Lege Artis Medicinae

[Host switching does not need any magic]


JULY 31, 2023

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2023;33(6-7)

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Further articles in this publication

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Ancient Roman medicine in light of recent archeological finds near Jaszbereny, Hungary]

SZABÓ Katalin

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[”Medicine must not be allowed to become a mechanistic process”]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Evolution in medical therapy of heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: clinical importance of the rapid titration strategy]

VARJAS Norbert, HEPP Tamás, BENCZÚR Béla

[Both, mortality and morbidity of chronic heart failure are persistently high, thus its adequate disease management is of pre-eminent importance. For heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) numerous evidence are available to improve its prognosis, including reduction of mortality, sudden cardiac death, and hospitalizations. Large randomized clinical trials have been shown that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), angiotensin-receptor/neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), B-blockers, mineralocotricoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2 inhibitors) reduce both morbidity and mortality of HFrEF patients. Accordingly, the heart failure recommendation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) issued 2021, proposed the basic therapy for HFrEF in 4 pillars: ACEI/ARNI, BB, MRA and SGLT2 inhibitors. 
Instead of the earlier approach of stepwise sequential therapy, the new recommendation advocates for simultaneous initiation of all four drug classes with rapid titration to the target dose. The STRONG-HF clinical trial aimed to compare the rapid titration with its conventional strategy. Con­cer­ning the primary composite endpoint of re­peated heart failure in 180 days with rehospitalization and all-cause mortality compared with changes in quality of life and re­hospitalization by heart failure as separate endpoints, the rapid titration was significantly more efficient solution. 
When optimizing therapy, we have also to pay attention to the comorbidities of HFrEF patients, which may compromise the procedure of titration. The consensus document of the ESC Heart Failure Association recommends special patient profiling by comorbidities and specific hemodynamic parameters, followed by therapeutic re­com­mendations on different patient profiles. Overall, SGLT2 inhibitors have the least limiting factors and contraindications, thus they can be used in all profiles without exception – as early as at initiating the therapy.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Type 2 diabetes associated anxiety and affective disorders]


[Type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as depression and anxiety, are generally prevalent and often occur together. Their relationship is complex with impacts of common aetiological factors, such as genetic background, activation of the stress system and the sympathetic nervous system, dysfunction of the immune system and elevated inflammatory cytokines, changes in the central nervous system, as well as lifestyle and socioeconomic factors. On the other hand, their relationship of the three conditions are bidirectional: diabetes may increase the risk of developing depression and anxiety through the burden of disease and diabetic distress, as well as the negative impact of complications on quality of life, while depression and anxiety may lead to diabetes through their negative impact on self-care, and antidepressants used to treat depression may also affect glycaemic control. It is important to draw the attention of professionals to the interrelations of diabetes, depression and anxiety since by screen­ing of mental symptoms there can be reduced the disease burden of comorbidities. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Bridge over the abyss – Recommendations and reality  of lipid-lowering treatment]

REIBER István, MEZÔ Izabella

[2023-ban evidenciaként kell elfogadunk azt a tényt, hogy az emelkedett LDL-C okozó rizikótényezője az atheroscleroticus érbetegségeknek és a következményként fellépő érkatasztrófáknak (myocardialis infarktus, stroke, perifériás érelzáródás). Intenzív lipidterápiával, azaz intenzív dózisú statin (20–40 mg rosuvastatin vagy 40–80 mg atorvastatin) és ezetimib kombinációjának alkalmazásával 50% feletti mértékben csökkenthető az LDL-C-szint, és így a kezeltek nagy részénél elérhetőek lennének a hazai és a nemzetközi ajánlásokban szereplő LDL-C-célértékek. ]

All articles in the issue

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[The Importance of the Dental Hygiene of the Elderly, and the Involvement of Nurses in Oral Prevention ]

GÁLL Evelin Liza, GYÖNGYÖSI Fanni Nikolett, NÉMETH Anikó

[The dental hygiene of the elderly is showing a devastating picture worldwide. Among the reasons we can find: behavioural factors, medicines, different illnesses. The bad dental hygiene, which is called paradontitis, can be the reason of so many different illnesses. Tooth loss in old age and bad mouth hygiene is not a basic thing and it is not a natural occurence. By sustaining the appropriate dental hygiene and visiting the dentist frequently one can avoid these problems or can be managed in time. In this announcement, the reasons of the bad dental hygiene of the elderly, the possibilites of prevention and the steps of dental counseling are listed.]

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[Decreasing Fever now and then: The Past Living with us]


[To assess lay parents’ knowledge and attitudes towards fever; to find out to what extent they know and use fever control recommendations for their children; to assess whether the perceptions of parents who manage their children’s fever independently have changed. And to put this snapshot into context, it summaries how the perception of fever has changed through history to the present day.

The cross-sectional study was conducted between November 12, 2022 and December 24, 2022 through self-constructed online questionnaire among non-medical parents.

Most parents are not even aware of the basic concepts. If they do not have to manage their own fever, but their child’s, they will begin to reduce the fever much sooner. 58% of those surveyed also use physical methods (compresses, cooling baths) in addition to medication. Many misconceptions about fever persist. There is an opinion among parents that it is better to consult a physician than to manage fever on your own.

Disseminating knowledge about fever and tackling misconceptions would be vital to reduce the burden of overused emergency care.]