Clinical Neuroscience - 1967;20(06)

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[In the temporal lobe space-constricting processes psychiatric disorders]

RÓTH György

[The author analyses the psychiatric disorders observed in 58 cases of temporal lobe spatial constriction. These disorders occurred in 67% of the cases. On the basis of his own observations and recent research on the temporal lobe, he concludes that psychiatric disorders in temporal lobe constrictions are the result of damage to the structures located in this lobe, mainly those of the limbic system. He attributes only a secondary role to the general increase in intracranial pressure through diffuse damage to brain functions. It is noteworthy that the highest percentage of such symptoms was observed in the case of constrictive processes in the temporal lobe of the non-dominant hemisphere. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

Nachweis und Identifizierung von Autoimmunfaktoren bei der Multiplen Sklerose


Elektrophoretische Untersuchungen zeigen durchweg einen Anstieg der Gammaglobulinfraktionen im Liquor während des akuten Stadiums der Krankheit. Immunelektrophoretische und chromatographische Untersuchungen bestätigen dies. Die Gamma-Globulinfraktionen steigen an. Immunelektrophoretische und chromatographische Untersuchungen bestätigen dies. Wenn das Gammaglobulin ansteigt, werden im Liquor Plasmazellen nachgewiesen. Diese Daten legen nahe, dass immunologische Prozesse an der Multiplen Sklerose beteiligt sind. Der Nachweis von Antikörpern gegen das ZNS-Antigen im Patientenserum scheint effektiv zu sein, denn Ross kann sie bei 40 % der Patienten ohne Selektion nachweisen. Seine Ergebnisse wurden von anderen bestätigt. Die Autoren versuchen, diese Antikörper zu identifizieren. Durch säulenchromatographische Trennung und Immunelektrophorese wurden die gesuchten Antikörper als 19 S-Gamma-Globulin oder IgM-Antikörper identifiziert. Die saure Hydrolyse und die elektrophoretische Analyse von Antikörper-Antigen-Komplexen aus Multiple-Sklerose-Serum und -Gehirnextrakten ergaben das gleiche Ergebnis. Kontrollstudien mit anderen 19 S-Gamma-Globulinen beim Menschen zeigen, dass die Spezifität nicht in Frage steht. Lamoureux und Borduas konnten während einer akuten Krankheitsepisode neben der Anhäufung von Gamma-Globulin auch eine Anhäufung von Gamma-M und Gamma-A-Globulin im Liquor nachweisen. Sie entdeckten eine zytotoxische Substanz aus den Gammaglobulinfraktionen, die Nerven- und Gliazellen in Gewebekulturen schädigte. Über die Art des Antigens ist wenig bekannt. Die Autoren gehen von mindestens zwei Arten von Antigenen aus, einem Lipid und einem Protein. Es ist noch nicht bekannt, ob der Serumantikörper ein autoaggressiver oder ein sekundärer Faktor ist.

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[Motorcycle Jackson seizures associated with compulsive naming ]

BENKE Bálint

[The author describes the case of a patient with epilepsy who developed Jackson seizures with forced feeding after a herniactomy. Based on the literature, he raises the problematic nature of the case and tries to find an explanation for this rare symptom association. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

Au sujet des phenomenes convulsifs au cours de la degenerescence hepato-lenticulaeires


Chez 7 patients atteints de dégénérescence hépato-lenticulaire, des phénomènes convulsifs ont été observés. Elle a été observée dès l'époque de Strümpell et a depuis été rapportée par des auteurs avec une incidence de 8-20%. Le diagnostic a été établi par des tests cliniques et biochimiques. L'hérédité a été détectée chez deux d'entre eux. Trois patients de sexe masculin et quatre de sexe féminin ont eu un suivi de 2 à 10 ans. Début de la maladie à l'âge de 9 à 14 ans. Type de crise : 4 GM, dont 1 a également présenté des crises jacksoniennes, 1 psychomotrice et 2 PM, Les crises surviennent à différents stades de la pathologie. Le mécanisme n'est pas entièrement compris. Ces patients représentent la variante épileptique du syndrome. Les lésions précoces du tronc cérébral frontal sont mises en évidence à la fois par la pathologie et l'EEG. Outre la dégénérescence hépato-lenticulaire, qui provoque principalement des atteintes fronto-pariétales, lenticulaires et cérébelleuses, on peut envisager un autre analogue de la maladie, qui est une maladie du système fronto-ponto-cérébelleux, avec une épilepsie fréquente et un tableau clinique similaire à celui de la dégénérescence hépato-lenticulaire : l'encéphalite hyperkinétique progressive. Cela fait de Dawson, van Bogaert et Pette une unité nosologique. Encéphalite de Döring. Les troubles micro-structurels et biochimiques restent à analyser.

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[Histophysiology of antidiuretic centres]

BARA Dénes

[The regulatory role of the supraopticoneurohypophyseal system in water balance has been known for decades. Initially, ADH was thought to be secreted by the pituitary glands of the nerve lobe and their activity was regulated by the supraoptic nerve.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[The relationship between limited responsibility and the nature of new offences]

BODA Lívia, BAKONYI Ferenc, SZABÓ Árpád

[We have raised the possibility of criminal-mental-iatrogenization and the need for criminal-mental-praeventio. We suggested that, in order to avoid the former and to achieve the latter: (a) the mental health expert's opinion, if he or she finds limited competence, should include a prognosis in addition to the diagnosis; or (b) introduce a new concept to identify those persons for whom, for example, limited sanity arises because of insanity, but who, because of the individual's mental capacity, in the medical judgment, cannot be expected to obtain the necessary result from a limited sentence. Our assumptions and recommendations are supported by statistical data from our Office's files and by quotations from the ETT's Judicial Committee's decisions of principle. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[Mental hygiene and alcohol prevention]


[There are many who think that alcohol prevention is nothing more than education about the symptoms and treatment options for alcoholism, with the aim of getting alcoholics to seek help as early as possible. However, alcoholics cannot be isolated from their environment. If the general public, the public opinion of society as a whole, does not understand what is at stake, it is in vain to reassure the latent alcoholic that his illness can be cured and to warn the recovering alcoholic that he must never again even taste alcohol. It is not enough that his wife, employer, friends and colleagues are already aware of his problem, because this is only rehabilitation and not prevention. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[The role of sport in the chronic mental illness complex treatment of mental disorder]

GÁLDI Zoltán, KOVÁCS Gábor, KERTÉSZ Imrené

[In regulating the behavior of the chronically mentally ill and creating a favorable atmosphere of the psychiatric ward, considerable importance is to be attached to sport, which makes its use in the chronically mentally ill advisable in addition to other treatment. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967

[Heerfordt syndrome in cerebral angioma cavernosum in female patients with epilepsy]

FEJÉR Arthur, MAJTÉNYI Katalin, KISS István

[A case of a female patient who died at the age of 39 years, 6 years before her death, with Heerfordt's syndrome, symmetric salivary and lacrimal gland swelling, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, chemosis, right papillitis and left facial paralysis. The pontine granules found on histopathological examination were evaluated as late lesions of sarcoidosis, whereas the organ lesions showed a picture of angiitis. All these were associated with multiple cerebral angioma cavernosum, which was responsible for epileptic seizures since 17 years.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1967



[Author comments on the article "Alcoholism as a social-psychiatric and health-political problem" by Dr. Pál Juhász, published in the February 1967 issue.]