Clinical Neuroscience - 1950;3(03)

Clinical Neuroscience

SEPTEMBER 09, 1950

[A trip of a physiologist to the field of psychiatry]

I. P. Pavlov

[The founder of Pavolov's psychiatric studies. Manifestations of sleep and hypnosis in psychotics, especially schizophrenics, and in alcohol intoxication. Attitude towards the patient.]

Clinical Neuroscience

SEPTEMBER 09, 1950

[New aspects in criminal psychology]


[The political, social and economic changes which have taken place in the socialist state and in the states which are building socialism are and must be bringing about changes of a decisive character in every single sphere of the life of the states. Capitalism, the various institutional systems of the capitalist states, and every part of the state apparatus must change in a decisive way. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

SEPTEMBER 09, 1950

[Histamine content of various nerve elements]


[In addition to the well-defined cholinergic and adrenergic nerves, histaminergic nerves have recently been distinguished. Lewis and Marvin were the first to show that a building material (H-matter) is released in the skin when the back radicals are stimulated. Ungar and Zerling believe that vasodilator nerve fibres would belong to the histaminergic group, because the excitatory effect occurs by histamine release when spinal dorsal roots are stimulated.]