Hypertension and nephrology - 2015;19(06)

Hypertension and nephrology

DECEMBER 10, 2015

[Role of nephroclinicopathology in the nephrological diagnosis]


[In cases where a definitive diagnosis of a renal disease cannot be established on the basis of the clinical and laboratory data as well as imaging techniques the histological examination of the renal biopsy can be useful for establishing a pathological diagnosis, assessing the prognosis and can give etiopathogenetic information to guide the further management. The description and the degree of the active and chronic changes may influence the rationale treatment and the likelihood of the response. However, discussion between the nephrologist and the nephropathologist is indispensable at the decision to take the biopsy and at the evaluation of the result of the histological examination.]

Hypertension and nephrology

DECEMBER 10, 2015

[Diagnostic of genetic factors affecting blood pressure and the genetic risk factorsof hypertension]


[Hypertension is a risk factor of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Although high blood pressure usually does not show symptoms, it can lead to serious health problems such as stroke or cardio and renal insufficiency. Globally 40% of adults over the age of 24 suffer from hypertension, and the risk increases with age. The incidence is more than 70% over 65 years of age. Environmental and genetic effects are jointly responsible for the onset of hypertension, thereby determining predisposing genes is extremely difficult. Genetic variations of several genes have been identified to increase the risk of hypertension. The most common hypertension susceptibility polymorphisms occur in AGT, AGTR1, ACE, NOS3 and CYP4A11 genes. Learning about polymorphisms has clinical importance both in prevention and therapeutic processes. Therapeutic and lifestyle recommendations can be individualized by using molecular genetic tests such us PCR, microarrays, real-time PCR.]

Hypertension and nephrology

DECEMBER 10, 2015

[Application of central sympatholytic agents and vasodilators between 2007-2014 based on OEP’s database]


[Due to the a large number of antihypertensive drugs on the Hungarian market, in the light of the constantly updated recommendations for therapy, seemed to be worth to consider the traffic data provided by the National Health Insurance. We analysed the turnover of the centrally-acting and direct vasodilator antihypertensive, using the data of The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) between 2007 and 2014. Every year the December data were comparesed, the turnover of the month did not substantially different from other month, an average of 5-6 million boxes of cardiovascular products are prescribed. Over the past seven years it was fluctuating, but overall there was almost 19% increase in the turnover of centrally acting medicinal products. The prescription number of guanfacine decreased almost one-third, moxonidine orders fell 37%, while the turnover of rilmenidine doubled during that same period. A significant expansion of the centrally acting rilmenidine became clear in the domestic market. The minimal side effects, the favourable profile of applications, the number of international and domestic studies make it an excellent second-third additional agent. The use of vasodilators overall increased of a small degree (15%), mainly due to a 53% increase of doxazosin. Considering the domestic prescribing habits they follow very well the international and domestic recommendations. The observed differences in each group are the effects of the positive results of recent studies.]

Hypertension and nephrology

DECEMBER 10, 2015