Lege Artis Medicinae

[Current issues in the peripartum management of diabetic women from the perspective of an internist-diabetologist]

KERÉNYI Zsuzsanna1

MARCH 31, 2022

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2022;32(03)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33616/lam.32.009


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[In pregnancy complicated with diabetes, treatment of hyperglycaemia is of fundamental importance during delivery in order to improve the outcome parameters of both the mother and the neonate. This is particularly important in the case of mothers with type 1 diabetes and of all mothers who require insulin treatment during their pregnancy. The use of antenatal steroids for women at risk of pre-term birth further complicates the treatment of hyperglycaemia in the period immediately before delivery and requires the appropriate change of insulin therapy. The requirement of nil per os in the delivery period necessitates proper fluid, glucose and insulin treatment in the pre-delivery hours. After surgical delivery the patients may also need infusion treatment until the first meal. As there is no unified guideline for the peripartum management of diabetes, the author re­views the international literature on the internal medicine issues concerning the peripartum treatment of pregnant women with diabetes. This study reviews the characteristics of insulin treatment of women with various types of diabetes before, du­ring and di­rect­ly after delivery. It presents a dosing schedule for women who needed an antenatal steroid treatment in the period before delivery due to premature birth for the purpose of lung maturation. The study also addresses the application and programming of pe­ripartum blood glucose tests, continuous interstitial glucose monitoring (CGM) and insulin pump treatment (CSII).]


  1. Trantor’99 Bt. Anyagcsere Centrum, a Magyar Diabetes Társaság által akkreditált diabetes-szakellátóhely



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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Whether we teach effectively what we consider being important? As seen by medical educators]

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