Lege Artis Medicinae

[The invisibles – psychiatry at the border]


JUNE 25, 2024

Lege Artis Medicinae - 2024;34(5-6)

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Further articles in this publication

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Behavioural and mental symptoms in neurocognitive disorders   ]


[Dementia and mild cognitive impairment belong to neurocognitive disorders. Alz­heimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy-bo­dies, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia there are most typically in their background. Along with cognitive symp­toms, behavioural and mental signs are important parts of its symptomatology, with significant burden for patients and relatives alike. From clinical point of view, behavioural and mental symptoms are multifaceted, diverse, and heterogeneous, their de­finition and classification is not standardized thus multiple approaches are viable. Complex pathomechanism may hide in the background of these conditions. With biological (neurodegenerative, neurobiological, and other medical) causes, psychogene and social factors can contribute to their clinical manifestation. First, accurate mapping of background factors of symptoms opens the way to individually tailored treatment that may combine non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical op­tions. Detailed recognising and complex the­rapeutic plan provide together the real choice for efficient treatment of behavioural and mental symptoms. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Artificial intelligence for general practitioners – Literature review ]


[Huge amount of data is generated while providing health care. Yet, there was the same huge progress in processing large databases with technological development of artificial intelligence in the recent years. Practical applications of artificial intelligence are increasingly established in healthcare, including the family medicine too. This study provides an overview of the international literature on artificial intelligence applications in family medicine. Complex, connected systems do not exist for the time being. Mainly the prediction of specific diseases (e.g., chronic kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, dementia, etc.), facilitating the data management, and supporting decision-making mechanisms are tested actually by specific methods of artificial intelligence for experimental reasons. The rate of technological progress is enormous, but with enthusiasm about the future, we must also be aware of potential dangers of this technology. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Clinical features of familial hypercholesterolemia patients in Hungary’s Northern Great Plain region – significance of the familial hypercholesterolemia registry ]

SZÔKE Csenge, ZSÍROS Noémi, LÔRINCZ Hajnalka, PARAGH György, HARANGI Mariann

[Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an inherited metabolic disorder associated with elevated total cholesterol and LDL-C levels and early cardiovascular complications. Recognizing and identification of additional risk factors, and the early, efficient lipid-lowering treatment is of pre-eminent importance. Thus, we aimed to evaluate specific regional data of the FH registry in Hungary.

We collected anamnestic data, results of physical examinations, laboratory parameters and achieved lipid values after the lipid lowering treatment of 192 FH patients. While diagnosing FH, we applied the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria. 

We enrolled 140 females and 52 males with average mean age 49.4 ± 15.7 ys and mean BMI 25.8 ± 4.5 kg/m2. They had in 38.5% hypertension, 2.1% type-2 diabetes and 12% smoked tobacco. At diagnosing, the initial total cholesterol was 8.92 ± 2.71 mmol/L and the LDL-C was 6.04 ± 1.9 mmol/L. Genetic tests supported the diagnosis of FH in 53 cases (27.6%). 110 patients (57.3%) were treated with statin, 80 (41.7%) with ezetimibe, and 26 (13,5%) with PCSK9 inhibitors. 45 patients (23.4%) had definitive statin intolerance. Achieved total cholesterol after lipid lowering treatment was 5.86 ± 2.15 mmol/L (–34.3%), while LDL-C was 3.42 ± 1.69 (–43.4%) mmol/L

Number of registered FH patients was markedly lower than estimated by the prevalence data. Due to the high frequency of statin intolerance and partly by omitted administration of effec­tive lipid lowering medication for cost curbing reasons the lipid level goals did not succeed. 


Lege Artis Medicinae

[Epilepsy in women – Part 1 ]


[Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease characterized by unprovoked recurrent seizures that can be easily treated nowadays. The disease affects about 0.6% of the adult population – 25000-30000 women in Hungary. The interaction of seizures and hormonal changes can cause problems in the lives of women with epilepsy. Ca­ta­menial epilepsy is defined as doubling of the seizure frequency with menstruation, and adjuvant medication taken in the perimenstrual phase do not replace a well-adjusted treatment. Estrogens have pro-, ges­tagens have anticonvulsant effect. Anti­epileptic drugs also have a significant im­pact on contraception, pregnancy/breast­feeding and bone health. Enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs should not be used in combination with oral contraceptive pills, vaginal rings or transdermal patches. Hor­monal contraceptives containing synthetic estrogens can reduce lamotrigine levels by up to 50%. The intrauterine device is the most effective form of reversible contra­ception, and it is free of drug interactions. A common cause of infertility is polycystic ovary syndrome, a valproate-related dis­order. In women taking enzyme-inducer antiepileptics, bone density should be mo­ni­tored, and vitamin D supplementation should be indicated. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

[Another step towards general medical artificial intelligence – critical appraisal]


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All articles in the issue

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Lege Artis Medicinae

[The misuse of insulin ]

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[Discovered in 1922, insulin has saved millions of lives, and improved the quality of life of diabetic patients: it was and is the mainstay of antidiabetic treatment. Like many discoveries, however, it can also be used incorrectly, causing harm and even death. Attempted or terminated suicide as an important example of insulin misuse must be distinguished from accidental, deliberate or factitious insulin overdoses. With increasing prevalence of diabetes and spreading use of pharmaceutical insulin products, such cases are expected to rise. Regular, human and analogue insulins are used for this purpose. Famous killings by insulin were reported in both scientific and lay literature as reality cases, and achieved high rates of publicity. Insulin shock therapy used in psychiatry and post-vagotomy insulin tests can also have side effects or end up lethally. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor are also applied as drugs for doping. Investigations to prove insulin misuse benefit from the most advanced methods of clinical chemistry. ]


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