Lege Artis Medicinae

[The Great Acceleration]

BRYS Zoltán1

DECEMBER 10, 2018

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2018;28(11-12)

Szöveg nagyítása:


Every year, there are about 192 000 square kilometres of forest less on Earth. As the distribution of tree density is not evenly distributed, it is important to express the loss in terms of tree trunks: an estimated 15.3 billion trees per year. Global soil erosion, climate change, human population growth and increasing per capita consumption all point to a further decline in the number of trees on Earth. The trend is not new: since the last ice age, human civilisation has eradicated roughly half of all forests. Mankind has needed trees or forested land in ever-increasing quantities, for varying purposes, as it has developed technologically. Timber was and is needed for firewood, for building slate castles, mills, ships or railways, and later for paper or other goods. And land was essential for agriculture and cities. Reforestation has been and is still hampered to a greater extent by the cultivation of fields and to a lesser extent by industrial production...


  1. Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék, Budapest



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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Mastitis and breastfeeding]

UNGVÁRY Renáta, MIKÓ-BARÁTH Eszter, KISS Eleonóra

[Various degrees of mastitis affect a significant percentage of breastfeeding mothers. Prevention and effective treatment are important public health issues due to the severe pain, malaise, high fever, and possible complications. Among other causes for early termination of breastfeeding, the most prominent reasons are the pain, prolonged healing, abscess due to mastitis and the frequent recurrence of the disease. Proper management of mastitis and alleviating the symptoms influence the length of breastfeeding and hence leads to a positive outcome for both the mother’s and her child’s long term health. Nevertheless, there are inconsistencies worldwide regarding the diagnosis, cure and prevention of mastitis. The treatments are done mostly on empirical basis. Even though numerous articles have been published on the subject, the unequivocal results are yet to come. This overview summarizes the current knowledge and the dilemmas about mastitis as well as the prevention opportunities and therapies. It also discusses the new results on breastmilk microbiome research, which might change the approach towards mastitis treatment.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Modalities of the therapy of patients with high cardiovascular risk]


[International and Hungarian guidelines emphasize the need of the combinations in the therapy of hypertension. Single pill combinations (SPC) are preferred. The importance of the treatment reducing cardiovascular risk is underlined by the fact that in most hypertensive patients other cardiovascular risk factors, among them most frequently dyslipidemia is present. In addition to antihypertensive drugs these patients should be treated also with those decreasing plasma lipids. Adherence / persistence to therapy of patients is greatly improved by the use of single pill combinations. Today we also have SPCs decreasing both, blood pressure and plasma lipids. Among them there is the combination containing amlodipine and atorvastatin. Several international and Hungarian clinical studies have been conducted. Results of these investigations have been described in several publications. In this paper I summarise the most important results of some of these studies. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Type 2 diabetes: what is the role of a General Practitioner in the treatment of diabetes?]


[The 2017 National Guidelines of the Hun­garian Diabetes Association emphasize the individual treatment of diabetic patients and the strong, goal-oriented regulation of carbohydrate metabolism from recogni­tion on. Beside monotherapy, primary dual or triple combination therapy may be applied in the treatment of patients. In primary care it’s the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes where there is a lot to be done. We hope that the everyday use of the Professional Guidelines will contribute to a more successful diabetic care by General Practitioners (GPs). The holistic care of the GP’s team plays an important role in the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for more than 90% of all diabetic cases. ]

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