Clinical Neuroscience - 1969;22(02)

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1969

Die spatio-temporale Analyse der epileptischen Anfalls-Tatigkeit


Es mag überflüssig erscheinen, ist es aber nicht, auf den Unterschied zwischen dem „EEG“, das mit den üblichen Methoden der Elektroenzephalographie gewonnen wird, und der „Bioelektrischen Hirntätigkeit“ hinzuweisen. Beide Begriffe sind grundsätzlich verschieden, werden aber häufig im Sprach gebrauch und auch im Denken vermischt und nicht klar voneinander abgegrenzt. Ein besseres Verstehen der elektrischen Eigenschaften des Zentralnerven systems ist aber nur möglich, wenn diese beiden Begriffe klar unterschieden werden. Ihre Definition zeigt erst die Grenzen der heutigen Methodik, Hirnstrom kurven aufzunehmen und zu beurteilen, und kann den Weg zü einer künftigen Elektroenzephalographie weisen, die der Erfassung der bioelektrischen Hirntätigkeit durch Messung von mehr Parametern als bisher näher kommt als es heute der Fall ist.

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1969

[Group intelligence test for screening of people with intellectual disabilities]


[Our group-administered, objective, validated paper-certificate intelligence test is designed to screen people with intellectual disabilities. We present two of our parallel-half tests and the performance of a representative group of 18-year-old males with an educational level above grade IV in primary school, measured by this method.]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1969

[Intellectual performance of older people - comparative study - data ]


[The author used a test designed to assess the intellectual functioning of young people to compare the thinking of older people. The slowing down of the pace found in the K.s. was associated with a poor quality of performance. Both in terms of slowing and quality, there was a significant difference between the rural and the urban elderly, to the detriment of the former. Although more advanced age tends to lead to a lower degree of uniformity in the quality of performance, the studies show that social factors play a more important role, as they are the primary determinants of the complex chain of conditions for intellectual differentiation in old age, with the life situation in youth and maturity (schooling, occupation, education, etc.) playing a key role. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 01, 1969

[Data on the issue of carotid circulatory dysfunction]


[The authors reviewed data from 45 cases of carotid insufficiency without complete occlusion. They conclude that, in addition to anamnestic data and neurological symptoms, the auditory murmur over the carotid arteries and bilateral carotid pulse curve examination are crucial in the diagnosis of carotid stenosis. The classification introduced by the authors is based on a dynamic view of the pathology and provides guidance in the selection of appropriate therapeutic options. ]