Lege Artis Medicinae

[Silent spring]

BRYS Zoltán1

AUGUST 20, 2016

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2016;26(07-08)

Szöveg nagyítása:


[8th of August was this year's Overconsumption Day; it is a model calculation of when humanity will use up the total global biocapacity for a given year. The data series and calculation methods are available for anyone to download from the Global Footprint Network website. We...]


  1. Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék



Further articles in this publication

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Young men’s knowledge about the human papillomavirus]

BALLA Bettina Claudia, TEREBESSY András, TÓTH Emese, BALÁZS Péter

[Introduction - Nearly the fifth of more than 100 HPV serotypes affect the anogenital region causing genital warts, penile and anal cancer. The incidence of male pathologies is lower than that of females (genital warts, vaginal, vulvar, cervical and anal cancer), however they are equally important in epidemiological terms. Methods - The aim of our questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was to assess the HPV-related knowledge of young men in 19 randomly selected high schools in Budapest. The anonymous questionnaires contained 54 items about socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, HPV-related knowledge and the attitude toward HPV vaccination. Results - We collected 530 completed questionnaires (86.74% response rate). 35.3% of the students knew that HPV was an STD and 3.2% was aware of transmission via skin contact. The majority (52.5%) linked cervical cancer to the viral infection, 7.7% linked HPV to the genital warts of females and 8.3% to the genital warts of males, 9.8% to penile cancer and 4.2% to anal cancer. 44.7% of the young men would have their future children vaccinated, while 24.5% remained uncertain. Conclusions - The young men’s knowledge about HPV was poor and they underestimated the risk of infection. This emphasizes the importance of targeted health education in this population. However, the students were mostly in favour of the HPV vaccination.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[End-of-Life Decision Situations Medical Assistance to Death: Clinical Criteria, USA ]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Soul and Abortion ]

MAGYAR László András

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Parallel Lives – a Painter and their Model Isaac Israëls: Portrait of Aletta Jacobs ]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Zoltán Arányi, the Most Famous Hungarian Child Mummy ]

SCHEFFER Krisztina

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All articles in the issue

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[Avoiding unlimited energy drink consumption is a matter of our heart]


[Energy drinks have been gaining unbroken popularity, especially among youngsters and children since they were introduced to the market. Manufacturers promise to improve performance and stamina with consuming the products, classified as non-alcoholic soft drinks. In addition to the vitamins and plant extracts, they contain a significant amount of caffeine and other stimulants (taurine, guarana). Among the active ingredients, caffeine has an outstanding effect and thereby a danger, since its overconsumption – in addition to milder he­mo­dynamic changes – can cause severe cardio­vascular consequences, cardiac arrhythmias, ion channel diseases, increased blood coagulation, myocardial infarction or reduced cerebral blood flow in susceptible consumers. Many case studies have also reported serious cardiovascular attacks among young chronic energy drink consumers. Health impairments of excessive and long-term consumption of energy drinks have been studied increasingly, however there is limited and contradictory evidence on the safety of consumption and the effectiveness of performance enhancement. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Community participation in sustainable development - in the wake of community medicine]

BRYS Zoltán, HARANGOZÓ Judit, SZARVAS Hajnalka

[Sustainable development aims to secure the living conditions of the next generations. Currently it fails to achieve its goal as the human destruction of ecosystem is accelerated. Institutions of the developed countries can not control the environmental crisis. The increased environmental degradation is caused by overconsumption, which is mainly driven by the widespread consumption-culture. Failure of institutional solutions drew the attention to the empowerment of communities. Aarhus Convention has legally empowered the local communities and various scientific fields examines community participation. Community Based Mental Health Services has gathered a significant knowledge about the psychosocial processes of community participation and about the participatory-culture. According to our assumption this knowledge can be used in the field of sustainable development. Besides the empowerment of the independent, local communities, concordance, affective experiencing diversity of the members, involvement of experiential experts are all important in the operation of self-organizing, responsible, local communities. We believe that the empowerment and support of eco-conscious communities is an important, new intervention in the field of sustainable development. ]