Lege Artis Medicinae

[Thiazide- or thiazide-like diuretics should be used in the treatment of patients with hypertension? Particularities of the situation in Hungary]


OCTOBER 20, 2019

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2019;29(10)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33616/lam.29.043

Szöveg nagyítása:


[Diuretics have remained the cornerstone of the antihypertensive treatment since their widespreading in the 1960s. According to the 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension, in the absence of evidence from direct comparator trials and recognizing that many of the approved single-pill combinations are based on hydrochlorothiazide, this drug and thiazide-like indapamide can be considered suitable antihypertensive agents. In the 2018 Hungarian guidelines indapamide is named as the most efficacious diuretic in the treatment of patients with hypertension. The aim of the publication is redefining thiazide- and thiazide-like diuretic use in the treatment of hypertensive patients, with particular attention to presently available hydrochlorothia­zide and indapamide, and their combination drugs in Hungary.]



István Barna (SE. Belgyógyászati és Onkológiai Klinika)

SEPTEMBER 03, 2022


Kiváló, alapos összefoglaló!

Further articles in this publication

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Donizetti's ailment: mood disorder, Barbaja, or luetic derailment?]


[The occurrence of specific forms of mood disorders is significantly higher among eminent creative persons, thus the talent and creative skills show some connections or may have common roots with mood swings. This phenomenon can be observed among composers as well. Our paper briefly summarizes several aspects of Gaetano Do­ni­zetti’s life (1797-1848), and some characteristic features of his operas. After his musical studies and initial successes Donizetti was hired by the opera impresario Domenico Bar­baja who pressed him under contract to write operas in a considerable number. Do­ni­zetti’s personal tragedy was that his wife and three children have died young. He composed more than 70 operas, wrote the librettos for some of them, had drawing skills, and a sense for theatre Gesamtkunst. His composing technique was incredibly fast, partly due to the external pressure (es­pecially by the impresario Barbaja). Beside the feverish speed (hypomania) he suffered of episodes with genuine fever, headache, and nausea. From 1845 onward full apathy, depression (occurred already earlier), and paralysis (progressiva?) developed hindering any creative power and meaningful interpersonal contact, so he was admitted to a closed mental facility. His illness was considered syphilis, but prevailing bipolar mood disorder may strongly be presumed today which is supported by early emerging creativity and hypomanic signs, transient mood swings, the composing technique, his multimodal talent, the abundance of his works (output of 3-4 operas a year), the vein (mood) streaming from the operas (’maddening scenes’ alongside lax and sparkling characters) and by certain circumstances (he was able to write opera buffas during his greatest personal tragedies). To all these com­ponents there can certainly be added an exogenous environmental pressure factor: Domenico Barbaja, the ’prince’ (and taskmaster) of opera impresarios. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Return of the Lost Son, or the Last Joining Together ]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[How Public Hospitals Developed, the Saint John Hospital ]

LUGOSI Lugo László, ZÖLDI Anna

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Sexually transmitted infections: whose concern they are?]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Medical therapy of peripherial artery disease]


[Care of PAD (peripherial arterial disease) is one of the most negligent area of cardiovascular diseases: on one hand patients suffering from PAD are the most uncared, less educated and health-minded population (it’s enough to keep in mind the high rate of smoking and alcohol-abuse among them) in addition the number of angiologists is insufficient for the treatment of PAD. Although detection of PAD would be easy as a widely applicable, cheap screening method, the ankle-brachial index is available which is an obligatory screening investigation in general care. Therapeutic options are better and better since cilostazol was launched we have an evidence-based treatment which can solve the symptoms, slower the progression which is strongly recommended (IA recommendation) in both American and Hungarian guidelines. Cilostazol, a PDE3-inhibitor has complex pharmacological effect but contraindicated in several clinical conditions as pentoxiphylline is not totally excluded from the therapeutic arsenal of PAD. The place of antiplatelet agents is well-defined in the most recent European guidelines in the treatment of PAD. The jumping development of interventional radiology beyond medical therapy contributed a lot to prevent limb amputations in the case of early detection of PAD. ]

All articles in the issue

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