Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Development of training programs – development directions of nursing education programs]

VIZVÁRI László1,2

DECEMBER 18, 2023

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2023;36(6)



Szöveg nagyítása:


[Educational programs play a key role in managing the educational process. They contain important and useful information for training institutions, instructors and students, for organizing and conducting training. This issue is of particular importance nowadays, as the strengthening of the autonomy of vocational training institutions and the end of the compulsory nature of the program curricula present new challenges to schools. Based on the regulations, vocational training institutions must independently develop their training programs (of which the educational program is a part) based on the training and output requirements (KKK) and can no longer rely on the guidelines of the centrally issued program curricula (PTT).
The following summary study reviews methods and approaches that can assist educators in creating quality nursing education programs.]


  1. Kanizsay Dorottya Katolikus Gimnázium
  2. Inter-Ambulance Zrt.

Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Fear of Falling among Geriatric Patients: a Narrative Review]


[The independent living of older people, who form an increasing proportion of society, is fundamentally determined by falls and the fear of falling. Fear of falling becomes pathological when loss of self-confidence and experience of fear of falling become persistent. Consequently, physical activity of older people becomes also limited, which compromises their future functional abilities and increases the risk of institutionalisation. This narrative review discusses the terminology used in the literature, the prevalence of fear of falling, and the methods used to evaluate it. It also outlines how it can be prevented and how it can be reduced (or even eliminated) based on current research.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Decreasing Fever now and then: The Past Living with us]


[To assess lay parents’ knowledge and attitudes towards fever; to find out to what extent they know and use fever control recommendations for their children; to assess whether the perceptions of parents who manage their children’s fever independently have changed. And to put this snapshot into context, it summaries how the perception of fever has changed through history to the present day.

The cross-sectional study was conducted between November 12, 2022 and December 24, 2022 through self-constructed online questionnaire among non-medical parents.

Most parents are not even aware of the basic concepts. If they do not have to manage their own fever, but their child’s, they will begin to reduce the fever much sooner. 58% of those surveyed also use physical methods (compresses, cooling baths) in addition to medication. Many misconceptions about fever persist. There is an opinion among parents that it is better to consult a physician than to manage fever on your own.

Disseminating knowledge about fever and tackling misconceptions would be vital to reduce the burden of overused emergency care.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Examination of the Nutrition Status of Pregnant Pregnancy Before and After Pregnancy]

HULMAN Anita, VARGA Katalin, KECZELI Viola, TISZA Boglárka, PAKAI Annamária

[In the course of our research, we compared the pre-pregnancy test mass index of Hungarian women with the results of the National Nutrition and Nutritional Status Examinations.

Our cross-sectional study was conducted between 01.01.2020 and 01.08.2020. During the nonrandom, targeted, expert sample selection, the target group included pregnant women or mothers raising at least one minor child (N=1423). Exclusion criteria include the omission of mandatory questions. Our survey was done online, with a self-filled questionnaire, anonymously. In the questionnaire, we used sociodemographic, anthropometric, pregnancy and nutrition-related questions. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical software, descriptive statistics and tables.

The normal BMI was typical only for those under 20 years of age (21 kg/m2). The largest proportion of people over 20 years of age were overweight (>25 kg/m2). Every fourth pregnant woman (43.4%) and every third mother (33%) reported that excess body weight does not bother them at all.

Based on the body mass index, Hungarian women are already overweight before pregnancy, which entails an increased health and financial burden.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Analysis of the Quality of Life Patients With Huntington’s Disease and Their Families In Hungary]

SZALAI Klára Szilvia, MOLNÁR Mária Judit, MOLNÁR Viktor, ÁCS Andrea

[The aim of the research study was to get a better picture of the patient’s quality of life with Huntington’s disease and their caretaker’s. One of the main topics of the investigation was the family, because taking care of a Huntington’s patient can have a big impact on their lives. Our further concern was to introduce the concept for the families and test their open mindedness, if they would take assistance from nurse graduates to make the patient’s medical journey shorter and help with their everyday life challenges. 

The cross-sectional research was done by validated tests, as well as, self-made tests which contained socio-demographic data and questions regarding the disease. The trial took place at Semmelweis University, at the Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders in collaboration with the patients and their families. 

According to the patients, their life quality is affected more physically than their mental health. The experiment showed that the disease has a big impact on the quality of life of the family members. The family members would be more open in regards to accepting help from advanced practice nurses. 

Huntington’s disease has a negative impact on the quality of life of the patients and their families. It would be adequate to study if the provided help of advanced practice nurses could improve their quality of life. ]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice


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All articles in the issue

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