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Number of hits: 10921

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Treating biliary tract cancers]

HARISI Revekka

[Biliary tract cancers (BTCs: gallbladder cancer, intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma) are heterogeneous malignancies with very different epidemiological, clinical and molecular characteristics.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Surgical management of spinal metastases]

BÁNK András, ÉLTES Péter Endre, BICZÓ Ádám, LAZÁRY Áron

[The treatment of metastatic spine disease is a complex task. It requires a comprehensive approach from the spine surgeons. With the advancement in the oncologic treatments like targeted therapy, carbon ion/proton radiotherapy, immunotherapy the expected overall survival of tumour patients improved, thus increased the incidence of metastatic spinal diseases. The state-of-the-art spinal surgical techniques and instrumentation helps the spine surgeons to restore the metastatic patient’s ambulation, and to overall improve their well-being. Objectives: The object of this paper was to summarize and review the current surgical directive in the treatment of metastatic spinal disease.]

Clinical Oncology

DECEMBER 07, 2023

[Malignancies in primary immunodeficiencies]

KRIVÁN Gergely

[Congenital defects of the immune system are characterized not only by frequent and prolonged infections, but also by a complex dysfunction of the immune system, which appears in the form of autoimmune and allergic processes, lymphoproliferation and malignant – primarily hematological – diseases.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Peritoneal dialysis in practice – a clinician’s perspective not just for nephrologists]

DOLGOS Szilveszter, SALLAI Erika, DETRICH Kata, SZLOVÁK Edina, VÁRADY Tímea, MÁCSAI Emília

[As the number of patients requiring renal replacement therapy increases, so does the number of patients requiring peritoneal dialysis (PD). In fact, peritoneal dialysis is an effective and well tolerated renal replacement therapy for a wide spectrum of kidney diseases, regardless of age, even for elderly patients.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Changes/new developments in pediatric nephrology II.]


[In infancy, febrile urinary tract infection is common. Its symptoms are often poor. If treatment is started in time, recovery is usually quick, and the chance of kidney damage is minimal.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Effect of rilmenidine therapy on heart rate- and blood pressure variability as well as baroreceptor sensitivity]


[The sympathetic nervous system plays an important and widely investigated role in the pathogenesis of the hypertension and its concomitant diseases.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024


[Dear Reader! By passing the test you can earn 20 accreditation points. You can send your answers electronically ( or by e-mail: [email protected]), providing the data required for registration (name - if the name used officially is not the same as your name at birth, please also provide your name at birth -, place of work, medical seal number, place and date of birth, mother's maiden name). In the e-mail sent, after the registration data, you must indicate the 24HNAT symbol, the question number and the letter of the correct answer. Acceptance period: 1 April - 15 May 2024.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Analysis of the antihypertensive effect of the antihypertensive rilmenidine]

FARSANG Csaba, LENGYEL Mária, BORBÁS Sarolta, ZORÁNDI Ágnes, DIENES Szórádi Bernadett

[The most recent national (MHT 2018) and the latest European guidelines (ESH 2023) (1, 2), diuretics, the calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, α1-adren- noceptor blockers and ß-blockers, the so-called "centrally acting" imidazoline (I)-1 receptor agonists were also mentioned.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Drug therapy adherence as a determinant of vascular health]

JÁRAI Zoltán

[Therapeutic adherence is an important socioeconomic determinant in maintaining and restoring health.]

Hypertension and nephrology

APRIL 30, 2024

[Epidemiological overview: frekvency of chronic kidney diseases and kidney replacement therapy]


[Based on international and domestic data, the author presents the dynamic increase in the number of chronic kidney patients and the growing burden of caring for end-stage kidney patients (renal replacement treatments, high risk of death and hospitalization) – wich are associated with a significant increase in healthcare cost. He considers the early diagnosis and adequate conservative treatment of the disease to be important.]