Lege Artis Medicinae

[Creation of fingers]


DECEMBER 19, 2023

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2023;33(12)

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Further articles in this publication

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Changing of the guard – Interview with the new and outgoing president of the MOK, with Péter Álmos and Gyula Kincses]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[Whose life is it anyway? – Inevitable Christmas reflexions]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[ Two undeservedly undervalued stars of Hungarian opera]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

[The role of brain neural networks in the developing dementia: our research methods from optogenetics to artificial intelligence]


[In the Laboratory of Systems Neuroscience of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, our main objective is the better understanding of the brain mechanisms of cognitive functions. We investigate the nervous system basis of learning, memory, attention and decision-making not only in normal conditions but also in pathological ones, especially concerning the neurodegenerative dementias such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s dis­ease. 

Our main profile is conducting animal studies, but we carry out hu­man research too in collaboration with clinical partners. We analyse multichannel, i.e. multidimensional electrophysiological signals using both classical and modern statistical methods and new and powerful machine learning algorithms. 

This study presents the activity of our team, while focusing on artificial intelligence app­lications.


Lege Artis Medicinae

[How to find the balance between patient screening and lifestyle management of already recognized cases? ]

KÓSA István

[This opinion for starting a debate reviews the evidence available about specific cardiovascular prevention strategies. It draws attention to the documented limitations of preventive screenings, and the proven effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in confirmed cases. It highlights the fact that the efficient support of lifestyle changing as a preventive strategy should be more emphasized since controlling the 21st century’s civilizational diseases decisive in terms of public health can only be achieved by a balanced activity.]

All articles in the issue

Related contents

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[Association of upper extremity anthropometry and subcutaneus adipose tissue with carpal tunnel syndrome]

DAROL Sarica Elif, ÇİÇEKLİ Esen , SAYAN Saadet , KOTAN Dilcan , ALEMDAR Murat

[Body mass index (BMI) is positively correlated with the frequency of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, there are different types of obesity, and the localization of adipose tissue differs between the genders. In this study, we purposed to investigate whether there was an association between the amount of local adipose tissue thickness and anthropometry in upper extremity with the presence and/or electrophysiological severity of CTS on both genders. ]

Hypertension and nephrology

[Cardio-renal-metabolic approach in medicine – thoughts, considerable information based on the new recommendations regarding SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP1 receptor agonists]


[Common complications of type 2 diabetes are chronic kidney failure and chronic heart failure. However, chronic renal failure and chronic heart failure can contribute to the development and deterioration of each other, and can be present earlier and more severely in the case of diabetes. Furthermore, type 2 diabetes might also occur more frequently in case of chronic kidney- and heart failure. All of these are often accompanied by atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and hypertension.]

Clinical Oncology

[The role of robotic surgery in the management of malignant diseases in urology]


[The introduction of robot-assisted surgery has been a long-standing need in oncological surgery in Hungary, with the launch of robotic surgery in 2022, the catch-up has begun.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Tumour as the source of creation]


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Clinical Oncology

[ESMO Expert Consensus Statements on Cancer Survivorship: promoting high-quality survivorship care and research in Europe]

I. Vaz-Luis, M. Masiero, G. Cavaletti, A. Cervantes, R. T. Chlebowski, G. Curigliano, E. Felip, A. R. Ferreira, P. A. Ganz, J. Hegarty, J. Jeon, C. Johansen, F. Joly, K. Jordan, B. Koczwara, P. Lagergren, M. Lambertini, D. Lenihan, H. Linardou, C. Loprinzi, A. H. Partridge, S. Rauh, K. Steindorf, W. van der Graaf, L. van de Poll-Franse, G. Pentheroudakis, S. Peters, G. Pravettoni

[Background: The increased number of cancer survivors and the recognition of physical and psychosocial challenges, present from cancer diagnosis through active treatment and beyond, led to the discipline of cancer survivorship.]


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Lege Artis Medicinae

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Lege Artis Medicinae

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Lege Artis Medicinae

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