Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Negative Pressure Therapy in the General Surgery Department]


MAY 03, 2024

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2024;37(2)

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Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Accidental Injuries of Milk Teeth and their Treatment]

RÓZSA Barbara, NÉMETH Anikó

[Accidental injuries to milk teeth are a common occurrence in young children. Many people – if the injury does not seem serious – do not even consider it a serious injury, because „it’s just a milk tooth” and „another one will grow in its place”. Because of these misconceptions, the aim of this article is to raise awareness of the forms and possible consequences of traumatic injuries to milk teeth and to familiarise health professionals with the treatment of these injuries, thus highlighting the importance of dental care for children, even in the most mildly apparent cases, to protect the germs of the teeth to be eroded.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessment of Life and Sleep Quality and Adherence among Individuals Living with Hypertension]

VARGA Bernadett, STROMAJER-RÁCZ Tímea , LAKI Szimonetta, PUSZTAFALVI Henriette , CSIMA Melinda

[The high blood pressure disease is one of the primary risk factors for the development of other cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present study was to assess the medication habits, sleep quality, and quality of life of patients aged 45 and older living with hypertension.

Our study was a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted in 2022 in the form of an online questionnaire among patients aged 45 and older suffering from hypertension (n=143). The data collection tools included the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (8 items), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, EQ-5D-5L, and a self-designed questionnaire.

Lower age was associated with higher levels of medication adherence (R=-0.36; p=0.024). Patients who regularly visited their general practitioner showed more consistent medication intake (p=0.048). Adequate sleep quality positively influenced the quality of life (p<0.001).

Regular visits to the general practitioner not only facilitate medication adherence but also provide an excellent opportunity for patient education and health promotion. Therefore, it has paramount importance to draw the attention of hypertensive patients to the role of regular check-ups with their general practitioner, which can contribute to the prevention of complications arising from hypertension.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Diabetes Mellitus and Oral Health]


[Diabetes affects the whole body, altering fundamental metabolic processes. The number of people with diabetes is gradually increasing, with a growing proportion of younger and younger people affected. While significant lifestyle changes are needed to manage diabetes, some form of medication is also essential. Often, only the importance of exercise and diet is brought to patients’ attention by professionals, overlooking the importance of oral prevention. A number of oral conditions (e.g. dry mouth, gingivitis) can occur in people with diabetes as a result of poor oral hygiene. It is important to raise awareness of these conditions and how to prevent them at all levels of healthcare.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[A New Perspective in Dentistry: Teledentistry in the 21st Century]


[Technical progress in the modern age is rapidly expanding in the fields of health and medicine. Telemedicine is taking off, and global digitalisation is opening up new horizons in all segments of healthcare. Telemedicine has been evolving for decades and can provide a relevant toolkit for preventive and curative care, patient monitoring, and interactions between professionals. Its role is essential for the prevention and better management of common dental diseases. However, in addition to its many advantages, it also has limitations that challenge both professionals and patients visiting the care system.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Role of the Podiatrist in the Care of the Diabetic Foot]


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All articles in the issue

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Analysis of the Quality of Life Patients With Huntington’s Disease and Their Families In Hungary]

SZALAI Klára Szilvia, MOLNÁR Mária Judit, MOLNÁR Viktor, ÁCS Andrea

[The aim of the research study was to get a better picture of the patient’s quality of life with Huntington’s disease and their caretaker’s. One of the main topics of the investigation was the family, because taking care of a Huntington’s patient can have a big impact on their lives. Our further concern was to introduce the concept for the families and test their open mindedness, if they would take assistance from nurse graduates to make the patient’s medical journey shorter and help with their everyday life challenges. 

The cross-sectional research was done by validated tests, as well as, self-made tests which contained socio-demographic data and questions regarding the disease. The trial took place at Semmelweis University, at the Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders in collaboration with the patients and their families. 

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