Clinical Oncology - 2015;2(03)

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[Up-to-date treatment of head and neck cancers]


[The head and neck squamous cell cancer is often detected at an advanced stage, resulting in dismal prognosis despite the relevant developments of the oncotherapy in the last decades. The introduction of new techniques, new drugs and combinations though improves the survival for certain subgroups of patients, meanwhile the organ-function preservation and side effects reduction approaches lead to improved quality of life. The preventive-supportive care prior and during the therapy (dental care, nutrition, toxicity management) and the complex rehabilitation has paramount importance. MRI and 18FDG PET-CT and the advanced methods of molecular pathology became part of the diagnostic work up. The selection of the therapy based on the tumor characteristics, HPV detection, on the patient’s condition and wishes, as well as on multi-disciplinary team decision based on the available technical options. Early stage tumors can be successfully treated either by surgery alone or by radiation therapy. For locally advanced cases concomittant chemo-radiotherapy stays in the axis of the complex management using advanced radiation technique (IGRT-adaptive- IMRT) with cisplatin (or if contraindicated with cetuximab), which could be complemented by induction chemotherapy and/or surgery. Several new approaches are currently being tested in clinical studies after establishment of cisplatine-cetuximab treatment for recurrent/metastatic tumors. In the future, detection of molecular processes and driver mutations could result in development of more effective targeted anti-tumor agents, and individual molecular tumor profi le guided therapy, including the various forms and combinations with emerging immunotherapy.]

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[New challenges and possibilities in the chemotherapy of small cell lung cancer]


[The small cell lung cancer is characterized as a rapidly proliferating systemic neoplasm, where the basic treatment modality is the chemotherapy . Even in the surgically treated cases the platina based chemotherapy combination is obligatory before and after the surgical resection, combined with preventiv cranial irradiation to minimize the risk of the cranial metastases. The platina based chemo-radiotherapy is the gold standard in the locally advanced cases. Palliativ local irradiation could be useful for pain relief or decompression in the metastatic cases. Prophylactic cranial irradiation strongly recommended in any cases. There are no newly developed drugs for the treatment of SCLC, however it is a chemosensitive carcinoma. Topotecan could be effective in second or third line therapy , especially in brain metastasis.]

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[Treatment of testicular germ cell tumors – an up-date]

BAKI Márta

[The frequency of germ cell tumors is about 1% of all male cancers. The incidence increases in developed countries. The prevalence is the highest among the young males. The histologic type, extent of disease and therapy is based on international guidelines. The surgery, radio- and chemotherapy can achieve cure in the germ cell cancer patients. Regarding the late toxicity, the minimal invasive tumors are suggested to keep on the wait and see policy. The complex therapy of poor risk groups reached more than 80% permanent remission rate. The chemotherapy is based on cisplatin, but in second and third line therapy paclitaxel, gemcitabin and oxaliplatin is widely used. After the cure of germ cell cancer patients the careful follow up is mandatory.]

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[Angiogenesis – antiangiogenesis]


[Tumor growth requires vascularization to be supplied by oxygen and nutritients. The vascular network could be different between tumors, even during the development of the same tumor (local and systemic spreading), from the occupation of already present vessels to the real angiogenesis (i.e, proliferation of endothelial cells). Moreover, the tumor cells can create channels, mimicking the normal vessels. This spectrum in morphology should be refl ected in the therapeutic response, in the effectiveness of antiangiogens, but the how is unknown. It is sure that acceptable clinical activity can be achieved only with combinations, both with traditional cytotoxic and targeting drugs. The clinical advantage can be hampered by increased toxicity, demanding supportive actions. One of the key decisions is to select the proper therapy considering the patient and the tumor characteristics (today increasingly at molecular level) and predict the response to the therapy. Such (bio)markers are still missing, although intensive research trying the best. Since the main target of antiangiogenic drugs (today and tomorrow) the VEGF/R family, a useful marker is expected from them. The inhibition of angiogenesis is a logical step against the solid tumors and these steps slowly but steadily can improve the patients life-time, as well as their quality of life.]

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[Mucositis - prevention and therapy]

NAGY Zsuzsanna, VALTINYI Dorottya

[Side-effects are critical challenges in cancer therapy. These complications can threaten the quality of life, sometimes the life itself. One of the most frequent side effects is mucositis, the damage of mucosa, either in the oral cavity (oral mucositis, OM), or in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal mucositis, GIM). Prevention is a key action for the effi cient supportation. Recognition of OM is relative easy, but of GIM is rather diffi cult. The risk factors could come from the patients and/or can be caused by the therapy. The successful management of mucositis mostly depends on the cooperation of the patient, which is highly infl uenced by the success of care (e.g. decreasing the level of pain). In general, mucositis (especially oral mucositis) a well managable disease, burt more informations are required to increase the quality of prevention and therapy. Such expectation could be realized by specifi c and sensitive biomarkers, however, they are still missing]

Clinical Oncology

SEPTEMBER 05, 2015

[Ablation of liver cancer]

DOROS Attila

[Ablative therapies of the malignant liver tumors are used frequently all over the world. It is a very well tolareted minimally invasive treatment, followed by a short observation period. Patients might be sent home within 24 hours. Nowadays, there is suffi cient data supporting its effectiveness in the treatment of early primary liver cancer, equalling the results of surgical resection. The situation is different in liver metastasis, especially from coloectal cancer. In these cases ablative techniques have a supporting role, limiting their action on the multimorbid patients and small non-resectable tumors. These facts and trends - worldwide and in Hungary - are discussed, focusing on effectiveness, places in therapeutic protocols and domestic diffi culties.]