality is affected more physically than their mental health. The experiment showed that the disease has a big impact on the quality of life of the family members. The family members would be more open in regards to accepting help from advanced practice nurses. 

Huntington’s disease has a negative impact on the quality of life of the patients and their families. It would be adequate to study if the provided help of advanced practice nurses could improve their quality of life. ]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Importance of Dental Prevention for Our Health]


[In Hungary, people’s oral hygiene is very poor and signs of this can be seen from a very young age. The development of good oral hygiene habits should start after birth and be maintained throughout life in order to prevent the development of oral diseases. However, the consequences of poor oral hygiene are not only visible in the oral cavity, but can also have a detrimental effect on the whole organ system, leading to the development of serious diseases. To prevent these, health professionals at all levels of health care need to take preventive action.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Special Nursing Issues of Long-term Central Venous Cannula (port-a-cath) in Pediatric Care]

STREHÓ Virgínia

[Approximately 250-300 new paediatric cancer patients are diagnosed in Hungary every year. Due to the long-term treatment and to avoid frequent piercing of peripheral veins, long-term venous access (port-a-cath) is needed. These catheters are used in chemotherapy, cytostatic dilution therapy and palliative situations. Port-a-cath improves quality of life. The purpose of the study is to promote safe patient care by developing uniform guidelines.

I primarily used publications and guidelines published between 2018-2023, searching for uniform procedures and protocols related to the provision of port-a-cath.

The examination revealed that in modern care there are discrepancies and deficiencies in the care and management of these devices, which can lead to the development of catheter-related complications (e.g. CLABSI).

To provide safe patient care and to avoid complications, nurses need to be aware of important definitions and the correct procedure, which requires uniform guidelines.]

Clinical Neuroscience

Neurobehavioral impairments in ciprofloxacin- treated osteoarthritic adult rats

KÉKESI Gabriella , DUCZA Eszter , GÁLITY Hristifor , BÜKI Alexandra , TÓTH Kálmán , TUBOLY Gábor , HORVÁTH Gyöngyi

Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic widely used in clinical practice to treat musculoskeletal infections. Fluoroquinolone-induced neurotoxic adverse events have been reported in a few case reports, all the preclinical studies on its neuropsychiatric side effects involved only healthy animals. This study firstly investigated the behavioral effects of CIP in an osteoarthritis rat model with joint destruction and pain.

Clinical Neuroscience

Study protocol of the Hungarian Longitudinal Study of Healthy Brain Aging (HuBA)

BANKÓ M. Éva , WEISS Béla , HEVESI István , MANGA Annamária , VAKLI Pál , HAVADI-NAGY Menta , KELEMEN Rebeka , SOMOGYI Eszter , HOMOLYA István , BIHARI Adél , SIMON Ádám , NÁRAI Ádám , TÓTH Krisztina , BÁTHORI Noémi , TOMACSEK Vivien , HORVÁTH András , KAMONDI Anita , RACSMÁNY Mihály, DÉNES Ádám , SIMOR Péter , KOVÁCS Tibor , HERMANN Petra , VIDNYÁNSZKY Zoltán

Neurocognitive aging and the associated brain diseases impose a major social and economic burden. Therefore, substantial efforts have been put into revealing the lifestyle, the neurobiological and the genetic underpinnings of healthy neurocognitive aging. However, these studies take place almost exclusively in a limited number of highly­developed countries. Thus, it is an important open