Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings

Rare cases of sellar region tumors in tertiary endocrine referral center

KURUCZ Petra1, CZIRJÁK Sándor2, NAGY Gábor2, VÁRALLYAY Péter2, SCHEICH Bálint3, SIPOS László2, SZÜCS Nikolette1

2024. OKTÓBER 09.

Ideggyógyászati Szemle Proceedings - 2024;9(6)

Szöveg nagyítása:


Introduction: The sellar region tumors are one of the most common benign tumors of the central nervous system, but they do not always originate from the pituitary gland. Adequate patient care requires close cooperation of endocrinologists, neurosurgeons, neuroophtalmologist and neuroradiologists.

Aims: The aim of our presentation is to highlight tumors in the sellar region, the occurrence of which is considered rare.

Methods: We would like to present six rare cases of sellar region tumors.

Results: A 56-year-old male patient was operated on for renal cell carcinoma. After surgery, the patient experienced bitemporal visual field loss, and the presence of an intraand suprasellar tumor was detected. The histology confirmed the metastasis of renal cell carcinoma.

The medical history of a 43-year-old female patient includes sarcoidosis, pulmonary hypertension, and pituitary macroadenoma. An MRI scan hinted at the possibility of granulomatous inflammation of the pituitary region. The diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis was confirmed, and methylprednisolone treatment was started.

A 72-year-old male patient has been treated for years for a prolactin-producing pituitary macroadenoma. Despite the dopamine agonist treatment that was introduced, progression and intracranial metastasis formation occurred, so now due to pituitary carcinoma we are planning to start temozolomide treatment.

A 25-year-old man underwent surgery for a hydrocephalus-causing tumor in the sellar region, and during histological examination a germinoma was revealed.

A 71-year-old man was operated on for ptosis and ophthalmoplegia, and the histological examination confirmed a conventional chordoma in the pituitary region. His further neuro-oncology therapy is in progress.

In case of a 67-year-old female patient, small lymphocytic lymphoma was confirmed in the sellar region during an examination conducted due to the patient’s headache and confusion.

Conclusion: In summary, we can state that pituitary macroadenomas are not common by themselves, and the six cases described above can be considered as rather rare, however, careful history taking could help to identify these neoplasms.


  1. Semmelweis University, Department of Internal Medicine and Oncology
  2. Semmelweis University, Department of Neurosurgery and Neurointervention
  3. Semmelweis University, Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research

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