Clinical Oncology - 2023;10(4)

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Treating biliary tract cancers]

HARISI Revekka

[Biliary tract cancers (BTCs: gallbladder cancer, intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma) are heterogeneous malignancies with very different epidemiological, clinical and molecular characteristics.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Malignancies in primary immunodeficiencies]

KRIVÁN Gergely

[Congenital defects of the immune system are characterized not only by frequent and prolonged infections, but also by a complex dysfunction of the immune system, which appears in the form of autoimmune and allergic processes, lymphoproliferation and malignant – primarily hematological – diseases.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Novel therapies of the KRAS-mutant lung cancer]


[KRAS mutant lung cancer is the most prevalent molecular subclass of adenocarcinoma, which is a heterogenous group depending on the mutation-type which affects not only the function of the oncogene but affects the biological behaviour of the cancer as well.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[ESMO Expert Consensus Statements on Cancer Survivorship: promoting high-quality survivorship care and research in Europe]

I. Vaz-Luis, M. Masiero, G. Cavaletti, A. Cervantes, R. T. Chlebowski, G. Curigliano, E. Felip, A. R. Ferreira, P. A. Ganz, J. Hegarty, J. Jeon, C. Johansen, F. Joly, K. Jordan, B. Koczwara, P. Lagergren, M. Lambertini, D. Lenihan, H. Linardou, C. Loprinzi, A. H. Partridge, S. Rauh, K. Steindorf, W. van der Graaf, L. van de Poll-Franse, G. Pentheroudakis, S. Peters, G. Pravettoni

[Background: The increased number of cancer survivors and the recognition of physical and psychosocial challenges, present from cancer diagnosis through active treatment and beyond, led to the discipline of cancer survivorship.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Pathological classification of cholangiocarcinomas and their possible molecular targets]

SZÁSZ Attila Marcell, HALÁSZ Judit

[Cholangiocarcinomas (CCA) are heterogeneous tumours arising from epithelial cells of the bile ducts with aggressive biological behaviour. They are the second most common malignant primary liver tumour after hepatocellular carcinoma.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Anaemia and its management in cancer patients]


[Almost a third of cancer patients are anaemic at diagnosis and more than half become anaemic during treatment.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Surgical management of spinal metastases]

BÁNK András, ÉLTES Péter Endre, BICZÓ Ádám, LAZÁRY Áron

[The treatment of metastatic spine disease is a complex task. It requires a comprehensive approach from the spine surgeons. With the advancement in the oncologic treatments like targeted therapy, carbon ion/proton radiotherapy, immunotherapy the expected overall survival of tumour patients improved, thus increased the incidence of metastatic spinal diseases. The state-of-the-art spinal surgical techniques and instrumentation helps the spine surgeons to restore the metastatic patient’s ambulation, and to overall improve their well-being. Objectives: The object of this paper was to summarize and review the current surgical directive in the treatment of metastatic spinal disease.]