Clinical Neuroscience - 1968;21(07)

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[Transient electroencephalographic phenomena in the generalisalt spike-wave pattern and the so-called grand mal type ictal generalisalt repetitive spasm discharge ]

HALÁSZ Péter, VELOK Gyula, HIDASI József, BOCZÁN Gábor

[In search of an answer to the pathophysiological reasons for the difference between petit mal and grand mal mechanism, we described four patients with intertwined generalized spike-wave mechanism and generalized repetitive spasm; two cases with 3 c/s spike-wave mechanism within an ictus and two cases with 3 c/s spike-wave mechanism within an ictus. two spike-wave variants during two different types of seizures in the same patient. From our observations the following findings can be filtered. 1. Transitory EEG phenomena can be detected between the ictal electrographic phenomena of petit mal with spike-wave and grand mal seizures with repetitive rapid discharge. 2. We can confirm Gastaut's observations that in epileptic encephalopathies with some spike-wave variants, repetitive rapid discharge tonic seizures with mild motor symptoms and significant vegetative symptoms are frequently observed in sleep. 3. Sleep - both natural and Evipan anaesthesia - and benzodiazepine preparations also contribute to the appearance of transient phenomena. On the basis of our electrographic observations, the spike wave mechanism and the previously discovered facts about the neuronal mechanism of grand mal repetitive rapid discharge (Pollen 1964, Matsumoto and Ajmone Marsan 1964) and the interneuronal recurrent collateral inhibition shown to be crucial in rhythmic EEG phenomena (Eccles 1965), we attempt to provide a unified view of the grand mal and petit mal mechanism and to explain the electrographic and clinical differences.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[The structure and dynamics of resistance in psychotherapy in psychotherapy groups]

HIDAS György

[In psychotherapy, resistance is present all the time with varying intensity. It is also an obstacle to psychotherapeutic change, but it provides valuable insights into the resistance mechanisms, character and history of the participants in the process, as well as their present functions. Experience has shown that the recognition and discussion of resistance moves the psychotherapeutic process forward towards improvement, positive change and dissolves the current form of resistance. Since the cause of resistance is often not exclusively in the individual, but often in the family, it logically follows that family or couple therapy is necessary. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[The effect of labyrinth stimulation on cerebellar blood flow]

POÓR Gyula, KOPA János, MOLNÁR László

[Authors investigated the effect of stimuli from the semicircular arcuate ducts of the labyrinth on cerebellar blood flow in rabbits. The flow was studied using an electrical system based on the negative feed-back principle, which allows the measurement of the change in thermoconductivity. In chloralose-urethane narcosis, changes in general blood pressure and respiration were simultaneously recorded, as well as electrical activity and blood flow in the cerebellar cortex. On stimulation of one side of the labyrinth with cold water, an increase in blood flow was found in the opposite cerebellar cortex and a decrease in the same side; on warm stimulation the change was reversed. Galvanic stimulation resulted in a biphasic change. Rotation increased blood flow in both cerebellar hemispheres, and this remained unchanged after bilateral transection of the vago-sympathicus, and became more pronounced and prolonged after KCl was dripped onto the cerebral cortex. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[Analysis of the arginine content of liquid protein components]


[The Vorfractione of CSF contains much higher amounts of arginine than the other protein components of CSF. CSF albumin is arginine-poor. This finding, together with previous observations on the spatial distribution of arginine and Vorfractio in CSF, suggests that metabolic processes may occur between the two substances in the CNS. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[In patients with Dupuytren's contracture electroclinical studies ]


[The authors performed detailed neurological examinations in 50 patients with Dupuytren's contracture; they also determined the conduction velocity of the motor fibres of the ulnar nerve in 23 patients. The mild clinical symptoms and the decrease in conduction velocity suggest that ulnar nerve lacunar lesions are involved in the pathogenesis of Dupuytren's contracture. In this sense, they evaluate 5 cases of their patients in which the symptoms of circumscribed ulnar nerve laesio were followed shortly by the appearance of Dupuytren's contractura. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[Transaminase in cerebrospinal fluid ]

LÁNG Sándor

[The CSF cerebrospinal fluid glutamic acid oxaloacetic acid transaminase (GOT) level is normally low, 5-30 units. There is no significant difference between cisternal and lumbar CSF. In old age (over 50 years), transaminase levels may also rise above normal in healthy subjects. GOT is not elevated in epilepsy (except status epilepticus), multiple sclerosis, polyneuritis, polyradiculitis - No change in meningitis of various origins except for 1 or 1 spike. Normal values in benign CNS tumours and higher values in extensive malignancies. In vascular disease (atherosclerosis, stroke, cerebral thrombosis), CSF transaminase levels are increased in one third to one half of cases. Elevated CSF GOT is not specific to a single disease and should only be evaluated in conjunction with clinical signs and other laboratory tests.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968


HÁRDI István

[Author reports on the round table conference of the Psychiatric Section of the Hungarian Rehabilitation Society. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[III European Congress of Neurosurgeons, Madrid-Lisbon, IV. 23-29. ]


[The author reports on the III European Congress of Neurosurgeons, held in Madrid and Lisbon in 1967.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1968

[Book review]

[Szerző ismerteti J. Gerlach, - P. Jensen, W. Koos, H. Kraus, Pediatric Neurosurgery. With clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis in pediatrics and neurology című könyvét.]