Clinical Neuroscience

TikTok and tics: the possible role of social media in the exacerbation of tics during the COVID lockdown

NAGY Péter 1, CSERHÁTI Helga 2, ROSDY Beáta 2, BODÓ Tímea1, HEGYI Márta 1, SZAMOSÚJVÁRI Judit 2, FOGARASI Joseph Dominic 1, FOGARASI András 1

MAY 30, 2022

Clinical Neuroscience - 2022;75(05-06)


Case Reports

Szöveg nagyítása:


Over the past year, many cases with newly onset or significantly exacerbated tic disorders were observed worldwide, where some aspects of the clinical presentation or the symptomatology were atypical for established tic diagnoses. Our purpose was to describe the atypical cases and raise relevant diagnostic issues. Consecutive cases with atypical tic presentations were documented. Five atypical tic cases are described. These cases shared some common characteristics, most notably the fact that all of them had been exposed to online presentation of ticking behaviour on social media platforms prior to the de novo development or exacerbation of their tics. Even though the order of events suggests causality and therefore the diagnosis of a functional tic disorder, unambiguous criteria for classifying atypical tics as functional symptoms are lacking. Differentiating neurodevelopmental and functional tics in childhood is currently problematic. Based on the currently unresolved issues in differential diagnosis, the importance of watchful waiting and behavioural interventions is highlighted to avoid unwarranted pharmacotherapy.


  1. Bethesda Children’s Hospital, Budapest
  2. Heim Pál Children’s Hospital, Budapest



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Clinical Neuroscience

REM sleep, REM parasomnias, REM sleep behaviour disorder

SZÛCS Anna , MUTTI Carlotta, PAPP Anikó, HALÁSZ Péter, PARRINO Liborio

We review the literature on REM parasomnias, and their the underlying mechanisms. Several REM parasomnias are consistent with sleep dissociations, where certain elements of the REM sleep pattern emerge in an inadequate time (sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations and cataplexy) or are absent/partial in their normal REM sleep time (REM sleep without atonia, underlying REM sleep behavior disorder). The rest of REM parasomnias (sleep related painful erection, catathrenia) may have other still unclear mechanisms. REM parasomnias deserve attention, because in addition to disturbing sleep and causing injuries, they may shed light on REM sleep functions as well as the heterogeneous etiologies of parasomnias. One of them, REM sleep behavior disorder has special importance as a warning sign of evolving neurodegenerative conditions mainly synucleinopathies (some cases synucleinopathies themselves) and it is a model parasomnia revealing that parasomnias may have by autoimmune, iatrogenic and even psychosomatic etiologies.

Clinical Neuroscience

Increased serum citrullinated histone H3 levels in COVID-19 patients with acute ischemic stroke

BAYAR Duran Muhammet , ŞIŞMAN Büşra Aysel , KORAL Gizem , ÇIRAK Selen , TÜZÜN Erdem , GÜNAYDIN Sefer , BAŞTAN Birgül

Prevalence of acute ische­mic stroke (AIS) is increased in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A proposed hypothesis is increased virus-induced propensity to hypercoagulation resulting in arterial thrombosis. Our aim was to provide evidence regarding the involvement of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation (NETosis) in COVID-19 related AIS. Twenty-six consecutively enrolled COVID-19+ pneumonia patients with AIS, 32 COVID-19+ pneumonia patients without AIS and 24 AIS patients without COVID-19 infection were included to the study. Clinical characteristics of recruited patients were collected. Serum levels of citrullinated histone H3 (H3Cit; a factor of NETosis), IL-8 and C5a (mediators associated with NETosis) were measured by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). H3Cit levels were significantly higher in COVID-19+ AIS patients, whereas all study groups showed comparable IL-8 and C5a levels. There were no significant differences among etiological subgroups of AIS patients with or without COVID-19. AIS patients with COVID-19 showed relatively increased white blood cell, lymphocyte, neutrophil, D-dimer, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin levels than control groups. H3Cit levels did not correlate with clinical/prognostic features and inflammation parameters. H3Cit and IL-8 levels were correlated in COVID-19 patients without stroke but not in COVID-19 positive or negative AIS patients. Increased levels of inflammation parameters and H3Cit in COVID-19 related AIS suggest that NETosis may cause susceptibility to arterial thrombosis. However, H3Cit levels do not correlate with clinical severity measures and inflammation parameters diminishing the prognostic biomarker value of NETosis factors. Moreover, the link between IL-8 and NETosis appears to be abolished in AIS.

Clinical Neuroscience

COVID-19 can cause blink reflex abnormalities

COŞKUN Yunus , FİDANCI Halit , ÖZTÜRK İlker , ARLIER Zülfikar

Neurological symptoms and complications associated with coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) are well known. It was aimed to evaluate the brainstem and trigeminal/facial nerves and the pathways between these structures in COVID-19 using the blink reflex test. Thirty patients with post COVID-19 (16 males, 14 females) and 30 healthy individuals (17 males, 13 females) were included in this prospective study. Individuals who previously had a positive nose swap polymerase chain reaction test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and whose previously clinical features were compatible with COVID-19 were included in the post COVID-19 patient group. Neurological examination of the participants should be normal. Blink reflex test was performed on all participants. R1, ipsilateral R2 (IR2), and contralateral R2 (CR2) waves obtained from the test were analyzed. The mean ages of healthy individuals and post COVID-19 patients were 34.0±6.4 and 38.4±10.6 years, respectively. Both age and gender were matched between the groups. R1, IR2, and CR2 latencies/amplitudes were not different between the two groups. The side-to-side R1 latency difference was 0.5±0.3 and 1.0±0.8 ms in healthy individuals and post COVID-19 patients, respectively (p=0.011). One healthy individual and 12 patients with post COVID-19 had at least one abnormal blink reflex parameter (p=0.001). This study showed that COVID-19 may cause subclinical abnormalities in the blink reflex, which includes the trigeminal nerve, the seventh nerve, the brainstem, and pathways between these structures.

Clinical Neuroscience

COVID-19 and post-poliomyelitis syndrome: coincidence?


Although severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel virus, many central and peripheral nervous system manifestations associated with coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) infection have been reported. Beyond the neurologic manifestations, we may still have much to learn about the neuropathologic mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here we report a case of post-poliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) related to COVID-19 and attempt to predict the possible pathophysiologic mechanism behind this association.

Clinical Neuroscience

[B-cell depletion in the therapy of multiple sclerosis: ofatumumab is a new player]

PUKOLI Dániel, VÉCSEI László

[Research results in recent years have demonstrated that B-lymphocytes play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The increased understanding of the disease process has resulted in the development of B cell-targeting antibodies as potential drugs for both relapsing and progressive forms of MS. Therefore, B-cell depletion therapies are becoming more prominent and determining in reducing disease progression. The first B-cell depleting anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody was rituximab, which has also been studied in MS and, following favourable results, new drugs have been developed with a similar point of attack. In 2017, the FDA and in 2018, the EMA approved ocrelizumab, another anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of relapsing-remitting (RRMS) and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). This was a particularly significant advance in the treatment of PPMS, as it was the first medication with a proven effect of reducing progression in PPMS. Ofatumumab, a fully human anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, has emerged recently as a new player in B-cell depletion therapy. The drug has also recently been approved by the EMA in March 2021 for use in relapsing forms of MS. In this review, we detail the mechanism of action and efficacy of anti-CD20 therapies currently used in MS. ]

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Clinical Neuroscience

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Clinical Neuroscience

[Comparison of pain intensity measurements among patients with low-back pain]

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[Pain intensity is the most frequently assessed health domain in clinical studies among patients with low-back pain. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Numeric rating scale (NRS) have been the mostly used measurement tools for pain intensity. We proposed to correlate these instruments to a generic health-related quality of life measurement tool in order to show the scale with superior clinical relevance.

We used cross-sectional, convenience sampling. 120 patients with chronic low-back pain administered the 29-item Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Profile with NRS included, and the VAS scale in the National Institute of Mental Health, Neurology and Neurosurgery. We determined the correlation between PROMIS domain T-scores and VAS and NRS scores.

We performed Spearman rank correlation test to calculate the correlation coefficient. We found VAS scales measuring pain had weak to moderate correlations with all PROMIS health domains (r = 0.24–0.55). Therefore, we compared correlation of PROMIS domain scores with PROMIS pain intensity numeric rating scale and VAS scales. PROMIS domains had moderate to strong correlations with pain intensity scale (r = 0.45–0.71). PROMIS physical function short form [r = –0.65, 95% CI (–0.75) – (–0.55)] and PROMIS pain interference short form (r = 0.71, 95% CI 0.63 – 0.79) had the strongest correlation with pain intensity item.

NRS has showed greater correlation with PROMIS domain T-scores than VAS scale. This may prove that NRS has greater connection to another health domains, thus it correlated more to health-related quality of life than visual scale. We recommend NRS to use in further clinical studies conducted among patients with low-back pain.]