Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2020;33(4)

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[Beliefs and Misconceptions about Vaccination]


[Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions against infectious diseases, especially against vaccine-preventable paediatric diseases. However, there are parents either delaying or refusing recommended childhood vaccination due to the fear of a ‘link’ between vaccinations and autism or other diseases. Religious objection is often used as an excuse to avoid the vaccination. Opposition to vaccination dates back to the Victorian age. Since the 18th century, fear and controversy accompanied the introduction of every new vaccine. This has been compounded, in recent years, by a decreased trust in the vaccine manufacturing or distributing institutions. Although healthcare professionals are cited as the most influential source by parents and adult population on vaccine decision-making, mistrust of vaccinations is already occurs among health workers. It is important for health professionals to be well informed, to able to persuade parents and the targeted population to vaccine.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[Acceptance of the Advanced Practice Nurse System among the Hungarian Society]

SAIN Henrietta, BÁNFAI Bálint

[Involving advanced practice nurses into the health care system can improve the quality of patient care. Our aim was (1) to measure the acceptance of of the advanced practice nurses (APN) in the Hungarian emergency care, (2) to determine a better nomenclature for APNs, (3) highlight the similarities between APNs and the paramedics in order to increase the admission. An online survey was used between September and November 2019. The questionnaire was filled out by Hungarian people >18 years. The questionnaire contained questions related to sociodemographic data, to the acceptance of APNs, to the nomenclature, and published a brief summary of the topic. Three-hundred seventy-two people answered our questionnaire (N=372). Participants with better knowledge about the APNs (p=0.002) accepted their role more than people with worse knowledge. Healthcare professionals are more open to know the new system (p=0.018) compared to laypeople. Participants who know the competency of paramedics were more likely to accept examinations from APNs (p<0.001). Most responders suggested APN, diagnostic nurse/paramedic, and master nurse terms for the nomenclature. It could became an integrable system with sharing appropriate information and definition of the competences and formation of the legislation.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[Popularity of Nursing Profession among Career Choices]

FERENCZY Mónika, GERÖLYNÉ Sipőcz Eszter, KOMLÓSI Kálmánné, KARÁCSONY Ilona, SZABÓ László

[The aim of the study: The aim of our study was to assess the influencing factors in career choice of students in nursing education. Our quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, questionnaire survey was conducted at a high school in Szombathely and on an internet forum between February 2018 and May 2018, with non-randomized targeted expert sampling. High school students currently in nursing education (N = 114) were selected and those who did not fill in the questionnaire were excluded. Data analysis was performed with Microsoft Office Excel 2016 software using descriptive statistical methods and the chi2 test (p <0.05). There was a correlation between parents’ educational attainment and their children’s intentions to continue their education (p <0.01). There was no demonstrable correlation between staying in education and satisfaction with education, practical training in demonstration room and clinical education (p> 0.05). There was no correlation between the appreciation of nursing profession and the intention to continue in the profession (p> 0.05). Nursing care choices have been strongly influenced by the desire to help sick people. The exemplary role of health care staff in education and practice is crucial and can be followed in creating the next generation of nurses.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[The Impact of Stoma on Patient’s Relationship and Sexual Life]

ROZMANN Nóra , MERKL-ORAVECZ Mercédesz , TÓTHNÉ Rádai Viktória, PUSZTAI Dorina , SZUNOMÁR Szilvia

[To become a sufferer of some serious illness or chronic condition leaves a mark on the life of any person. In the case of patients with stoma, this is especially true, as in addition to the underlying disease that causes stoma, this changed life situation can cause additional difficulties and obstacles. The aim of our study was to assess the impact of the presence of a stoma on patients ’relationship and sexual lives. We further aimed to compare this group of patients with the relationship and sexual habits of the non-stoma group. Our research was a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study, the target group was individuals with a stoma aged 16–61 years and those without a stoma (control group) living in a relationship. Data collection was performed using an anonymous, online questionnaire. For statistical analysis we used SPSS 22.0 and Microsoft Excel 2007, in addition to descriptive statistics, we performed χ2-trial analysis. The level of significance was determined to be p <0.05 with a 95% confidence interval. 80% of those with a stoma whose sex life had been changed were affected by the presence of a stoma bag. The remainder of those with a stoma, although their sexual habits did not change, were mentioned by 33% as a disturbing factor during intercourse (p=0.01). In terms of sexual satisfaction, 32% of the patients without stoma (n=60) and 36% of the patient with stoma (n=50) were satisfied with their sexual life, a difference between the two group was not significant (p=0.604). Overall, the stoma bag affects sexual harmony, which affects postoperative sexual habits]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[Role of Atrial Fibrillation in Stroke Prevalence: Implementation of CHA2DS2 – Vasc Risk Stratifi­cation Scale]

PAPP László, VIDA Nóra, BENGŐ Szilvia, KIS Tamás , GAÁL Gabriella, PETŐ Zsófia

[Introduction: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability, therefore is an important public health concern. 20% of ischaemic cerebrovascular diseases are casued by cardiac-related embolism, wiith non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) as a major cause, and results in approximately 3-5-fold risk improvement. The aim of this study is to introduce the CHADS2-VASc scoring system, as an important tool in the estimation of stroke risk in AF patients. Recognition of AF and initiation of adequate therapy is a crucial step in the prevention of serious complications. The best-known indexes for AF’s vascular effects are HAS-BLED and CHADS2-VASc. According to European Society of Cardiology, CHADS2-VASc is recommended to use in every AF case with stroke risk, when direct anticoagulant therapy could be implemented. A nurse can work on stroke risk reduction among AF patients in various levels and competences. Primary prevention and health promotion is a responsibility for every health care worker, but at the same time, Advenced Practice Nurse could have a role either in diagnostics or initiating proper therapy.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

AUGUST 30, 2020

[Assessing the Nutritional Status of the Elderly using Standard Status Scales]


[Aims of the study: assess the nutritional status of elderly patients in hospital wards. A prospective, cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted in a department of a county hospital. In a non-randomized, targeted, expert sample, the target population was elderly patients over 65 years of age (N=100). Patients with cognitive dysfunction and end-stage patients were excluded from the study. According to the MNA, 46% of patients are malnourished and 47% are at increased risk. 55% of patients were at risk using the NRS 2002 method. According to the NSI, 91% of patients are at risk. Participants with incomplete(/defective) teeth (p<0.05) and over 80 (p<0.05) are effected by malnutrition (p<0.05). The correlation was significant between the swallowing problem and malnutrition (p<0.05). Conclusions: more than half of the participants are malnourished or at increased risk. Screenings take short time, but they are informative as first assessment and for follow up. ]


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