Lege Artis Medicinae - 2018;28(03)

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[The realization of public health strategies and health-screening in the light of the results of the “comprehensive health screening of Hungary 2010-2017” program]

KISS István, BARNA István, DAIKI Tenno, DANKOVICS Gergely, KÉKES Ede

[The European Healthcare Consumer Index (EHCI) 2017 of Hungary is critically low. Hungarian’s EHCI evaulation are particularly bad in obesity, in nutrition and in physical activity. The ”Comprehensive Health Screening of Hungary 2010-2020" (MÁESZ), has been designed for 10 years, and the first eight years can be considered succesfull. In 2017, 23 931 people participated in a comprehensive screening test, which results 183 655 individuals over the eight years. In this paper, the authors summarize the main achievements of 2017 of MÁESZ. The eight years of the program has been demonstrating the lack of health-conscious behavior, and the deficiencies of health care in Hungary. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[The role of acupuncturists’ qualifications in randomized controlled trials of acupuncture]


[BACKGROUND - Randomized controlled trials (RCT) of acupuncture show heterogeneity in several ways. Acupuncture interventions used for the same conditions are greatly variable and so are study designs. METHOD - We evaluated the most frequently cited randomized controlled trials of acupuncture based on traditional Chinese medicine by examining practitioner background using elements of the “STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture”. The extracted data was compared with international guidelines and standards of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture education. RESULTS - We identified 5 heterogenous educational systems with contact training hours ranging from 120 to 3000. The educational criteria set by 93.75% of the reviewed trials did not meet the standards of the World Health Organization guidelines for acupuncture education or the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies standard for Chinese medicine education. Education in traditional Chinese acupuncture is internationally heterogeneous and this heterogeneity was found to be underreported in 87.5% of these trials, not provided for in study design. DISCUSSION - The generalizability and external validity of the reviewed trials may be questioned regarding the participating practitioners’ training background. In the future, a similar evaluation of systematic reviews could help further elucidate the issue of educational heterogeneity in traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture trials.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[Everyday practice of atrial fibrillation treatment]


[The clinical importance of atrial fibrillation - the most frequent arrhythmia - is derived from the fact that it means a 5-fold risk of stroke/systemic embolism which contributes to the increased cardiovascular morbidity/mortality. Long-term oral anticoagulant therapy is a cornerstone of stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. Until recently Vitamin-K antagonists were the only available therapeutic option but its everyday use has several limitations, eg. bleeding risk, narrow therapeutic range, drug and food interactions and the need of monthly INR-control. The advent of NOAC-s may prevent a lot of difficulties regarding VKA-treatment and lead to as efficacious as and safer therapy than VKAs. These benefits can help better adherence of patients to the anticoagulant therapy which is one of the most important element of more effective stroke prevention. NOACs can be used more safely both in real life and in special patient populations (eg. elderly, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney injury) than VKAs so they can contribute to effective cardiovascular risk reduction.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[Therapy and examination of generalized anxiety disorder in general practitioner practice]


[Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric conditions in primary care, but still the ratio of treated patients is low. Clinically significant anxiousness decreases work efficacy and quality of life, it can cause and often goes with somatic and other psychiatric comorbidities. Patients with anxiety disorders usually undergo many diagnostic tests and interventions turning out negative on all levels of the health system. The general practitioner has a significant role in diagnosing and assessing anxiety disorders, based on a focused history, tests for differential diagnosis and questionnaire screening tools. The generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is highly prevalent in primary care, appr. 8- 10%, 2-4 times frequent in women. Treat - ment is complex, evidence-based methods are available as certain lifestyle modifications, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. A regular consultation with a psychiatrist colleague can improve the chronic care of patients with anxiety disorders.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[The present and future of hypertension-care in Hungary]


[Hypertension is a population disorder of a kind that basically affects the health status, morbidity, mortality, quality of life of the population. The decrease complications its prevalence is favorably influenced by the correct treatment -defined by guidelines-, effective care, reaching and its sustained maintenance of target blood pressure, successful patient-physician co-operation. The importance of cooperation between the patient- physician- assistants- pharmacist is emphasized by numerous international organizations. The general quality of the health care system, the extensive use of the unified information system and the modern tools of telemedicine are increasingly important. The degree of drug adherence is also extremely important. According to our own experience, 40% of patients did not take the prescribed drugs in the second to third months of therapy. The Home Blood Pressure Measurement, Blood Pressure Monitoring as well as the patient education and drug revenue check mediated by smartphones, increase adherence. Real progress would mean that, like the care of heart failure, hypertension outpatients clinic (within the university centers, and the hospital departments of the county) would provide the therapeutic controll and care of the hypertensive patients.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

MAY 02, 2018

[The role of fathers in the family therapy of eating disorders, with special regard to mosaic families]

TÚRY Ferenc, SZENTES Annamária

[Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa) are the typical forms of modern disorders of civilization. In the therapy of young (below age of twenty years) patients the family therapy can play a decisive role. During family therapy, in the case of mosaic families (newly organized families after divorce and second marriage) it is a frequent question, which family members should be involved into the therapeutical sessions: the biological parents, or the members of the actual families. In this paper two cases are reported where mosaic families were consulted. In the family therapy the new distribution of parental roles, the strengthening of the paternal responsibility of the foster-father were crucial in the families. In both cases a full remission occurred. As a conclusion we can state that during family therapy of eating disordered patients - and supposedly in other psychosomatic disorders - in the case of mosaic families the involvement of the actual family members, and the strengthening of the parental role can be an important factor in the therapeutical efficacy.]