Lege Artis Medicinae - 1991;1(16)

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Cardiac rehabilitation a review]

VICTOR Froelicher, CRES P. Miranda

[The questions of cardiac rehabilitation are reviewed evaluating own personal experiences and pertaining current literature. The authors touch upon the question of early mobilization, as well as supervised and non supervised exercise. The criteria for the implementation of coronary angiography and acute revascularization procedures in the early phase of myocardial infarction are established. They review the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and the effects of rehabilitation training on the patients prognosis.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Problems of organ transplantation - donor care]


[The development of the definition of brain death which is fundamental in cadaver organ removal for transplantation purposes is reviewed. Brain stem death, an alternative term for brain death is based primarily on clinical findings namely the irreversible cessation of cephalic reflexes and spontaneous breathing. Hypothermia, metabolic and endocrine abnormalities, prolonged muscle relaxant, sedative or hypnotic drug action should be excluded. The early recognition of potential donor and the maintenance of basic life function at the Intensive Care Unit and the operating theater are essential for the good function of the transplanted organs. Normal homeostasis should be maintained by ensuring adequate fluid intake, good circulation and urine output. Brain death potential donors can exhibit persistent spinal reflexes and spontaneous movement wich may be erroneously interpreted as signs of life. The problem of the determination of brain death under 4 year of age is also discussed although law does not allow to use them as potentional donors in Hungary. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[A review of a three year period in general practice]


[The author summarizes his work as a general practicioner in a village of 2000 people. He aimed to construct racional conditions of health care using technical, educational and organizing tools. Patients are reported to be satisfied and positive tendencies appeared in medicamentum consumption, and the number of sick days decreared from 13 673 to 10 198 per year. Less consultations of specialists and ask for hospital admission war performed. Indispensability of computers in the management of general practice is stressed. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Having got a district]


[A beginner young general practicioner summarizes the experiences of his first year of work. Complex preparation for this work at the university, and the build up of the new practice of basic health service is described. Care of hypertension and diabetes is detailed, as an example how important and difficult is to reorganise this part of the work. The first year of experience gives a good possibility to look over the lack of undergraduate teaching This type of data collection and critical analysis seems to be necessary for a better planning of the forthcoming medical work. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Chlamydia Pneumoniae: a new respiratory disease]

MARTON Anna , FÓRIS Katalin, SZALKA András, KÁROLYI Alice

[Current knowledge of Chlamydia pneumoniae, a newly recognized Chlamydia species that causes acute respiratory infection is summarized. Microbiology, classification and the laboratory diagnosis of the organism are discussed. Serological studies in Hungary suggest that almost everyone is infected during lifetime and reinfection is common as well. The organism appears to spread from human to human. Tetracyclin or erythromycin is recommended for the treatment of the Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Spontaneous Cholecysto-cutan fistula]


[A case report of a 85 year old male patient is presented. Fistula between gall-bladder and skin was developed five years before admission to hospital. Gall-stones passed through the fistula. The planned endoscopic sphincterotomy couldn't performed as the intrapancreatic part of the common bile duct showed narrowing. Cholecystectomy and choledocho-doudenostomy was performed without any complication. By appropriate timing of an operation and more proper evaluation of the patient's general condition formation of the fistula could have been prevented. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Endoscopic ultrasonography of the esophagus]

BOHÁK Ágnes, PAPP Ilona, FIGUS I. Albert, KISS János

[Authors – for the first time in Hungary - applied endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnostic procedure of oesophageal diseases. 91 examinations were performed, and an account of the value of this method is given. Endoscopic ultrasonography proved to be an effective and informative procedure for the diagnosis of the malign and benign diseases. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Prevention of tooth decay in children]

[Dental caries is a widespread disease in our country. National epidemiological studies show that the intensity of dental caries in children and adolescents doubles every 10 years. International experience has shown that dental disease can be prevented with an appropriate complex prevention programme. Dental health professionals internationally consider the use of fluorides, the promotion of dietary habits that are less damaging to the dentition and good oral hygiene as three basic pillars of primary prevention. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The concept of pre-embryo]

LAMPÉ László

[With the practical application of new methods of human reproduction, a new name, a new concept for the initial stage of the development of the fertilised egg cell has become necessary. This is the period from the end of conception until the time when it has developed into a (single) biological individual without any doubt. In addition to the importance of the uniform use of nomenclature, there are two more important reasons for the definition. First and foremost, the fact that this period is a special and unique period of biological development in which the fate of the fertilised egg is very much in question and in which several alternatives are possible (1. below). ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Where do we stand and how do we proceed with clinical laboratory testing?]


[A good diagnostic network is a prerequisite for high-quality healthcare. This includes both analytical and imaging techniques. In recent years, laboratory tests in chemistry, microbiology, haematology and borderline areas have also developed significantly in our country. According to the National Laboratory Institute, the number has doubled in the last 15 years and now stands at 111 million per year. Two major changes have been observed: 1. Structural change - integration 2. privatisation - clarification of the principles of diagnostic care as a matter of public right. These are the two issues that we like to address, based on our experience at the Central Laboratory of the Tétényi Road Hospital.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991


FEHÉR János, DÉNES László

[To Dr. János Stumpf's article "Reflecting on whether there is a pressure for change in medical science" (Aug. 28), I make the following additions: The MOTESZ Presidency was pleased to welcome the article, which confirmed the efforts of the Association, which has been going on for many years. Following a favourable change in the legal framework (above all the possibility provided by the 1989 law on associations), both MOTESZ and the majority of its member associations have placed their activities on a new, modern, democratic basis, reforming, above all, their statutes.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Dear Editorial Board!]


[The Programme for Action is certainly the bestseller of our medical community today, and I suspect the evaluation of the large number of reactions is also a major work. I shall therefore try to be brief, although I fear that brevity and lack of data will make me truncate what I have to say. We know that the results of the planning and building that we are doing now will shape our health system for many years, decades to come. Change after the fact can be difficult and destructive. The responsibility of health workers in this truly historic situation extends beyond our immediate sphere of action.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The Scientific Society for Public Health was founded]

BOJÁN Ferenc

[It is now widely known that the state of public health in Hungary has deteriorated over the past decades. By the end of the 1980s, all the key indicators of health status showed that we were falling behind the developed industrialised countries to an alarming extent. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The social security concept of the KDNP]

[It is in the fundamental interest of society that its members feel safe. The main task of social security is precisely to compensate for a certain proportion of the risks to which members of society are exposed, in line with changes in living standards, in order to create (maintain) social security, and to offset, absorb and absorb adverse social, economic and political effects. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The age of transplantation]


[During the last week of August, Budapest hosted the 8th World Organ Transplant Games, or in 11 simple words, the Transplant Olympics. Two years ago, the seventh edition was held in Singapore, when our country was awarded the right to host the event. The Hungarian participation in Singapore was supported by the National Institute for Health Protection and its predecessor, the National Institute for Health Education, and the Health Protection Fund. Even then, there were - and there are certainly still - those who objected to this. The debate is eternal. Why should we spend relatively large sums of money on a few people travelling to far-flung places to play sport and compete, and why should we not spend the money on ensuring that many people at home can enjoy the pleasure and benefits of physical exercise.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Statement by Pope John Paul II]

[The fact that the Society for the Use of Human Organs for Transplantation is holding its first international congress here in Rome allows me to welcome and encourage you in promoting the objective expressed in the theme of your congress: 'World cooperation in transplantation'. I thank Professor Rafaello Cortesini for his kind words of introduction and wish you all the best and success in your present work.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Wistful cluelessness]


[In qualifying the first meeting of the Parliament's Social Affairs Committee after the summer recess, the Reporter would not make the above statement, but can confidently accept the qualification of its chairman Gyula Kis. But the reason for the hesitancy is not the same as the President, who is usually very precise, who believes that responsibility paralyses MPs, as they help to draft parliamentary resolutions "which should not be changed, they should be valid for twenty to twenty-five years, as the first forint paid as social security means a contractual relationship with the insurer." ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The fruit is ripe, was it a big day?]


[Hungarian social security recently celebrated its 100th birthday. To mark this celebration of dubious value, a circular entitled The Centenary Year was published. The authors of this circular draw attention to a very important principle: "People are often lost between the two poles of the state and the market, as if they existed only as consumers or as administrative subjects of the state. It is as if it is forgotten that the purpose of human coexistence is neither the state nor the market, but that man has an unparalleled value in himself, which both the state and the market must serve." It goes without saying that social security must also. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Faces from the Parliament]


[Gyula Kincses (MDF). I have been an assistant professor of otorhinolaryngology at the University of Debrecen since my graduation. This is my first and only job. Today it is fashionable to claim that 'I was an oppositionist from childhood'. I can't say that. I was more of an alternative figure at university. I had an active cultural life: I was a successful photographer, I founded a jazz club and then the DOTE Gallery, which presented peripheral artists. I went to university as a typical exam-period student, which had the disadvantage that I had to study a lot after I graduated. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991


[This summer, thanks to a Tempus scholarship, I was able to spend a good part of my summer at the Free University of Amsterdam. Medical training there is in many ways different from that at home, more liberal and broader. I thought it was important to publish some of its characteristics, so that everyone can think about them as they wish.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[History of domestic medical administration]


[There is a lack of knowledge among the professional public about the older ways of health and medical administration in Hungary, although a review of the historical process can provide many lessons for today. Its first forms emerged in the Middle Ages, mainly in towns and densely populated villages, where the administrative bodies implemented the measures they took to ensure cleanliness and prevent epidemics, either themselves or through the offices they set up. They could even use the means of coercion, although their activities became truly effective when they were headed by professionals skilled and trained in the field of medicine.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The potential of acupuncture in the treatment of alcohol and drug withdrawal]

EŐRY Ajándok

[In 1990, the Hungarian Acupuncture and Moxa Therapy Association was founded alongside the Hungarian Acupuncture Doctors' Association, based on the belief that acupuncture should be learned "only from pure sources", from Chinese practitioners. Yet now the same Association has invited Dr. Paul Zmiewski from the USA to give a course on the use of acupuncture to doctors of alcoholism, with the support of the National Institute of Alcoholism. Is there no contradiction in this? ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[Depictions of Saint Rocco]

VÉGH János

[Little is known about the person of Saint Rocus, and sceptical scholars even doubt his existence. It was the fervent devotion of those in need that made him great, that established his cult, and that interest in his person sooner or later led to his legend. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[The depreciation of health care and medicine]


[Our survey of doctors in Budapest also included questions on the social prestige of medical work and healthcare. The questions were:]

Lege Artis Medicinae

OCTOBER 30, 1991

[About books]


[Book review Peter Anderson "Management of drinking problems"]