Lege Artis Medicinae

[Drug treatment strategies, hypertensive urgencies and emergencies]


OCTOBER 28, 2022

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2022;32(10)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33616/lam.32.033


Szöveg nagyítása:


[In this paper I summarise the currently valid guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of hypertensive patients, and in separate part, those for hypertensive urgencies and emergencies.]


  1. DBC Kórház, Szt. Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház


  1. Williams B, Mancia G (eds.). 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the . táblázatmanagement of arterial hypertension. TheTask Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 2018;36:1953-2041.
  2. Farsang Cs, Járai Z (szerk.). A hypertoniabetegség ellátásának irányelvei. 11. módosított, javított és kiegészített kiadás. Hypertonia és Nephrologia 2018;22(Suppl.5): S1-S36.



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Lege Artis Medicinae

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Lege Artis Medicinae

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Novelties in childhood hypertension ]

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[The epidemiology, classification of hypertension and the Importance of risk stratification]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Clinical implication of assessment of vascular age]

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