Hypertension and nephrology - 2018;22(02)

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Alberto Zanchetti]

FARSANG Csaba, JÁRAI Zoltán, KÉKES Ede, KISS István

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Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Cholesterol-lowering is not the Holy Grail, but neither is the work of the devil]


[Cholesterol-lowering statins are the most tested medications in respect of the effects and side-effects. Based on these, we can safely claim that most of the negative opinions about cholesterol-lowering are not realistic. It is not a panacea, but it is proven that around a 30% of cardio- and cerebrovascular risk reducation can be achieved by their regular taking, while the incidence of side effects and risks are at least one order of magnitude lower in each patient groups. For cholesterol, there is no “normal” lab threshold or low level, only “target values”, since the mean value in the general population is high in regard of atherosclerosis (the values measured at birth and among natural people can be considered normal). Let us appreciate the cholesterol- lowering medications because we do not have a large armamentarium!]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Summary of guidelines for American, European and International Companies in diabetes mellitus type 2 associated with hypertonia]

KÉKES Ede, DOLGOS Szilveszter

[The importance of hypertension in type 2 diabetes mellitus, the method of continuous blood pressure control and patient’s careas well as the forms of non-drug and drug therapy have been disclosed by presenting therapeutical recommendations from American, European scientific societies and international organizations. It has been established that the principles of care and treatment of hypertonia have basically remained unchanged in diabetes all over the world, despite the recent widespread debate over the interpretation of normal blood pressure and the consideration of the benefits of intensive or standard treatment.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Results of ATTENTION study]


[In the ATTENTION (Using of ARB and sTaTin basEd iNdividualized Treatments in Hungarian patients In the light Of New CV prevention guidelines) trial’s ARB arm 9996 treated hypertensive patients were enrolled. Based on the results in the medical practice, the choice of the first ARB has a significant impact on the further antihypertensive therapy. Losartan, telmisartan and valsartan are all suitable for reaching the goal blood pressure. If necessary, doctors will not change the composition but the dose or use a diuretic supplement (resistant hypertension, older age etc.). Overall a telmisartan preference was observed in the study.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Dietary treatment of dialysis patients]


[Adequate nutritional indices and intake are the corner stone of long term success of renal replecement therapies (hemo- and peritoneal dialysis, transplantation) characterized by favourable survial rates and a good quality of life. There has been no major change in basic principles of nutritional prescription (protein, energy, fluid intake, restriction of sodium, potassium and phosphorous), increasing emphasis has been placed on the reduction of calcium load and ”native” vitamin-D therapy in these patients. Less avareness has been put however in the past ten years (according to recent metaanalyses) on the role and replacement of the full scale of vitamins, in spite of their occasionally altered metabolism and replacement-requirements in ESRD patients. Usually there is a need for their replacement, but some of them are represented in abundant, sometimes toxic amounts in commercially available multivitamin preparates. With in the scope of general aspects of nutrition in ESRD patients, the article gives a detalied overview of their multivitamin recommendations and alternatives of a specified substition.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018

[Role of β-blockers, especially carvedilol in the treatment of hypertension]

PÁLL Dénes, MARODA László, ZRÍNYI Miklós

[Changes in hypertension guidelines in the past years have affected the clinical thinking about β-blockers. Authors reviewed the development of β-blockers emphasizing the differences across various active pharmaceutical agents. Different hemodynamic and metabolic effects are being discussed in details for the third ge - neration vasodilatator carvedilol. Carvedilol has no effect on cardiac output but decreases peripheral vascular resistance which results in lower blood pressure values. However, carvedilol, opposite to unfavorable effects of traditional β-blockers, has a neutral impact on both carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms. Its more advanced cardiac effects include decreased left ventricular hypertrophy and increased coronary flow reserve. Vasodilatator type β-blockers (carvedilol, nebivolol) are indicated in the combi - nation treatment of hypertension, especially when the patient has heart failure, coronary disease or suffered from a previous heart attack.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 20, 2018