Lege Artis Medicinae - 2022;32(11-12)

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

[Musculoskeletal pain in Hungarian practice – examination of clinical characteristics and their functional correlations]


[The aim of our survey was to compare the characteristics of pain in daily practice (regionality, severity and functional consequences) with patient characteristics (gender, age, underlying rheumatological conditions, comorbidities) and to analyse their association.

Eighty-four co-investigators recorded musculoskeletal and comorbid conditions, duration, regionality, severity and reported consequences of pain in five domains (embarrassing normal way of living, daily activities, mobility, sleep and generated anxiety). The numerical values of the data and their associations were analysed using epidemiological statistical methods.

Pain intensity and mean pain outcomes were the highest in the degenerative spine disease group. The presence of non-musculoskeletal comorbidities did not generate additional pain or functional disadvantage. Pain severity and pain consequences were the highest for pain lasting for more than three months.

The survey data form a multidimensional coordinate system - pain severity, expected functional consequences and duration, underlying disease, presence or absence of comorbidities, anatomical regions – into which the current pa­tient can be placed. This can provide a basis for weighting the current complaint, planning the analgesic strategy and the choice of the drug.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

[Methodology of scientific monitoring of care in the Outpatient Clinic of Early Childhood Eating and Sleep Disorders]

SCHEURING Noémi, DANIS Ildikó, GERVAI Judit, GULÁCSI Ágnes, ÁGOSTON Olga, SIBA Mónika, STADLER Judit, BALÁZS Krisztina, EGYED Katalin, KECSKEMÉTI Judit, HOLLÓSI Lilla Eszter, SZABÓ László

[In a three-part article series, we present the clinical protocol used by the Early Childhood Eating and Sleep Disorders Outpatient Clinic at Madarász Street of the Heim Pál National Pediatric Institute; a model of the scientific monitoring of the care; and the first results obtained by this monitoring research. The Clinic that also has a hospital background was the first in the Hungarian health care system to pro­vide organized care for families of infants and young children struggling with early childhood emotional and behavioral regulation problems within a framework of interdisciplinary care model. In the second article, we introduce the me­tho­dology of the scientific monitoring of the care in the Outpatient Clinic. By presenting the measurement tools and procedures of the research, which is also de­signed to assess the effectiveness and quality of the care, we would like to contribute to the planning and implementation of other re­search programs for similar services.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

[Selection of results of network-based epidemic spread models]

BÓTA András, HAJDU László, BRYS Zoltán, KRÉSZ Miklós

[Graphs, or networks in a mathematical sense, provide a flexible modelling tool available for other scientific fields, including among others medicine. In this publication, we give a brief overview of infec­tious disease related network modelling. While there are known tools in the literature of this scientific field, the process of infection spreading can be modelled perfectly with networks too. The potential of the topic is proven by the diversity of applied models, the versatility of applications and the large number of scientific publications in this field. Due to the size of the field, in this article we can only explain the basic concepts and basic types of the epidemic spreading models and provide some practical examples of their use.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

[Hungarian translation and psychometric properties of a subjective health literacy questionnaire about the coronavirus]


[The concept of health literacy occurs more and more often not only among researchers but also in our everyday life. A good health literacy level is essential to make relevant decisions about our health and the health care system. The aim of our research is to validate the possible implementation of Hun­garian version of the German HLS-Covid-Q22 questionnaire, which explores the le­vel of health literacy about the coronavirus in the general population.

After the linguistic validation of the translated questionnaire a sample of 120 university students responded the items. Afterward, we performed the exploratory factor analysis and computed psy­cho­metric variables.

The Cronbach-α value was 0.938 for the entire questionnaire, while the sub-indexes were as follows: accessing α = 0.786, understanding α = 0.899, app­raising α = 0.865 and applying α = 0.846. The Spearman–Brown coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.866, and the Guttman “split-half” coefficient was 0.861. The re­sult of the Bartlett test proved to be significant (p < 0.001), the value of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin criterion was 0.876. The 4 fac­tors created cover 67.08% of the original 22 variables.

Based on the statistical analyses, the Hungarian version of the HLS-Covid-Q22 questionnaire can reliably be used for measuring the subjective perception of health literacy about the coronavirus. The coronavirus remained a part of our everyday life thus, it is essential to develop appropriate defense strategies. In order to do it, we need to learn the level of health literacy among the general population. The HLS-Covid-Q22 questionnaire is one of the suitable means to achieve this specific knowledge.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

[Shame and mental health – Prehistory of the shame-sensitive approach ]


[This paper provides a delineation of the prehistory of shame-sensitive practice. The overview of changes of the everyday and psychotherapeutic approaches to acute, chronic and healthy shame ranges from the WWII to the present day. Exploration of international trends is followed by the presentation of first Hungarian initiatives. Based on Luna Dolezal’s works, the author describes the main aspects of shame-sensitive practice. He concludes that preparation for the prevention of unnecessary shame and the sensitive treatment of shame is a key task of mental health services.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022

Lege Artis Medicinae

DECEMBER 20, 2022


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