Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Behavioral Factors, Symptoms and Prevention Options are involved in the Development of Oral Cavity Tumors ]

SUKI Cintia Barbara1, MOKA Eszter1, NÉMETH Anikó1,2

JUNE 28, 2023

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2023;36(3)



Szöveg nagyítása:


[The incidence of oral cavity tumors is showing an increasing trend, with cause including harmful behaviors, improper nutrition, and inadequate lifestyle. There are many known pre-cancerous conditions, the early diagnosis and treatment of which can prevent malignant degeneration. This is only possible if people conciously pay attention to their oral hygiene and do not neglect regular dental chech-ups. It is important to draw the attention of lay people to this issue in all areas of healthcare.]


  1. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi és Szociális Képzési Kar
  2. MESZK Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Területi Szervezet

Further articles in this publication

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Preventive Role of the Use of Fluorides and its Importance in Childhood ]

BAK Brigitta, CSONTOS Elizabet, NÉMETH Anikó

[The use of fluorides is one of the most important areas of dental prevention. It has many beneficial effects on teeth, and it is worth using them starting from childhood. It has an important role in caries prevention and in ensuring the strength of the enamel. However, we must pay attention to take fluoride into our body in moderation. If we don’t act accordingly, we can damage the condition of the teeth and the structure of the bones, to which we should pay special attention during childhood. Fluorosis can be prevented by attention, but adequate information is essential for this, which can be provided by both dentists and dental hygienists.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Education of Healthcare Professionals about Stomato-oncology Screening Tests]


[In Europe Hungary has the highest prevalence of oral cancer and mortality. That aforementioned case draws attention to the importance of oral screening tests because these types of tumors can be cured easily if we catch them in time. Stomato-oncology screening tests are one of the most painless and easiest examinations considering that it can be effectively done by non-professionals and healthcare workers outside of dentistry. This gives us the opportunity to filter out tumors in early states. This summary publication demonstrates the steps of extra- and intraoral examination and escalates to noticing periodontal deseases and oral cancer.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessing the Effectiveness of Patient Education Among Periodontal Patients Conducted by Clinical Dental Hygienist ]

KIS Mónika

[To objectify the positive effect of individualized oral hygiene patient education on the condition of patients suffering from periodontal disease. Also to draw attention to the effectiveness and necessity of patient education in order to motivate the nurse and dental hygienist colleagues to implement individual patient education in practice.

Instrumental measurement-based impact assessment within a focus group with periodontal disease, observing the differences between the condition of patients who received patient education (n=108) and patients who did not received patient education (n=113).

Individual patient education is effective, individual patient compliance is higher and periodontal disease status shows a significantly greater improvement in patients who participated in individual patient education.

 The education carried out by clinical dental hygienists can effectively improve the oral health of periodontal patients, thus reducing the disease burden and decreasing the periodontal disease risk effect on the development of other disease affecting the entire human body.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Assessment of Attitude and Nursing Skills Based on Racial, Religious and Ethnical Attributes during Daily Practice ]


[Purpose: The aim of the study to gather detailed report about the knowledge and the manner of the nurses in patients from different cultures.

The study population consists of nurses from two different hospitals (Hospital A and Hospital B). Surveys were applied to assess the knowledge of intercultural nursing. Fifty questionnaires were sent each hospital. Finally, 63 completed questionnaires arrived from Hospital A (nA=33) and Hospital B (nB=30). 

Most of the nurses have basic knowledge about transcultural nursing, but it should be improved furthermore.

According to the results, majority of the nurses have elemental experience in transcultural medical care, but it needs further development.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Examining the Knowledge of Nurses regarding Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Part 1)]


[Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT), as one of the methods of modern wound treatment, is widely used for the treatment of complex wounds both in inpatient and outpatient care and in home care.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge of nurses working in the surgical department and who encounter this treatment every day, about wound care with negative pressure.

Cross-sectional, qualitative method with structured interviews. The study sample is nurses working in the surgical department with a minimum OKJ Nursing professional qualification, who have encountered NPWT treatment during their practical work. The investigation took place in July and August of 2021.

Among the interviewed nurses, 9 out of 10 did not encounter this form of wound treatment in their previous jobs. 9 nurses knew the principle on which the equipment works and the effect it has on wound healing. All interviewed nurses were aware of what to pay attention to when caring for a patient receiving NPWT care. According to the nurses, their most important task is to monitor the secretions that empty into the collection tank, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Only 1 nurse out of 10 mentioned that when a large amount of blood appears, the machine must be stopped immediately and the doctor must be alerted immediately. 8 of the nurses were interested in additional information and useful information about NPWT.

The negative pressure therapy has not yet spread widely in Hungary, but at the same time, the nurses who have worked with this wound treatment method are aware of the working principle of the machine. Nurses consider it important to monitor all parts of the equipment, because they are aware that if any part is malfunctioning, the treatment is ineffective. Nurses’ knowledge is based only on their experience and they would like to expand their knowledge of negative pressure therapy.]

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Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Importance of the Dental Hygiene of the Elderly, and the Involvement of Nurses in Oral Prevention ]

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[The dental hygiene of the elderly is showing a devastating picture worldwide. Among the reasons we can find: behavioural factors, medicines, different illnesses. The bad dental hygiene, which is called paradontitis, can be the reason of so many different illnesses. Tooth loss in old age and bad mouth hygiene is not a basic thing and it is not a natural occurence. By sustaining the appropriate dental hygiene and visiting the dentist frequently one can avoid these problems or can be managed in time. In this announcement, the reasons of the bad dental hygiene of the elderly, the possibilites of prevention and the steps of dental counseling are listed.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[The Importance of Dental Prevention for Our Health]


[In Hungary, people’s oral hygiene is very poor and signs of this can be seen from a very young age. The development of good oral hygiene habits should start after birth and be maintained throughout life in order to prevent the development of oral diseases. However, the consequences of poor oral hygiene are not only visible in the oral cavity, but can also have a detrimental effect on the whole organ system, leading to the development of serious diseases. To prevent these, health professionals at all levels of health care need to take preventive action.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

[Effects of Illegal Drugs on Oral Health]

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[Drug use is still on the rise today, with designer drugs being particularly dangerous. In addition to the general effects on the body, we must also mention the negative effects on the oral cavity. Many people do not realise that oral health can also be at risk, although oral lesions can develop as a result of poor oral hygiene, infections or neurological symptoms caused by the way in which the drug is used, or even by the way in which it is taken. In addition to dental caries, it is important to mention oral infections, tooth wear, or even Kaposi’s sarcoma due to possible HIV infection. Recognition of these oral lesions and of illegal drug use is not only a task for dental professionals, but also for the whole health care system.]

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[How to find the balance between patient screening and lifestyle management of already recognized cases? ]

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Hypertension and nephrology

[Methodology and clinical relevance of measuring blood pressure variability based on the consensus paper of the European Society of Hypertension]

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