Clinical Oncology - 2016;3(01)

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Prevention and therapy of cervical cancer ]

RÉVÉSZ János, BÍRÓ Mátyás

[The global incidence of cervical cancer is ~530000, the death rate is ~270000 per year. These data shows, that cervical cancer is the fourth common malignancy in woman worldwide and the leading cancer related death in developing countries. HPV infection is the most important factor of carcinogenesis. Immunisation against HPV can prevent infection, and decrease the cancer incidence. In case of invasive cancer the therapeutic principles are surgery and radiotherapy. In case of high risk patients and/or locally advanced disease the adjuvant and neoadjuvant cytostatic treatment has limited evidences. The traditional cytotoxic therapy and the recent antiangiogenic therapy recommended for patients who have extrapelvic metastasis, residual tumor after primary radiotherapy or recidiv non curable tumor by radiotherapy or radical surgery.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Treatment of mesothelioma - an update]

MOLDVAY Judit, HEGEDŰS Balázs, KOVÁCS Ildikó, DÖME Balázs

[Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive tumor arising from the mesothelial cells lining the pleura. It is an asbestos related disease with increasing incidence both in Europe and in Hungary. This often fatal disease is characterized by rapid progression, and unfortunately, treatment options are very limited to date. Thus every effort should be made to better understand the pathological and molecular biological characteristics of this disease in order to develop new treatment strategies. This summary reviews the treatment options available today as well as the new therapeutic approaches at the experimental and clinical investigation stage.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Follicular lymphoma - a way to personalized and targeted therapy ]


[Although follicular lymphoma is the most frequent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with an indolent clinical course, it is a rare disease. Patients with FL are characterized with a long survival with a relatively good quality of life, however using the current standard chemo-immunotherapy, the disease is considered incurable. The increasing knowledge of the molecular genetic background of the disease and the role of the reactive microenvironment lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of follicular lymphoma. Furthermore, the detailed functional characterization of the various cell surface antigens and deciphering the complex network of signaling pathways catalyzed the development of a number of novel targeted therapies (monoclonal antibodies, kinase- and NFκB-inhibitors), while understanding the effects of the cell surface receptors of cytotoxic T-cells initiated development of the monoclonal checkpoint inhibitors. The epigenetic therapies represent a novel therapeutic area with methyltransferase inhibitors demonstrating the most favorable results. Among the novel therapies, the immunomodulatory lenalidomide appears as the most promising and most effective drug, which acts via regulating the microenvironment, and in combination with rituximab in fi rst line setting it demonstrated similar effi cacy to the current standard protocols. Indeed, the rational use of the novel data and drugs paves the way towards personalized and targeted therapies for FL, resulting in more effective treatment and further improvement in patients’ survival, with a very long disease-free survival representing cure.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Oncogene-targeted therapy of non-small cell lung cancer]


[Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths thus presenting one of the main public health related issues globally. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents approximately 85% of all lung cancer cases. Historically, platinum-based chemotherapy was the mainstay of systemic therapy for NSCLC, leading to median survival rates of only 8 to 10 months. Major improvement in the treatment of NSCLC was made through the identifi cation of key genetic aberrations (oncogene drivers) that drive tumor initiation, maintenance and progression and development of highly effective oncogene- directed therapies. Oncogene-directed therapies against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) in conjunction with well-validated methods for the detection of their targets already represent a standard care of advanced NSCLC patients. Encouragingly, in the recent years a number of additional genetic aberrations have emerged as novel molecular targets with potential therapeutic implications in lung cancer. In this review a comprehensive overview of standard oncogene-directed therapies of advanced NSCLC is provided, challenges in overcoming resistance to those therapies are discussed and novel oncogene-directed therapies under development are briefl y presented.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Epigenetics and cancer]


[Epigenetics is concerned with the modulation of the genom without structural changes in the nucleotide-sequence. The main target in the regulation of epigenetical activity is gene expression. The main mechanisms in epigenetics the reversible chemical modulation of the DNA and the histones which are regulated by enzyme-complexes, acting directly with the metabolism and the signaling pathways, as well as with the sensors of macro- and microenvironment. New members of the epigenetical family are the non-coding RNAs (e.g. microRNA). The misregulation of these components can infl uence the tumors at different stages of growth and progression. Several inhibitory anticancer drugs (e.g. azacytidine, decitabin, vorinostat, romidepsin, belinostat) are used in the clinical targeted therapy.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Oncotherapy associated skin toxicity]

OLÁH Judit

[The last decades opened a new era of oncotherapy, including the development of targeted therapies for different subtypes of malignancies. Cutaneous adverse events are the most frequent toxicities among side effects of personally tailored molecular targeted agents. This review summarizes the practical aspects of the clinical characteristics and the optimal treatment of skin-related complications caused by oncological drugs.]

Clinical Oncology

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

[Surgical view on the perioperative oncological treatment of liver metastases originated from colorectal cancer]


[Recent development of surgery resulted in fundamental changes in assessment of resectability of liver tumors. Surgical interventions became more radical and more effective. Colorectal liver metastasis (CLM) represents the most frequent hepatic tumor, where therapeutic options require close collaboration between surgeons and oncologists, and up-to-date approach from both. As the fact is, that CLM is a metastasis of a primary colorectal carcinoma, it seems to be obvious to apply perioperative chemotherapy. Results justify serious precaution. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy did not improve overall survival. Several data testify, that even perioperative chemotherapy is not indicated in these cases. Adjuvant chemotherapy can be applied after extended liver resections and two stages hepatectomies. About 20% of patients with initially inoperable CLM may be rendered resecable after systemic chemotherapy. Prognosis of synchron CLM is bad, 5 year survival is less than 20%. Disappearing CLM needs special respect, high level of perfection in liver surgery is essential. After chemotherapy postoperative morbidity is rising, technical diffi culties may occur. Further studies are required to examine possible effect of new targeted molecular therapy-based regimens on resectability. Individualized multidisciplinary treatment planning is mandatory.]