Clinical Neuroscience - 1968;21(04)

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Alcohol-related neurological disorders, with special reference to localised atrophy of the cerebellum]


[The author examined the central nervous system of 57 alcoholics processed using a single histological method. He found that the number of deaths associated with alcoholism has increased significantly in the last four years and that the clinical and patho-pathological-tissue syndromes have become more complex. Repeatedly detected corpus callosum degeneration, along with other "alcoholic neuropathological syndromes (vermis anterior atrophy, stratified cerebral cortical sclerosis, central pontine lesions). Because of the high incidence of cerebellar lesions seen with the naked eye (5/57) and under the microscope (17/57), he attributes great importance (epidemiological significance) to cerebellar degeneration in relation to alcoholism. Because of the frequent association of syndromes in alcoholics with different histological lesions, different topographies and different pathogenetic influences, he considers it necessary to recognise a general alcoholic encephalopathy. It represents the basic diffuse neurological pathogenesis with cumulative subthreshold lesions of recurrent and chronic alcohol intoxication. The various "alcoholic" neuropathological syndromes are achieved in the presence of additional pathogenetic factors (protein and vitamin deficiency, vaso-circulatory, endogenous neuronal, etc.). ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[On the relationship between familial blind idiocy and Niemann-Pick disease]


[In a case with neurological and visceral lipoid storage, histopathological-histochemical analysis suggests that Tay-Sachs and Niemann-Pick disease were combined. Only a partial examination of the patient's sister was possible; this suggests an essential identity of the two cases. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Disorders of porphyrin metabolism in schizophrenia]


[In a paper-chromatographic study of indole metabolism in schizophrenes (Sch), we observed (1) that when chromatographed in isopropylalcohol-LN ammonia (5:1), a brownish-red, oily consistency was isolated at 0.0 Rf, in addition to various tryptophan metabolites. The substance does not react with Ehrlich's reagent and is not identifiable with any of the normal or abnormal metabolites of tryptophan or phenylalanine (2-6). It fluoresces in the UV with an intense orange-red colour. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[The situation of child neuropsychiatry in Hungary]

LORÁND Blanka, WEISS Mária, BALLAY Judit

[In order to outline the problems of child psychiatry today, we thought it useful to briefly summarise the - not exactly smooth - path it has taken over the last few decades. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Pathology and pathogenesis of necrotizing myelitis]


[The author describes four cases of necrotizing myelitis of unknown origin. The histopathological images are characterized by necrosis, inflammation, absence of vascular changes, and whey effusion. Inflammation is always detectable, in the hyperacute stage it takes the form of serous inflammation. The pathogenesis of the disease is explained by autoagression. Autoantibodies are provoked by a virus or bacterial infection preceding myelitis. He hypothesises that neuroallergic diseases, necrotizing myelitis and neuromyelitis optica are all the result of autoimmune processes. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Cytological diagnosis of carcinoma metastasis in CSF]

RUSZ Sándor

[In 6 cases of carcinoma metastasis, we were able to make a diagnosis on the basis of the CSF cytology. Other findings and the course of the disease confirmed our diagnosis. The possibilities of a qualitative diagnosis or tumour suspicion were discussed. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Responses obtained by electrical stimulation of the thalamus-subthalamus]

HULLAY József, VELOK Gyula, GOMBI Róza

[The diversity of the thalamus-subthalamus stimulus responses suggests extensive connections between the structures under investigation. Some responses suggest that these structures may also play an important role in the organisation of automated movement patterns in addition to holokinetic movement organisation. Hyperkinesis is anchored in conditioned synapses and its movement patterns can be recalled. The responses may vary from one point to another, depending on the paramer, the stimulus threshold of the structura, whether it is inhibited or facilitated, and the patient's current situation, but they are in any case characteristic of the connections and functioning of the system. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[EEG, EDG and pupillomotor responses under Evipan]


[Authors have studied in parallel the characteristics of EEG, EDG and pupillomotor activity responses induced by sensory stimuli, and the correlation of these modifications with each other and with sequential levels of hexobarbital sleep in humans. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[EEG symptoms of primary brain atrophies]

NAGY Tibor

[In Pick's disease, the typical EEG pattern is alpha-type, i.e. the electrical activity above the cortical volume of convexities is typical of a healthy adult throughout the duration of the disease. In other words, the pathological process that causes brain atrophy and produces the clinical symptoms of progressive dementia has no detectable effect on cortical electrical activity - Complicated diseases can cause changes in the EEG. EEG of Alzheimer's patients is always altered on admission to the psychiatric ward. Poor, disorganised alpha activity is only detectable in the earliest phases at most. Centro-temporal polymorphic theta activity is always present, with convulsive potentials in about a third of cases. Complicating diseases rarely affect the EEG picture. Dementia senilis presumably starts without EEG changes; later on, components resembling EEG symptoms of hypoxic brain diseases appear. These may be observed, at least in part, in parallel with extracerebral, complicating diseases.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Adult-recognised deafness]


[It can be concluded that speech is not an elementary faculty, but a special human function that participates in the construction of the values of the whole personality, and it is therefore necessary that in the future, in order to identify in time patients with a promising speech-deafness for therapy and rehabilitation, children with hearing and speech disorders should receive detailed and consultative examinations, so that they can receive the attention and help from both neuropsychiatrists and speech therapists that are worthy of their individual and social importance. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[The surgical treatment of strokes pathomorphological aspects]


[The authors examined 123 of 157 hypertensive strokes clinically and pathomorphologically for indication for surgical treatment. Retrospectively, they tried to identify the factors that are favourable or unfavourable for surgical intervention, bearing in mind certain clinical features (course, onset, hypertension), pathological features (localisation, character, secondary lesions, ventricular haemorrhage). They conclude that, although in this retrospective study a small number of cases (31) could have been considered for surgical treatment, it is worthwhile to investigate all cases accurately for surgical indication, given the high mortality rate of strokes. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Spinal vascular lesions associated with abdominal aortic lesions ]


[In our communication, we described a rare case of severe spinal soft tissue injury associated with a dissecting aneurysm of the thoraco-abdominal aorta. In addition, we would like to draw attention to other factors that impair the circulation of the aorta and the arteries supplying the spinal cord, such as atherosclerosis, surgical and diagnostic interventions, retroperitoneal processes. All of these can cause reversible or irreversible damage to the blood supply to the spinal cord via the radicular arteries arising from the intercostal, lumbar arteries. In clinical practice, these possibilities should also be considered in spinal cord diseases.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Tisercine - delirium?]


[In some cases, during tranquillans tours in the men's ward I of the National Neurological Institute, we observed the onset of disturbed consciousness accompanied by more or less delirious restlessness. In the treatment of these cases, alone or in combination with other tranquillisers, the Hungarian laevomepromazine preparation Tisercin was used. Their number in relation to the more than one hundred Tisercin treatments already performed in the department is not large (7 in total), but enough to attract attention. These cases are now being processed together with Dr Lajos Vajda, and our presentation is intended as a preliminary report. We will present 3 cases to demonstrate the pathogenetic and psychopathological issues raised. Finally, we will compare our observations with those of the non-psychotic patients of the Neurosurgery of the Fehérvári út XI Clinic. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Monitoring CSF flow after shunt surgery using a radioactive isotope]


[Our experience has shown that radioactive isotope passage testing is a suitable and reliable means of determining shunt conductivity. Our efforts are now increasingly focused on making a meaningful measurement with the lowest possible dose of radioactive material and on reducing the patient's exposure to radiation by using other materials with shorter half-lives. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with Tegretol]


[It can be concluded that Tegretol, as an aminodibenzyl derivative or Carbamazepine derivative, is very effective in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. It has a significantly superior effect compared to existing drug and surgical treatments, and its psychotropic effect leads to further positive results, and therefore we see a need for its widespread and more accessible commercialisation. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[New studies in panencephalitis]


[A 10-year-old child with rapidly progressive panencephalitis was diagnosed. An acute deep electrode examination was performed with biopsy of the right peristriatal area for electron microscopic examination. Separation of the process into direct (related to the pathogenic agent) and indirect (anoxic-va salis) factors is justified submicroscopically. Among the anoxic phenomena, the importance of degeneration ("fenestration") in the mitochondria of neurocyte and glial elements is considered to be crucial, in agreement with the literature. The "pathological mitochondrial coding" represents the energetic side of the pathological functioning of neurocytes and glial elements. By analysing the structure of capillaries in serial sections, the activation of RÉS can be found submicroscopically.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Andaxin shock therapy for toxic delirium]


[13 alcoholic and other toxic delirium patients were treated with 20 tablets 3 times a day starting with a starting dose of 20 tablets, followed by a progressively reduced dose of Andaxin. The results, compared with the control group treated with conventional therapy, were very good. The duration of delirium was greatly reduced, care was easier, there were no side effects and, finally, in addition to the faster and better effect, the economic impact was much more favourable. We recommend the widespread introduction of this therapy and suggest to pharmaceutical companies to start manufacturing Andaxin forte, 1000 mg tablets.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[The mesodiencephalic frontier of the praetectalis-paraventriculari]


[Ischaemia in the vascular supply area of the retromammillary perforating branches supplying the juxtacommissural paraventricular region may be responsible for the paralysis of the visual field. The relationship between paraplegia and this vascular region has been pointed out previously by Környey. We therefore believe that the possible symptoms of sectoral blood supply disturbance in the area of the interpeduncular perforating branches arising from the most incipient sector of the posterior cerebral artery should be included in the list of possible symptoms of ischaemia.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Our experience with Complamin]


[Based on the experience in 20 patients and the available literature, Complamin appears to be a broad-spectrum medicine. Our observations suggest that its multidirectional beneficial effect in cerebral circulatory disorders has led to a more impressive improvement in patients' neurological symptoms compared to our clinical experience to date. In all cases, the improvement was measurable within a few days, which was less frequently observed with other available anticoagulant and vasodilator drugs. No adverse side effects or complications were observed with Complamin therapy, although due to the relatively small number of cases and the heterogeneous nature of our studies, we cannot draw any firm conclusions from our studies.]

Clinical Neuroscience

APRIL 01, 1968

[Connatal medulloblastoma? ]


[Cerebellar primary arachnoid sarcoma was detected in an infant of a mother with cerebral anaplastic small cell glioblastoma during pregnancy. Based on the histological picture, we attempted to draw a parallel between the two tumours. We suggest an immunologically common period between the two tumours. ]