Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice - 2016;29(06)

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016

[The examination of the factors which are the underlying causes of the intrauterine fetal death]

ZUBOR Mónika, SZABÓ László, KARÁCSONY Ilona Hajnalka

[The aim of the study: Nowadays the most common obstetric complication is the stillbirth. The affected families suffer spiritually as well. The aim of our research was to identify those most common maternal factors which lead to the intrauterine death of the fetus. Material and methods: The retrospective research was carried out between January of 2007 and December of 2014 in Markusovszky Educational Hospital in Szombathely. During the non-random, targeted sampling, the research was carried out with the help of an essay which included the data of 50 people. Beside the descriptive statistics the authors also used Chi-squared test with the help of the Microsoft Excel program (p<0,05). Results: If we take into account the frequency of stillbirth, there is significant relationship between singular pregnancies and twin pregnancies (p<0,05). Among women from different ages there is a significant relationship between the frequency of endocrine diseases and stillbirth as well (p<0,05). According to the results the most common cause of the intrauterine death was hypoxia (32,6%). Conclusion:With the identification of high risk pregnancies at an early age and with the prevention the complications we could reduce the number of stillbirths.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016

[The role of nurses in care of patients with Guillain- Barré syndrome]


[The aim of study: development of nursing diagnoses that contribute to these patients’ quality of supply, and to work out a procedure for patients with Guillot-Barré syndrome, used by datas in the literature. Test method and sample: The test method is document analysis. I analyze and compare the literature da-tas, between 1 July 2007 and 31 October 2015, details of handled GBS patients suffering from neurologi-cal department. Following the presentation of GBS epidemiology, and anatomy background I present cli-nical symptoms of the disease, their justification, the opportunities to diagnosys, the treatment criterias, required in order to achieve quality patient care. Results: Treatment and Care of determining the recovery and rehabilitation of Guillain-Barré syndrome is concerned. The quality of care plays a key role in the patient’s quality of life regarding the future, which are summarized in a procedural order.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016

[Elements of health literacy among the Hungarian working population]

SZOBOTA Lívia, HIRDI Henriett Éva, BALOGH Zoltán

[Aim of the research: The authors’ objective was to reveal the state of health, lifestyle and health behaviour of economically active population. Research and sampling methods: The cross-sectional survey was conducted among white-collar workers in Hungary, selected using a random, sampling method. The data gathering took place using web-based, anonymous, self-completion questionnaire. The proprietary questionnaire used was based on the questionnaire used in the National Population Health Survey (OLEF) for the standard survey of health behaviour. The authors analysed the gathered data with Microsoft Excel 2010 software, using chi-square test and descriptive statistical method. They regarded the value of p <0,05 as significant. Results: The survey was completed by 735 workers (63% man, 37% woman). The average health value of workeres in the survey was 9.6 on a scale of ten grades. We separately analysed smoking habits and physical activity. Examining their state of health based on the psychosomatic symptoms scale, the respondents most frequently indicated back and lumbal pain, and sleep disorders. Conclusions: The results of survey revealed that the health condition of respondents is unsatisfying. Many white-collar workers are suffering from psychosomatic symptoms. On the whole it can be concluded that health behavior of workers needs to be changed. ]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016

[The problem-based learning benefits in nursing education]

POZSÁR Hajnalka

[Modern teaching in the schools of the XXI century is marked by terms of flexibility, innovation and requires the introduction of numerous innovations. Schools are required to modernize the curriculum and education technologies, and to leave the traditional teaching methods. Modern educational systems and teaching methods reflect the relevant didactic assumptions to improve the effectiveness of teaching. Emphasis will be put the changes that are designed to create independent and creative personalities. The attention in education is no longer a person who learn, rather the individual who is critical thinking, this is extremely important in the nursing profession. The nurse is the only profile of health workers trained in health care. They are a standalone members of the health team, in the area of its work with the necessary cooperation with other members of the health team. This paper analyzes the characteristics of modern educational systems and teaching methods to improve nurse education, especially problem-based learning and cooperative work, as an important segment in the nurse education. Analysing the modern educational systems, we expect results which will serve as a guide, how to change traditional „ex cathedra” teaching, to interactive and modern education.]

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016

Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice

DECEMBER 30, 2016