Clinical Neuroscience - 1961;14(10)

Clinical Neuroscience

OCTOBER 01, 1961

[Vasomotor function tests in sclerosis in multiple sclerosis ]


[1. The biogenic amines acting on the circulatory system : noradrenaline, histamine and acetylcholine do not cause greater or lesser changes in blood pressure in the first phase of their action compared to controls. 2. The counter-regulatory actions of these substances are exaggerated and more persistent in Sm compared to controls. 3. The onset of homeostasis is delayed, especially in the "thrust" phase of Sm. 4. In contrast to histamine, an opposite reaction to Sm is observed in several cases. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

OCTOBER 01, 1961

[Results of temporal epilepsy surgery in cases of deep-seated foci]

FÉNYES István, ZOLTÁN László, FÉNYES György

[We evaluated the surgical outcomes of 34 patients with temporal epilepsy who underwent temporal lobectomy with removal of deep anatomical structures. Cases of traumatic etiology with well-circumscribed macro- or evaluable micro-anatomical ablation were excluded from our data. EEG studies revealed deep temporal epileptogenic foci in the vast majority of cases. Catamnestic processing of the postoperative period showed that the surgical outcome of our cases was "good" in 56% and "poor" in 44%. The number of "unchanged" cases did not exceed 20%. Preoperative EEG is not a reliable indicator of surgical prognosis: many of our patients with EEG abnormalities considered unfavourable improved greatly as a result of surgery and vice versa. The good surgical outcomes in our cases are not always faithfully reflected by postoperative EEG curves; the same can be said about our poor surgical outcomes. From this we can conclude that an EEG curve with a poor prognosis is not necessarily a contraindication for performing temporal epilepsy surgery. In a considerable percentage of such cases we have achieved good or even excellent results. However, in our opinion, even in cases of poor outcome, it was worthwhile to perform the surgery because epilepsy is a disease that usually places a very high burden on the patient and his environment, and because its mortality is so low that the patient is not put at serious risk. Most of the EEG recordings are performed by Prof. Ferenc Obál, a smaller part and their scientific processing is the work of one of us (F. I. ). The published photograms were made by Marianne Horváth. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

OCTOBER 01, 1961

[Reflexometric tests adapted for fatigue tests device]


[We have constructed a simple and inexpensive device for the accurate recording of reflex time, which is highly suitable for various types of fatigue tests (work, sports, education, neurosis). ]

Clinical Neuroscience

OCTOBER 01, 1961

[Glutamic acid oxaloacetic acid transaminase determinations in infants and children neurological diseases]


[Glutamic acid oxaloacetic acid transaminase (GOT) activity determinations were performed in 12 cases of acute meningitis and 2 cases of meningitis and encephalitis with remission of pathological neurological symptoms, 42 in total. In all cases, elevated activity was detected in CSF at the beginning of the acute period. The enzyme activity decreased rapidly after treatment in a proportion of cases. In cerebral inflammation of long duration, LGOT values did not show a clear downward trend, and in 2 cases with neurological damage, we found elevated enzyme activity at later follow-up. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

OCTOBER 01, 1961

[Report on the II Czechoslovak Psychiatric Conference Congress ]

FARAGÓ István, KARDOS György, SIMKÓ Alfréd

[The author reports on the II Czechoslovak Congress of Psychiatry. ]