Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2019;32(01)

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

[Faces from the Hungarian Nursing Hall of Fame: the exemplary career of Katalin Durgó recipient of the Henry Dunant Meda]

BOROS Károlyné, FEDINECZNÉ VITTAY Katalin, PERKÓ Magdolna, SÖVÉNYI Ferencné

[In this part of their series on outstanding figures in Hungary’s nursing history authors present the life of Ms. Katalin Durgó, a Red Cross volunteer nurse-midwife, whose lifelong services to promote the humanitarian cause of the Red Cross were acknowledged by awarding to her, at the age of 83 years, the Henry Dunant Medal, the highest award of the Red Cross Movement. Ms. Durgó was the 5th awardee globally, the first ever Hungarian recipient and the second person to have been decorated in their lifetimes. Following her self-sacrificing and fearless work in the war theatres of WWI, Ms. Durgó worked as a local midwife in rural Hungary delivering one thousand babies as testified by her Midwife’s birth logbook. She carried out her work with a strong sense of conscientiousness, punctuality, untiring diligence, devotion and solid professional knowledge and skills; her personal and professional lives are shining examples for today’s nursing generation.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

[Focus on quality of life: Reconstruction in Vascular Surgery ]


[The aims of the study: The aim of our research was to gain deeper insight into the quality of life of patients after reconstructive vascular surgery of the lower limb. Material and method: The Vascuqol questionnaire survey was performed at the PTE KK Vascular Surgery Clinic on the day before the surgery and 3-6 weeks after surgery (N=54). Statistical analysis was carried out with Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Results: In summary it can be stated that following surgical intervention the quality of life of patients significantly improved, this finding ephasises the importance of invasise therapy. As the extent of pain decreased after surgery, patients’ ability to walk started to improve, as well as their overall physical state and ability to carry out certain household activities. There was also an improvement in their social life, more time was spent with family and friends. Conclusions: Although the VascuQoL-25 questionaire is senstivie device to measure quality of life, it is difficult to apply in clinical practice beacause of its length.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

[Who helps the caregivers? - Psychosocial characteristics of nurses in dementia care ]


[The aim of the study: Studies underline the increasing burden of dementia people. Hungarian social care system is also facing dementia care challenge. In case of developing of social sector, it is beneficial to research the psychosocial status of nurses working in dementia care. Material and method: N=130 professional caregivers in dementia care filled out self- administered questionnaires. Standardized health-psychological scales were evaluated: SWLS, Rahe’s Life Meaning, Beck’s Inventory of Measuring Depression, Maastricht Vital Exhaustion, Freudenberger’s Burn Out Inventory. Results: Caregivers have fatigue, dissatisfaction and tendency of quitting profession. Scales show high burn-out, exhaustion and depression and show correlations. Depression correlates with vital exhaustion (r=0.549), depression moves with burn out r=0,528. SWLS correlates opposite with Vital Exhaustion: r = - 366. Coherence and SWLS shows statistically significance correlation: r=0,455. Conclusion: Indicators apply nurses are in risk conditions. More focus on workplace satisfaction, psychosocial care and stress management training is essential. .]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

The issue of social inclusion of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic from the viewpoint of the Model of the culturallyminded and adapted care


Objective: The aim of the research was to map out the area of social inclusion of the Roma minority according to the Model of culturally-minded and adapted care. Above all to find out the subjective opinion of the Roma on their lives in the Czech Republic, the distribution of family roles or the respect of Roma traditions and customs. Methods: Data collection was carried out using a quantitative survey, in the form of a non-standardised questionnaire. The research group consisted of 600 members of the Roma minority across the Czech Republic. Results: The results show that the Roma minority feels some intolerance, in some cases even discrimination from the majority of society. Although in a Roma family the traditional division of the roles of the mother - maternal role, the father - the family breadwinner persists, these roles change slightly depending on the style of family upbringing and cohabitation with the older generations. The life of a Roma according to Roma traditions and customs subsides slightly into the background. Younger and single Roma no longer follow traditions like their parents. Therefore, there is an obvious large influence from the majority of society towards the Roma minority. Conclusion: The Roma minority is a group of people with many specifics. To coexist with a majority society, therefore, there is a need for understanding and tolerance on both sides. For a better understanding of this minority, the conceptual model of the following authors J. N. Giger and R.E. Davidhizar can help us, as it complexly approaches the specific needs of an individual with a different culture or religion.

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

[Efficient employee performance appraisal systems]

SÁRGA Norbert Zétény

[A well-functioning performance appraisal system and information obtained from it will provide support for executive decisions. Developing the performance appraisal system, not only the definition of performance is a key factor, but also the steps to be taken to shape it; such as the purpose for which the performance appraisal system is to be used, the method of evaluating who the members of the evaluation system are. This paper presents the various evaluation techniques and methods; the importance and effective application of the written and oral evaluations as well as the evaluation interview. Furthermore, the difficulties encountered in the evaluations and the evaluation mistakes are described. ]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019

[A less known problem: Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis ]

KÓSZÓ Lilla, NAGY Erika, PAPP Anita Tímea

[Background: Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD) is a tissue integrity problem receiving more and more attention in the last 10 years. The number of incontinent patients is increasing. In this group IAD prevalence is high. In most cases patient sacquire IAD during their hospital care. However, diagnosis with IAD appears to be difficult due to its symptomal similarities with pressure ulcer, often leading to suboptimal nursing. Objectives: This rewiew is based on the latest studies and was written for nurses in order to clarify IAD definitions, causes and preventions, and therapial alternatives in Hungarian language. Results: The definition and the patomechanism of IAD is given. The study introduces the newest classification system, and the main points that help nurses in differentiating IAD from pressure ulcer. Prevention and therapy are also integral parts of thereview.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

FEBRUARY 28, 2019